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Fa Be O Jan 2014
There are vibrations rippling through my body
Strumming the strings in my heart
Until the notes sing from my throat
In small, rhythmic gasps,
In deep spasmodic cries:
Music, in every way,
Moving me,
Moving you.
You pluck my strings like guitar chords,
Reverberating in your rib cage,
Bouncing around in your head,
And strike the keys
Up and down my back,
Melodious "I love you's"
And comprehensible nonwords-
Sighs and gasps and moans.
I feel the pounding of your heart
Like a steadily faster drum beat:
Drums, like war signals,
Drums like music,
You have won, you have created,
Battles, art.
There are my tears-
Shed from the overwhelming beauty,
From the warmth of the embrace,
Of the music you and I create,
Like poetry:
A call and response.
From the night of  1/6/14
Fa Be O Jan 2013
te piensas ir:
no quiero que te vayas;
no me dejes, no.
Fa Be O Feb 2013
se que me ves,
y se que no.
me ves,
lo se, no estas ciego;
se que ves mi cara,
no tan placentera,
tal vez,
no la mas hermosa,
ya se.
se que ves
mi cuerpo,
lo encuentras en las noches,
saliendo a escapadas,
amando así de rápido,
y se que ves mi piel,
sus cicatrices y lunares,
se que la ves.
se que ves mis ojos,
oscuros y cansados,
yo se que ves mi cabello,
desordenado, *****.
lo se, se que si me ves.
y se que no me ves para nada;
se que no ves ni la mitad
de la persona que soy;
se que ni te interesa.
se que no ves
el temblor que causas en mi,
los latidos que se salta mi corazon,
se que no ves
la tristeza de mis ojos,
las lagrimas
el cansancio que me traes...
no me ves,
no me ves.
y no me buscas,
y no me encuentras,
aunque siga aquí esperando,
a que veas, me veas
y veas
que te quiero,
que nadie mas te quiere así,
que te adoro,
tal y como eres,
sin excusas y razones,
solo con ser,
y con ver
que eres
digno de ser amado así,
como te quiero yo,
como Frida y Diego,
con dolor y con ternura,
como la tortura
del mili-segundo
antes de que nuestros labios se conozcan
después de tantos meses de estar lejos...
pero no me ves,
no me ves.
Fa Be O Jan 2013
escribo mil palabras,
y todas dicen lo mismo;
letras y letras y letras,
y mucho mas horas,
y solo me repito:
te quiero.
y se que pierdo mi tiempo,
pierdo mi sueño,
gasto mi tinta,
desgasto mi alma...
yo lo se.
pero tengo esta necesidad,
de explicarle
a las paredes,
al aire,
de explicar
por que
se que son sencillos
mis versos,
y se que sabes
que así soy en todo;
se que mis letras
se pierden,
que tal vez no las leerás;
así hablo con mi misma,
así trato de entenderme:
mas allá de explicarte,
quiero inmortalizar
esto, a ti, a mi
en estos instantes
que yo se
que aunque los vivamos juntos,
para ti significan
algo completamente
que a mi.
por eso escribo,
para que no olvide
lo que tu no recuerdas,
para que queden
aunque sea mis letras
como cenizas,
de algo que
se incendio dentro de mi.

