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EMPstrike Jan 2017
Given a way into the sky,
I don't think I'd fly.
Why should I?
My legs would be useless.

Given a place way out in space,
I'm not sure I'd take.
The change it would make
On my body.
Oh the changes.

   Heaven is peace, Destruction is fate
And both are the same,
Up in that place.

Nothing out there is inherantly bad
Only down here
Can destruction be sad.

Life is so precious,
Covet it so,
Then multiply and smother
The planet we own.

Noone cares but us.
EMPstrike Aug 2016
You've met a stranger that gives you new meaning
In the void of darkness, polar opposites meeting
coming together you form something new.
Igniting life in the void which you grew

But you are still dead to me.

Raging, burning, colliding, churning
Reacting to others with totally new form!
Your activities erupting, and grow while we're learning.
From the light of your existence we are born.

But you are still dead to me.

  Soon you depart in violent explosion,
To a fresh, new form.
this new element: "Awareness"
being and knowing that you exist briefly,

This is the only time you are with me.
Just briefly.

And when you change form, and enter the ground you've created
And the feet that once bore you are no longer needed.
And you set out, again, on unfathomable journeys.

You're dead to me, once again.
EMPstrike Aug 2016
Social creature
Never claiming such.
With "abnormalities" un-crutched,
You've touched.

The imprints you've left are what may haunt you,
Otherwise, loneliness may overtake you.

Let them in, speak your mind
Open up, back down
It's time to hide,
And find a familiar place to confide.

A familiar mind that appears to know you.
It's all you need.
Somewhere you can open.

Now your imprints can be left without worry.
"Who was here?" Is comforting in the midst of confidants.

Now, no lonely concern of recognition
Paradoxian desires bursts minds in hiding.

To be known and unknown.
Appreciated but unshown.

Wanting anonymity.
Under guise of being idle.
Your home is exclusivity.

A social creature, intentionally untitled.
EMPstrike Feb 2016
Carefully laid thoughts had strayed,
      And logic, ideals, tossed away
           Ready and willing, I told you, that day

But you say you don't remember.

The world, it's values demeaned by sins
       Stubborn, I would not follow them
            The love for you, resurrected them,

But you say you don't remember.

One child was enough, I ne'er wanted more
       Until our time together bore
             The thought, with you, a family, "soon"

But you say you don't remember.

You've always had trouble with your memory,
But the things dear to you, always seemed less troubling.
And I can't help but think, If to you, it meant anything.

As for me?                                                                  
I'll always remember.
  Feb 2016 EMPstrike
She says "Cupid is irresponsible."
I say "I think he lost my address."
She says "Love hurts."
I say "So do life and death."
She says "I've been in love so often I feel like cupid's been using me for target practice."
I say "I can count how many times I've been in love on an amputee's stump."
She says "I feel bad for you."
I ask "Why?"
She says "Because love is worth it."
I say "I have love."
I say "I have known love that does not fade,
The love between parents and children."
I say "I have known a love both reliable and invisible
The love between true friends."
She says "It's not the same."
I ask "How is it different?"
She says "My love is like a volcano, all passion and warmth. It comes from deep inside you and flies. It flies higher than either of us ever could."
She says "Your love is like a coal. Always there to keep you warm, but it'll never fly or burn like my lava."
I say "Your lava crashes and cools. But so long as someone's there my coal will always burn."
I say "People run from your lava, but they gather around my coal."
She says "But you can't form an island with coal."
I say "You're right."
"Aha!" She exclaims. Thinking she's got me.
"But wait." I say
I tell her "I intend to find your love. To find that lava and ride it, and I know no matter what I do I can never truly prepare for it, but that doesn't mean I won't try."
I say "I want that love you speak of."
"But" I tell her "the only way to survive a volcano is to prepare. To strap down all your possessions and to get a gas mask."
She laughs at me and with a wild look in her eyes she says "Then how do you enjoy the ride?"
I smile and say "Not as much as you, but I can stay on that ride forever."
She stops for a moment and looks at me.
As I get down one knee
and ask
"Will you marry me?
Will you show me that love you speak of,
a love of beauty, passion and rage."
and with a tear in her eye
she says "Yes
I'll marry you my little sage."
(c) Mottelz
EMPstrike Feb 2016
Hello, how are you?
You're different today,
In a way
Your face has constantly changed.
And again,
To something hiding what is within,
Is it sin?
Or perhaps,
Just a shallow grin.

I have what you need,
You come, expectant
Entitled to recieve,
Rejecting neglection.
Like infection.
You must begone in a hurry.
But don't worry.
Your new face won't know your story.

"Hello, how are you?
Can i help you today?"
Is what i say.
With any connection kept at bay.
You wont stay.
So i say "have a nice day"
And wait to see how your face will change.

Faces, like flesh, in appearance alone
Beset in quartz, cast in stone.
Ever changing, not your own
And never known.

You are a perpetual stranger.
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