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  Aug 2014 Emily Moser
Kayla Bellinger
There is no hollow part of me
That needs to be filled
With ***** and excess

Though I wish that there was
Because maybe then I wouldn't feel
Like a broken kite stuck in a tree

Or a girl who peered over the edge
And slipped and fell
Into the dark depths of the well

Because I slipped and fell
Into the darkest depths of the well

I slipped
And I fell
And I can never escape this hell
Talk incessantly.
Dwell on temporal affairs.
Ask friends for advice; ignore it.
Air out perceived problems constantly.
Respond defensively.
Never take criticism at face value.
Write off whoever won't humor you.
Accuse others of misunderstanding you.
Build your lifestyle on whims.
Presume entitlement to *** for "being nice".
Choose an inappropriate diet for your body.
Avoid personal responsibility.
Refuse to own your failures and errors.
Justify behaviors that create conflict.
Rationalize unfruitful thought and action at all cost.
Dismiss what contradicts your prejudices.
Compare yourself to Jesus.
Insist on your specialness.
Insist that others acknowledge it.
Don't communicate your expectations.
Blame others for your bad choices.
Fish for compliments.
Use sentiment to ply others.
Use sentiment to ply yourself.

Subject anyone to yourself
while the above applies to you.
It's called a "toxic person", ladies and gentlemen.
Emily Moser May 2014
Dont **** me,
Heart-**** me.

*a poem from your gayness
Emily Moser May 2014
All of my poems are ******* love poems that make you want to jump off of a bridge into freezing cold water so that you suffocate from the cold and not the fall.
Emily Moser May 2014
Opened not replied,
Stop eating your salad, fool,
Click send then eat ****

— The End —