really lost track of *** i was writing about in this one O.o
Fa Be O Feb 2013
Aveces pienso cosas absurdas.
Por ejemplo, he contemplado lo que sería nuestro hogar en el futuro.
Que ridículo.
Pero sabes, me imagino paredes blancas,
Muebles oscuros, refinados, con los pequeños detalles que te gustan a ti.
Nuestro cuarto sería así:
tal vez tres cuadros de algunas fotografías
En blanco y *****;
Un librero,
La mitad lleno de libros de poesía,
Literatura en español, física, mecánica,
Y la otra de libros científicos,
De cerebros, comportamiento, psicología;
Tu mitad de la cama estaría ordenada,
Y la mía quizás seguiría ocupada por mi,
Caótica, las sábanas arrastrando,
Y un pequeño montoncito de libros a mis pies.
En muchas cosas somos diferentes,
Por eso pienso en como viviríamos juntos;
Creo las paredes en blanco me deprimirían,
Tal vez al año las pintaríamos de un color vino...
(¿Te acuerdas del vino que tomamos en mi cumpleaños?)
O tal vez a los 3 años, nuestros hijos harían un nuevo decor...
Que absurdo es pensar así,
Más ridículo sentir tan bonito en imaginarlo.
Pero tendríamos un lindo hogar,
Creo que sería un lugar muy rico,
Un flux constante de ideas, de color, de expresión , de conocimiento.
Sería el Meca de nuestro amor,
El centro de mi universo.
Que ridículo,
Que absurdo
Fa Be O Jan 2013
Y de pronto notar
que era imposible,
que los nervios me dilataban,
que te buscaba,
y aveces nos encontrábamos
en el mismo lugar….
Pero lo mejor fue
encontrarte esa noche,
que entre los demás,
se sintiera la noche
solo nuestra,
en un piso de escenario,
con aliento de tequila,
y canciones de amor,
unidos bajo el latido de tu corazón,
y aun en esa nube pensando,
“esto no es real…”
Despertar al otro dia,
medio adolorida por amanecer sola
y preguntandome si
de veras sucedio?
Fa Be O Apr 2014
I am an ocean.
You give me all your broken pieces
And I swallow them whole;
Wave after wave,
And I return them to you,
Smooth glass.
They will no longer fit together
Like they used to,
But they will be beautiful.
Poetry Challenge April 3rd, 2014
Fa Be O May 2014
The odds have always been against.
What were the chances,
that you would be born?
That out of 6 billion lives,
mine would be the one you touched?
Barely, any.
Yet your "hi" was the one,
the one to stir something inside me;
Every glance,
exchanged word,
and I realized that
while still alive,
my lungs were screaming
"help" all this time.
That you and I would coincide
was nothing but a statistical challenge;
our love the analyses life is made of.
I'm here with you now,
and our lungs are intertwined,
now forever.
Day 6- Write a poem of any length incorporating every word from your latest Facebook status.
Hi, I'm still alive, but barely. Statistical analyses are killing me #help
Fa Be O Jan 2013
there is something about the color black,
the smoothness,
the sheer elegance
the grungy roughness
of it.
the color of death?
i see life
in the ebony skin
of my brothers and sisters,
i see life
in the black of my eyes,
i see life in the black feathers
of the bird, prey of death.
Black is beautiful.
the constellations lie
in a black background
and shine for it the brighter.
Black takes me from
moody adolescent
to professional young lady,
to his **** woman.
Black transforms.
Black is edgy,
it's quiet,
it's power,
ever present
as the pupil into our lives.
black is, when light isn't.
Fa Be O Jan 2013
It’s a little complicated.
In July he broke my heart.
On New Year’s Eve he broke my soul.
And yet here I am wishing
That this year can be different:
That his vision of us walking around
Aimlessly, without conditions,
Can come true.
I see my mistakes
And his lovingly more
And i want so much to turn time back.
It’s a little bit tough.
A broken heart hurts,
But a broken soul
Feels empty,
Feels guilty,
Wet from the tears
And gone into depths
Of lonesome nights.
Fa Be O Jan 2013
El álbum que nunca quise escuchar
sin que estuvieras tu ahí
ahora se repite mil veces
en esta soledad…
disonante su tambor,
su guitarra en pena,
y una voz haciendo el amor,
y mi piel busca la tuya.
Fa Be O Feb 2013
Sometimes I think absurd stuff.
For example, I have contemplated what our home would be in the future.
How ridiculous.
But you know, I imagine white walls,
Dark furniture, refined, with the small details that you like.
Our room would be like this:
Maybe 3 frames of some photographs
In black and white;
A bookshelf,
Half full of books on poetry,
Spanish literature, physics, mechanics,
And the other of scientific books,
On brains, behavior, psychology;
Your half of the bed would be neat,
And mine would perhaps still be occupied by me,
Chaotic, the sheets dragging,
And a small pile of books at my feet.
In a lot of things we are different,
That is why I think about how we would live together;
I think the white walls would depress me,
Maybe the following year we’ll paint them a wine color…
(remember the wine we drank on my birthday?)
Or maybe in 3 years, our children would paint a new décor…
How absurd it is to think like that,
Even more ridiculous to feel so nice imagining it.
But we would have a lovely home,
I think it would be a rich place,
A constant flux of ideas, of color, of expression, of knowledge.
It would be the Mecca of our love,
The center of my universe.
What ridiculous,
What absurd

