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 Jan 2015 Francis
Quiero ir a España
Quiero andar en las playas de Cadiz
Caminar por las calles de Valencia
Andar en los lugares turísticos
Comiendo un helado de vanilla
Con el amor de mi vida
Pasando un buen tiempo tomando fotografías
Eso sí que me gustaría
Miraría a los ojos al amor de mi vida
Le diría cuanto lo admiró
Cuanto lo quiero
Después irnos a comer a un buen filete
Platicando, riendo, haciendo memorias haha pero cuando sucedería eso? cuando..

I want to go to Spain
I want to be in the beaches of Cadiz
Walk through the streets of Valencia
Visit turístic places
With the love of my life
Having a great time
eating a vanilla ice cream cone
with the love of my life
taking photography pictures
That I'd like
I'd look in his eyes
I'd tell him how much I admire him
how much I love him
Then later we'd go eat a nice steak
talking, laughing, making memories
haha but when will that happen? When?
It sounds more better in Spanish than in English..
 Jan 2015 Francis
I heard that the human body doesn't have one cell the same as seven years before.

Now I'm no biologist, but that would mean I am not the same girl you left ten years ago and there's not a single cell inside of me that you ever got to injure. In all honesty, it's much easier to believe my body is sacred now that I know you never touched it.
 Jan 2015 Francis
Elijah Nicholas
I want to be the smoke that fills your lungs.
I'd rather you get high off of me
Instead of some plant

— The End —