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 Apr 2017 Emma Melvin
 Apr 2017 Emma Melvin
write so many words that you can stitch together the bleeding slits on your skin with delicate sentences of the heartache that caused them

write so many words that lullabies pour out of you like soft waterfalls flowing to your childrens ears letting them know that the world isn't always as bad as it seems

write so many words that they overflow on the empty pages of books setting whole universes to life in the minds of millions

write so many words that you can never look at this earth the same because everything you see forms dazzling poetry in your head

write so many words that your hand aches from the relief of pouring out your soul on paper and setting your relentless thoughts to rest with every letter

just write

write until the world feels right again

i am new to writing and really think that it should be valued more by so many people
 Apr 2017 Emma Melvin
They won't tell you it hurts,
as his hands snake to your shirt.

They won't tell you it's his fault,
as your wounds are filled with salt.

They won't tell you it's will okay,
as he leads you on by being fake.

You won't know why it happened to you,
there was know way you could have known.

You won't have any help during the long nights,
where you remember the feeling of his bites.

You won't escape the dark,
and will avoid going to the park.

she will blame you for wearing those short skirts.

will be disappointed at you for lying.

Your younger sister,
will come and cuddle with you even though she is too young.


they say i was asking for it...
that i wore the low cut top for attention...
that my skirt was the purpose of all of this...
because i wore makeup at night...
and my perfume was too sweet and lingered...
they tell me that i am lying...
that it didn't happen like that...
that i wanted it...
they tell me how i felt during it all...

what they don't know:
it was 1:43am when i last checked my phone and was walking home.
i was 150m from my house.
i was standing underneath a streetlight to answer a text.
i was cold.
i was 17.
i wore those close because i felt good about myself.
he came out of the dark.
he was evil in his eyes.
his hands covered my mouth and wrapped around my neck.
i tried to fight against him as he dragged me away.
i tried to scream.
get away.
i tried to get away.
but i was asking for this, right?
he held me down against the cold cement.
pulled at my clothes until they ripped.
until my ***** were exposed and my skirt was at my ankles.
until my ******* were nothing but fabric next to my head.
he made sure i didn't make a sound.
he whispered things to me i will never forget.
the feeling of his hands around my throat won't ever go away.
or the way i was used and exposed.
he was stronger than me.
he made his and took everything away from me.
he then left me.
after knocking me out.
left behind a dumpster, i was alone when i woke up.
i was cold.
i was alone.
i had nothing left to call clothes.
nothing to cover me.
i was naked.
i was only 150m from home.
where i would have been safe.
nobody heard this happen.

The won't tell you it to your face,
but it's always the pretty girls' fault.
 Apr 2017 Emma Melvin
Your silence is so profound
not everyone can hear its sound
your eyes are so piercing
You can catch everyone's eye
Your smile is so captivating
not everyone can wear it
your voice is so unique
It makes everyone high each time you speak
You thought of saying it to her today, but decided to wait until tomorrow, but someone just said it now, having thought of it yesterday.
The time is always right
The words may not be
Our playlist is
the best love songs
that helped voice words
we needed spoken.
 Apr 2017 Emma Melvin
Brie Pizzi
it's that moment when you can finally speak of it without feeling like your lungs are giving up on you.

that's when you know you are past it; or at least on your way.  

and if you're not there yet, keep working towards that moment because, believe me, the air has never felt so fresh.
 Apr 2017 Emma Melvin
When all that is left
is feeling hurt
When it's the only song
you have ever learned
when it's the only tune
you have ever heard

Can you let it go?

Someone once said to me
Let it go, let them free
but they come back,
can't you see?

Should I let them go?

When I let them go
They still follow me
I tried to free them
but can't you see?

They came back to me

and I can't let them go

Oh no,
Oh no!

I won't let them go

Oh no

I won't

Let them go, let them go

Oh no...

When I'm the only light
they have ever known
The only place
they ever called home
When I'm the one
they miss the most

**I won't let them go
I miss my Son so much...
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