translated from "Nuestro Hogar"
Fa Be O Jan 2013
sos ese pájaro:
plumaje purpura,
verde bosque....
sos así,
un canto fuerte, claro
entre las hojas de los arboles,
parecido a los rayos de sol
que se pasean entre las ramas....
sos ese pájaro,
y yo trate,
si que trate,
mantenerte en mi jaula.
pero hasta yo,
deslumbrada como lo estaba
sabia desde el fondo de mi corazón
que no estaba bien:
que te conocí silvestre,
y que si así te quise,
así tendría que quererte aun.
abrir esa jaula fue agridulce.
volaste, sin siquiera pensarlo,
sin siquiera voltearme a ver,
una alma bohemia, al fin.
te extraño.
de vez en cuando escucho to dulce canto,
y aunque triste,
se que te sigo queriendo,
y se que así es mejor.
Fa Be O Jan 2013
te había querido antes,
y mas de una vez así;
te había conocido ya
tus gestos, tu respiración;
te había aprendido
tus labios, tus manos;
te había sentido
tu piel ardiente,
tu necesidad mojada....
y sin embargo ahora
no te reconocí.
era la misma piel,
y no lo era;
era tu misma lengua,
y no era igual;
era tu mismo cuerpo,
pero era diferente:
tus caricias alcanzaban,
esta vez,
lo que antes no podían
de mi;
tus manos hacían temblar
las partes de mi que
nunca habías tocado,
no, no,
pensábamos que ya habíamos
explorado todo y no,
esta vez tocaste mas allá,
mucho mas allá,
de mi cuerpo;
esta vez
llegaste a mi.
Parecíamos los dos
los mismos,
pero esta vez,
te quise
por que me quisiste,
así sin condición,
así sin pretender.
parecíamos los mismos,
pero algo cambio.
Fa Be O Jan 2013
y al ritmo de una guitarra melancólica,
tu respiración competía
con el latido de tu corazón,
ahí, sobre mi vientre,
y retumbaba de mi ombligo
hasta las puntas de los dedos.
pasaje de un poema
Fa Be O Jan 2013
amor mio, querido
nació de mi una idea,
si algún día te vas
yo iré contigo;
de aquí al fin del mundo,
la distancia
no separara
a estos corazones;
si te he de besar
solo una vez mas
que quede marcado
por siempre
el detalle de mis labios
en tu mente,
aun lado del hipotálamo,
como pétalos
de una flor sencilla…
amor mio,
si te vas,
llévate en tu corazón
los suspiros de esa noche,
y los secretos de mis ojos,
que te sirvan de mapa y dirección
para regresar
a esos momentos,
a estos brazos
que esperaran vacíos y pacientes;
querido, no te vayas,
se quedaran aislados mis dedos,
divididos mis labios
a medio llanto,
mis ojos abiertos, insomnes,
entre libros y palabras
y tazas de café,
fotografías en blanco y *****,
y una canción…
Fa Be O Mar 2013
entendía que era posible que jamas me fueras a entender.
todo este tiempo pasaba horas y días esperando el momento
en el que de verdad me verías,
tal y como soy,
tal y lo que te daría,
tal y lo que te ofrecía,
y había veces que decía,
que estúpida forma de querer,
que manera mas arriesgada de esperar,
tanto tiempo y sin una señal,
y aqui seguia, y para que?
y mi voz temblaba,
se quedaban atrapadas las palabras
en un papel, en una libreta desordenada,
en un libro, donde no las fueras a encontrar.
pero siempre, siempre retumbaban,
cuando sera que fueras a ver?
cuando te ibas a dar cuenta?
que todo este tiempo aquí siempre he estado,
teniendo ni una razón para quedarme?

la honestidad de mis palabras te alcanzaron,
fue sentir un escalofrió,
una felicidad,
un alivio,
ver, y sentir,
que estábamos igual,
que estamos por fin juntos.
que ganas de llorar,
por fin, en fin,
esta espera termino,
esta paciencia dio fruto en tus ojos,
los abriste y
por fin,
tu boca es mia,
tu tiempo es mio,
eres mio, por fin,
me viste..por fin.
Fa Be O Feb 2013
La primera vez que me tocaste así,
Supe que ya había perdido.
Era la forma que tus dedos deslizaban,
Lentamente,  recorriendo
Lo poco que era mi cuerpo entonces,
Inexperto y sin sed,
Despertando curiosidad.
Ya no era yo.
Y la vez que pensé que hiba a ser la primera,
Y como me sentí, y como dudé,
Y como el miedo gano,
Y supe que te hiba a perder.
Y perdí.
Y después de 2 meses volvernos a encontrar,
Los dos con ganas de amar.
La primera vez,
Pensé que hiba a ser volver a ganar,
Y sólo te perdí el miedo,
Y perdí también mis límites;
Perdí las noches solitarias,
Perdí el rencor.
Y aunque te entregaba tan tiernamente,
Mi primer dolor, ese primer exquisito dolor,
Supe que, por primera vez,
Perdía conscientemente,
Que te perdía a ti.
2/3/13 3:36 am
Fa Be O Jan 2013
si nos vieran se reirían de nosotros
o mas bien de mi
acostados en el suelo
temblando de frió
buscando un poco de calor
y nadie nos va entender
que no somos el amor encarnado;
que no somos el producto del alcohol
ni del humo;
que no somos mas que
un sentimiento inexplicable,
que somos la definición
de lo incondicional,
y los limites se hacen menos;
que ahorita somos nosotros,
y mañana tal vez ya no.
se reirían de nosotros,
jugando a la parejita,
y tal vez no jugando tanto,
y se reirían de mi cara,
como mira la tuya,
parcialmente en la oscuridad,
con tristeza, remordimiento, cariño y decepción
y como tu te fijas en
los sismos que empiezan
de las rodillas hacia fuera
de mi…
y se reirían de como
algo tan disparejo como nuestra estatura
se concilian
al danzar eso prohibido por los dioses
ya no son palabras de tu boca
ni promesas de tu corazón;
son la letra de esta canción
que tarareaba de hace tiempo
y ya se
que se reirían de mi,
porque esto no tiene remedio,
que tu y yo estemos tan unidos
de esta forma desafiante a lo normal
y que me importa?
Fa Be O Jan 2013
His eyes, huge and eyelashes long
and his fingers are rough,
and his tongue, electric….
his hair is
knotted between my fingers,
and his arms..
are holding up my heart.
here, it is raining,
like my eyes,
but he whispers,
“don’t worry.”
So, I won’t.
Fa Be O Feb 2013
No esperaba y no quería
Rosas de compasión,
Dijiste que eran las gracias
Por lo que hemos pasado.
Me dio risa.
El premio de consolación?

Espera, pero tu cara era tierna,
Y las rosas si me gustan,
Y no fue otra cosa
Sólo tristeza;
En otra relación hubiera sentido
Felicidad y gusto,
Pero contigo solo fue
Otro recordatorio de que
No somos convencionalmente
Lo que yo quiero.

Pero esas rosas
Que yo pensaba despreciar,
Esas rosas me salvaron.
Yo pude hablar.
Y creo que entendimos,
Esta vez nos comprendimos
Y creo que te alcance,
Por fin te llegue.
Fa Be O Dec 2013
He kisses the scar from that day,
When fear and pain collided,
And we were alone, together.

He said it was beautiful:
A small scar,
From a big scare;
A reassurance that we were ok.

He passed his fingers lightly,
As if they were, too, afraid,
And leaned in for a tender kiss.

My navel has been home to many things.
Butterflies and boiling acid,
Bubbling over and out my mouth.

It had known his rough calloused palms,
The lightness of his tongue,
The red, red, red pain.

It was in comfort now,
Warm, with his little butterfly kisses,
Tracing petals around the wound.

The self consciousness blushed pink,
My hand rushed to cover the scar,
"No, you are beautiful."

My scars mean I overcame.
I continue to live and grow.
I am beautiful despite all.
Fa Be O Sep 2014
In the summer,
I want to sit on your bed
and eat frozen
strawberries, red,
And ice cream,
And I want to lick
The sweetness of your lips
And talk about the stars
And their myths.
In the fall,
I want to wear your sweaters to bed,
And cuddle up to you in blankets,
And drink tea and hot chocolate with you,
Crunch the leaves with our boots
And hold hands.
In the winter,
I want to make love,
Skin to skin,
And the sunlight reflecting on the snow
Filling the room,
And keeping my socks on
And feeling your hands warm under the covers.
I want to start fires with a kiss.
In the spring,
I want to be reborn with you.
I want to be green and yellow,
Like dandelions,
And your breath to ******* away.
I want to be new.
I want colors to bloom in between our hands,
To fill your heart with flowers,
To smile like a child.
Fa Be O Jan 2013
Si fuéramos ciegos los dos
yo creo que te querría igual,
y tal vez tú un poquito más.
si fuéramos ciegos los dos,
podrías ver mas claramente
que te quiero,
que te quiero,
y que te querré
como nadie mas.
Si fuéramos ciegos los dos,
por que yo si te quiero así:
con los ojos cerrados,
y el corazón abierto,
con una mente loca,
sin razón.
Si fuéramos ciegos los dos,
como lo somos cuando cierras tus ojos,
cuando así nos besamos,
y nos guía el tacto,
el tacto y el gusto...
Si fuéramos ciegos los dos.
Fa Be O Apr 2014
Since you've come to stay,
There is a pulsating hope
Emanating from every
Pore of my skin.
How lovely you are, sir, broken pieces
And all,
Never underestimating your dreams,
Insisting to be the best.
Every day, I love you more.
Day 1- Write a poem where each line starts with a letter from your first name (an acrostic). It can be about anything, but it should not be about you or your name.
Fa Be O Jun 2014
I wonder if I have demonized you so much
Because what you did was so immoral-
So wrong, unholy.
Was it because I want to **** myself
For opening the space inside my lungs,
The space inside my heart?

I could forgive you,
But we are ******.

And I'm not in the business
Of pardoning sins.
Fa Be O Jan 2013
si supieras que pienso en ti
a cada instante,
si apreciaras tantito
esta forma de querer,
te darías cuenta que tienes algo especial.
pero tal vez solo te incomode,
o pensaras que aburrido,
que absurda forma de querer.
pero nadie mas te va a querer así,
de lejos como si nada,
tan cerca al tocarte,
y aun así no tenerte ni una sola vez.
nadie mas te va a esperar,
con estas ganas de besar tu nariz,
de recorrer los dedos en tu rostro,
sabiendo que tal vez un día
te esfumes como si nada hubiese importado,
por que se que para ti no lo hago.
no me importa.
te quiero, y te espero.
si supieras que te adoro,
que me duermo pensando
en el color de tus ojos,
o en la forma que tus dedos
acarician los mios....
pensarias que estoy loca,
al seguir atandome a ti,
aun sabiendo que no me quieres;
tal vez pienses que soy tonta,
y no lo puedo negar;
en este juego de amor,
si voy perdiendo yo.
pero espero al recorrer el tiempo,
y yo vaya logrando olvidarte,
espero que pienses en mi,
aunque sea una sola vez,
y digas, y te des cuenta,
que te quise de verdad,
y que tuviste algo especial,
al alcance de tus dedos,
y lo dejaste ir.
Fa Be O Mar 2018
This is for you,
Woman of the Revolution
in this World
Where the Word means
to Revolve and Return
to the same place of pain, hurt and shame,
under guise of a Radical Name.
This is for you, Woman of the Revolution,
You hold up more than half the sky
in your arms,
like a precious child
you nurture Peace on your *****,
cutting your fingers
Piecing together the broken Egos
of delicate Manhood.
This is for you Woman of the Revolution,
The Sisterhood in
Sweeping the floors,
because as far as technicalities,
Men never remember
that safe spaces need to be clean,
and food needs to be cooked,
and Healing must happen
in Comfort and Tenderness.
This is for you Woman of the Revolution,
April 2016
Fa Be O Feb 2013
Like a stone statue,

But sentient,

Feeling everything and thinking it all;

Frozen in space,

Unable to move, 

Thoughts flowing with each minute;

The words can’t escape my mouth. 

You are beautiful. 

You caress my face,

Kiss the tips of my cold fingers,

And the feelings bounce around my throat: 

I can’t say what I need to say.

I am of stone.

I am unable to speak, to move;

It is essential I tell you this, however:

Though I love you,

Though we will yearn,

Though you make me less of this marble statue,

And a little more rose-cheeked human,

I can no longer remain yours.

I need you to listen,

Inside the marble rib cage

It beats loud and quickly:

My heart says 
I love you, 

The way the snow falls: 

Quietly, steadily, purely. 

I need you to see, 

My eyes they speak truth:

I need more than the sadness,

More than the tears your kisses draw,

I need you unabashedly.

I am of stone.

I cannot speak and I cannot move. 

But inside I am of feelings,

I am of thoughts.

I am breaking piece by piece,

And one day I will reach you.

This unspoken, unmoving

Love will touch you,

It will move you.
Fa Be O Jan 2013
Que cuando yo te quiero,
Te quiero sin dudas;
Sin dudas de que eres mi debilidad.
Mi debilidad te doy;
Te doy una y mil razones,
Mil razones para que no te vayas,
Te vayas a despedir,
A despedir de esta locura,
Esta locura que me toca vivir,
Toca vivir así sin vos.
Sin vos no puedo pensar,
(Puedo pensar que no te voy amar),
Voy amar hasta tus penas,
Tus penas que son las mías también.
(Mías también tus manos,
Tus manos que me despiertan,
Me despiertan estas ganas de querer,
De querer quererte así)
Quererte así, es querer soñar con ojos abiertos.
Ojos abiertos, cuando me besas.
Me besas tan despiadado,
Tan despiadado sos vos….
Sos vos mi gran ciencia,
Gran ciencia es encontrarte…
(Es encontrarte algo que sucede).
Fa Be O Jan 2013
que bonita es la soledad contigo
sin necesidad de tener nada mas que unas bocinas
y dos CDs
pasamos horas enteras
queriéndonos, aprendiéndonos, mirándonos…
no faltaba ni sobraba nada,
cada suspiro en su lugar,
y cada beso sin estorbar.
y al ritmo de una guitarra melancólica,
tu respiración competía
con el latido de tu corazón,
ahí, sobre mi vientre,
y retumbaba de mi ombligo
hasta las puntas de los dedos.
Fa Be O Jan 2013
you were a television soldier,
and played into the hours of the morning,
killing virtual versions of demons gone amok;
this was better than staying here with me,
and chasing mine away.
you were a television soldier,
and i would smile to imagine you,
my little pacifist shooting away,
turning into a gory executioner;
the smile would fade.
your hands were not meant to ****.
your mind was not meant to contemplate ******.
no, your hands were meant to caress,
my body and my soul;
your mind was meant to consider life with me.
you were a television soldier,
but you want to serve a nation?
serve it here with me:
what this country needs is not war,
or more young men dying;
no what this country needs is love.
Fa Be O Jan 2013
La tempestad sirve esta noche
De música de fondo,
El tintintin
De la lluvia simula
El tantantan
De nuestros corazones
Aquella otra noche.

Y ahora recuerdo
Tus palabras
que me besaban
Con grandes aires
De ser eternas.

Y me acuerdo también
De las ultimas
Que me distes,

“perdón, si he fallado”

Y conteste,
“¿De que? Si nunca hubo promesas”

Y reíste
Un poco arrepentido,
“entonces por eso, perdón”

Y ahora para de llover
Y despeja el cielo
De ahora otra tierra
Y las estrellas no son las mismas,
Las de esa noche:

Ahora me recuerdan
Que ha pasado
Tiempo, fronteras, y gente
Que ahora estas mas lejos
Que nunca.

Pero todo va bien
Porque nunca rompiste
Tus promesas
Que no me distes.
Fa Be O Jan 2013
te quiero igual,
cuando estoy enojada
que cuando estoy feliz;
cuando arrugas la frente
que cuando cierras los ojos;
cuando me muerdes los labios,
que cuando besas mi frente;
te quiero igual,
te quiero así.
te quiero igual,
cuando estas cerquita,
que cuando no lo estas;
cuando te tengo en mis brazos,
que cuando no te veo;
cuando fumas
que cuando escribes;
cuando toco tu piel,
que cuando miro tu foto....
te quiero igual,
te quiero así.
Fa Be O Apr 2014
I cut one swiftly,
the acidic elixir dripping through my fingers
unto my inebriating, rustic drink.
Day 5- Write a three line poem about lemons without using the following words: lemon, yellow, round, fruit, citrus, ****, juicy, peel, and sour.

this one is going to be particularly bad because i feel silly xD
Fa Be O Jan 2013
on a ladder
on a stage
with stars and dunes of sand;
black and white linoleum
and a cup of coffee, then.
small, tiny
whispers between us,
a quick, breathless
it was stolen from my pocket,
the very same one.
i smiled.
pulled me with your gaze,
pushed against the wall,
the first time
we met each other's lips:
soft, shy, coffee-flavored
in the dark and cold
hiding, hiding.
that first time,
we smiled
at each other,
no words were enough,
we understood.
Fa Be O Feb 2013
i need you like the moon does the sun,
like this, me, the moon,
living off your light,
and you, the sun,
shining on your own,
without needing me.
Fa Be O Feb 2013
puffs of apple-flavored smoke
smokey breaths suspended in space
between your lips
tracing the path where mine had been

you are a beautiful soul

exchanging words,
i like the ideas of us,
the ones that we agree on,
the ones that we do not

you are a special person to me

holding hands
well, i guess we are a couple,
suffocating kisses,
a tender tongue of mischief

why are we like this?

you and i
we are working towards the start
of something great,
i think.

so that when we love,
beyond this lust,
beyond this superficial
feel-good love,
so that when we love
we will be conscious every second
of the glory it be
to love
with eyes wide open.

you are a beautiful soul
you are a special person to me
why are we like this?

puffs of apple-flavored smoke
smokey breaths suspended in space
between your lips
tracing the path where mine had been
Fa Be O Aug 2013
There is

the bitter taste of the last cigarette

on the roof of my mouth,

a sourness on my tongue

and i try to remember the last time i felt like this.

or rather…

the last time I DIDN’T.

seems like as time goes on, every day becomes a struggle,

and some days more than others.

I want everyone to be my friend,

but i wonder where this inferiority complex comes from?

it paralyzes me and i do not want to speak.

meeting people, seeing my ideas put into words

by other lips and others’ gestures,

and yes I agree,

but ******* you make me so tired.

no, i do not need your hugs,

and no i do not need your validation.

and hell no i do not need your apathetic agreement

because like hell you would understand,

like hell you would know that

you can’t bleach this brown skin of

all the slurs and all the stigma,

that you can’t flat iron out the

ethnic tangles of my afro-something hair,

that you can’t even guess,

cause even i don’t know,

even we don’t know,

if i’m black or native or forcibly half white,

if i’m 10% this or 50% that,

like I have to be broken down

into numbers and percentages

cause I just can’t be whole again,

cause we just can’t be whole again.

They took everything,

they came and took everything


and yes God ****** us,

your ****** God ****** us,

you came and you traded

our generosity, our good faith, our sustenance,

you took all of that

and gave us biblical ******* about a God,

some overbearing, vengeful Lord

that didn’t even love you,

oh God, and we were the savages?

You came and you stripped us naked,

took off layer after layer of dignity and prosperity,

we gave you firm hugs of solidarity,

and you groped our ******* like they were worthless,

we gave you kisses of peace,

and you rammed your tongues down our throats,

demanding we choked into silence,

and we were supposed to thank you.

You came and you ***** our land,

our mothers, sisters, and daughters

and we were supposed to be compliant.

we were supposed to be quiet,

and we were supposed to be content,

happy to fill our wombs

with children who would later struggle

with the realization that the reason the color of their skin

was neither yours nor mine,

that it was neither milky white nor toasted earth,

was because my people had been ****** by yours,

figuratively, literally but most significantly, forcibly

generation after generation,

subjugation after subjugation

for 400 ******* years.

And here I am.

400 years later and I don’t know who I am.

They say I could be Chicana,

or Mexicana,

I could be Mexico Americana,

I could be Latina,

or even, god-forbid,


I could be but what does that even mean?

what does Mexican mean?

a land where the majority of the people

descend from the great people of indigenous America,

or the great people of Africana roots,

or these chaotically beautiful blends

that result in the sweetest of dark coffee- soft caramel of spectrums,

still say “indio" like an insult,

still say “*****" like an insult,

still say “prieto" like an insult.

still say, “baby girl, get out the sun,

what you tryin to get darker for?"

still say, “hell no we ain’t african!"

like that would be a bad thing.

and ******* it i am ******* tired.
Fa Be O Jan 2013
when i am alone, two days seem eternal.
i close my eyes and think,
and because i think i feel,
and because i feel i yearn.
two days seem forever.
i remember the hours we spent together,
how fast they came and went;
i remember
and i want them back.
two days seem too long
to go without your betraying touch,
to go without tasting your sin,
or feeling your manliness
take over.
i close my eyes and think,
think about that moment
as i become your woman
and the pain becomes my pleasure.
two days is too long,
to suffer the burning
of not having you remember me;
of not knowing whether you want me too,
of imagining you elsewhere.

blah blah blah idk
Fa Be O Jan 2013
mi cuerpo
a tu cuerpo,
la mente
y el corazón
se destrozan
por callarlo;
y pretenda
estar molesta,
por sentirte
Fa Be O Jul 2014
When the world starts crumbling around me
I close my eyes and build.
A shelf here, our bed there;
a table for four, a porch for more;
Hardwood floors, soft pillows;
your record player, a piano;
framed photographs of ruins;
a loveseat piled with books.
When I start to question,
I start to build.
And in the long silences between us,
I am furnishing our home,
piece by piece,
until I forget the question,
and remember
that I,
that we,
are under construction.
july 14, 2014
Fa Be O Aug 2015
In this room of total darkness
Alone with thoughts and dreams
I've had nightmares
Chasing demons off from you
And outside me
I've had hopes and planning sessions
Wedding and angels and cake
Fa Be O Feb 2014
I fell in love
with the way your fingers held a pencil,
the way you tapped your foot
impatiently on the floor,
the way you sat,
knees out,
ankles together,
Fa Be O Aug 2015
A lazy finger runs down my arm,
My curls are wild, floating up your pillowcase,
Like creeping vines entwined with dreams;
My eyes are closed.
You whisper about the brown of my skin,
The smooth earthy tones
Of fabled Aztec princesses,
The two small pyramids
You love to kiss,
The chalice of elixir
Of my thighs.
Your love reaches every corner in me,
My mind of metaphors,
My womanhood of wants,
My desire to be loved.
Sweet sugared syrupy caresses
Like Victorianesque courtships
Behind closed doors;
Courting of minds and ideas,
Two birds dancing love;
Hungry, ravenous raptures,
Nonhuman desires,
Tear me apart, want you so much.
The hunger, the thirst, the sweetness,
The battle of minds, words, the challenge,
It convinces me of
Full, mature, unencumbered,
Growing, flourishing love.
Fa Be O Dec 2013
There had been a few signs before,
But the hurt from before had me incredulous,
Wary and cautious;
I did not want to be the fool.
There had been a few signs before,
And I pretended they did not exist.
That weekend I chose to be myself,
Or so I thought.
Every now and then I caught myself
Looking for you from the corner of my eyes,
And seeing you looking at me head on.
I did not want to understand.
The day progressed into night,
Oh and how young the night was.
I sat on the hotel bed,
Surrounded by so much youth,
And feeling so old.
You with your chess,
And I with my book of Benedetti poems,
Me, pretending to flirt with
The cute accent of somewhere down South America,
And you pretending not to care.
The girls fawning over this person,
And I could only see you,
As the night blurred more and more,
With that elixir, the one I associate with love,
With you,
My roots and my sky.
I began to read out loud,
And I chose each line carefully,
Each poem for you in a room full of people,
Where my only audience was you.
Slowly, every drop was burning through my resolve:
Somehow we were somewhere else,
There were more people now.
There was that guy with his arm around me,
But all I noticed was you in front of me,
Watching, silent, a little concerned,
But appearing aloof.
That woke me up: I had had enough pretending.
I went back, and you followed, concerned
And I so, so confused.
I thought I wanted to be alone, like I had always felt,
But then I, I felt so relieved,
With your steps soft and carpeted behind me.
I said I was confused.
You said, it's ok if you choose him.
I thought you were crazy.
For a second I wondered if you were that anxious,
That anxious to get rid of me,
That you could see me
With the first loser that showed his face.
I said, I have and will continue, to choose you.
You stood quietly.
We sat down.
You said you'd understand.
I told you I wanted you.
Did I want to go to sleep?
I was losing myself in the buzz, and I nodded.
It was natural from then on,
How you slipped into the covers with me,
For the first time,
And my body turned towards yours,
My arm wrapped around your neck,
My face nestled under your neck.
Not assuming, not imposing,
But effortlessly,
And you held me, without malice,
But tenderly and sweet instead.
And we continued to whisper to each other.
Me asking questions and you soothing them,
Until you began to drift off
And I thought I was talking to myself when I said
Your name, and you simple murmured a "mm?"
And I said,
"Open your eyes. Look at me,
I am still here,
Like always."
And I settled into your breath, your skin,
And prepared to drift off.
It was some time into the dawn
And I felt the urgency of asking you,
"Do you love me, even a little bit?"
And you hugged me tighter and said,
Like a painful whisper.
I fell asleep with your smile on my face
And my lungs full of hope.
The next day was a blur,
I remember getting dressed
And how you kept looking at me,
Even though I still couldn't understand.
I remember the sneaked note that fluttered my stomach,
Too much coffee, you following me.
I remember going home, comfort in your arms, you walking with me to my house.
Lingering at the door, a kiss and goodbye.
Later that night you wished we could've talked,
And you ask to see me again tomorrow.
And I hear you struggling to tell me something,
And it's so obvious but I don't get it.
Fa Be O Feb 2013
a single rose could speak.
of the ones that were held between us,
they listened to what we were saying:
they were not a testament of a love,
but maybe they witnessed a beginning...
if a single rose could speak,
from that withering, lonely bouquet,
it would say that
sometimes the breath of the girl that held them
was caught in the petals,
that the thoughts of the boy
were wrapped around the stems,
that the unsaid couple
was trying to trace their start,
that their start began at the end,
that one day, they will reach the finish line,
at the start of that December night,
a year and 2 months ago.
Fa Be O Dec 2013
La curva de su vientre,
Pandeándose de vida.
Deseo tanto ese momento,
Regalarte tal dicha,
Sentir el amor crecer,
Pataditas de ternura.
Sueño, tanto, llenarme así,
Con el resultado de este amor,
Sincero y puro,
Y siempre tan creativo.
Hacer de mi cuerpo un hogar,
Hacer de nuestra casa un castillo
De luz y risas de niño.
Quiero ya tener en mis brazos
Tierno bebé, testamento de nuestra historia,
Con tus ojos y pestañas de niño,
Con mis rizos alborotados rebeldes,
Que tenga las piernas largas y fuertes
De su papá,
La curiosidad insaciable mía.
Tanto amor hay dentro de mi por ti,
Que amo a nuestros hijos desde hora,
Desde antes de que sean posibilidades,
Ahora que sólo son ese brillo en mis ojos,
En los tuyos.
Ver a una mujer embarazada, más de mi edad, me pone siempre un poco celosa. Quisiera estar ya en la etapa de tener hijos de una forma sana y productiva, donde yo pueda proveer y cuidar bien de mis hijos. Estoy con la persona con la que se me cumplirá este mi más grande sueño. Sólo falta que yo cumpla mis otras metas primero.
Fa Be O Jan 2013
me juro mil veces en vano
que no te dirigiré ni una mirada,
ni una palabra
pero sin pensarlo
ahí estamos otra vez,
con solo verte llegar
se me olvidan
las horas esperando
una señal,
una palabra,
una mirada;
se me olvida
que ayer no dormí,
por querer de almohada
tus costillas;
que hoy no comí,
por querer probar
tus labios,
que mañana no viviré,
por querer vivir en ti…
y todo eso se me escapa,
al tenerte otra vez aquí,
y sin pensarlo,
vuelvo a soñar, saborear y respirar.
Fa Be O Nov 2015
Women are supposed to understand.
We are supposed to agree.
Supposed to care.
Supposed to be sensitive.
Women are supposed to give you
Those warm hugs that make
the world feel alright again.
They're supposed to wait on you,
Kiss you,
Open their hearts
And legs,
And bring you joy
and present you with
We are supposed to understand,
And stay calm,
And see it from your point of view.
We are supposed to be sensitive,
But strong,
Both just enough to comfort you,
Not too much to disturb.
Women are supposed to heal you,
Even as they cut themselves removing
Sharp, spiny thorns from you.
We are supposed to let ourselves be touched,
If we love you,
When you want;
Even, when we long for a different kind of touch.
We are supposed to be open and vulnerable,
Telling you our stories
Our dreams and hopes and fears,
Ecen though you would keep us
Half-guessing your thoughts,
Perhaps until we prove ourselves.
Should women guard their secrets instead?
Women are supposed to be quiet,
Wait to be called,
Don't cry,
Don't hurt,
Don't fight.
Just understand
And listen and care.
Just give and give,
And give and give.
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