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emeraldine087 Jun 2016
Perhaps unrequited love
    is so much better than this--
This love behind bolted doors
    and peppered with midnight trysts.
Drunk with these stolen moments,
    you will never know my pain.
I’m just your ***** secret;
    Maybe I’ve no other name.
emeraldine087 Apr 2016
what is this before us
          --this sick and twisted thing
          where I'm in love with you
          but you're in love with him?

i just can't let it go,
          this feeling that I have;
          so I do something dumb
          and seek the one you love.

but as fate would have it,
          now he's in love with me;
          thus, we find ourselves here
          in this affair for three.
poem I wrote and will be using for an MCU fandom-inspired fanfic featuring the Steve-Bucky-Tony ship which I will be posting in installments over on Archive of Our Own.

**written in the same style as my modern poetry muse Lang Leav, whom I ADORE!!!!
emeraldine087 Apr 2016
You came into my life like a blazing meteor,
     Plowing through my skies, all warmth and fire;
        You lit up the darkness that was my yesterday,
           Shattering my walls, I'd thought you planned to stay.
              But you left my orbit just as swiftly as you arrived,
                 a fleeting specter in the night, cunning & contrived
                       that left me broken to behold & hollow inside.
                       I should loathe you for abandoning me, but I cannot.
                  I should tell my heart to love you no more, but I can't stop.
              I cling to what we were and how we used to be
           that I can't seem to see how much you've damaged me.
        Because I loved you, but you just threw it all away -- easy.
    And everyday I ask myself if you had ever found me worthy
or if it had all been just a game to you, to love then leave me.
emeraldine087 Apr 2016
Don't underestimate me.

Beneath my gentle eyes lies the spirit of a warrior.
Hidden in my soft smile is a battle cry.
Underneath my supple skin is an armor of celestial gold.
Enclosed in my brittle fingers is the hilt of a sword.
Within my mortal heart rests the essence of a goddess.

Let not my gentleness or fragility fool you.

For in this frail body resides the heart of a fighter;
whose spirit knows no defeat,
whose will knows no impossibility,
whose resilience knows no limit.
Happy Birthday to my dear Tita Imelda. A strong and wise woman, a loving mother and a doting Aunt. Thank you for always being there for me and Joy. Love you!
emeraldine087 Nov 2015
Sing me something from the heart
to calm my storms;
I will let your voice wash over me,
drowning my sorrows,
quenching my fears.

Hum a melancholy tune
to remind me how precarious life is,
how easily destroyed dreams can be.
Serenade me with songs of love--
love that lasts forever in a heart beat.

Lull me to a restful slumber
and let tomorrow take me in its arms.
emeraldine087 Nov 2015
The cold surface burned my palm.
I couldn't see beyond the curtain of tears
melting my eyes, distorting my vision.
I couldn't hear the screams
boiling in my throat, rising in my lungs.
I couldn't look anymore;
But I couldn't look away.

I wondered what it would be like
to see myself for the first time
in a way I never have.
For I used to see only you,
only the shackled freedom,
only my stupid wisdom,
only this love I could never taste.

Maybe I ought to have burned in hell
a long time ago, then I would have known
how to feel, how to cry out.
Nobody taught me how; nobody ever will.
My heart throbbed, but in a way that
could never be heard.
It suffered in silence. And it will so suffer
for as long as I allow it.

My salvation never came.
Maybe it got stolen along the way.
Or maybe it did, but I never saw it coming.
emeraldine087 Nov 2015
She walks through the noisy street
every day of the hot summer months.
She sees colorful kites flying overhead,
over the tops of roofs, coconut trees,
over the clotheslines, garbed in undergarments,
tattered shirts and poorly-sewn trousers.
She waits for playmates to come and
ask her to play tag, to waddle in the canals,
***** and smelly. The scent sticks even after
a week of being scrubbed and hosed down.

She climbs mango trees, steals the fruits and
with a mischievous smile, throws them
to her favorite playmate, waiting under the tree.
She loves long talks with her favorite playmate.
Sometimes, they would go to the park,
loiter around and walk hand in hand, just talking.
And sometimes, they like to play tag until dusk.
She adores this special playmate and considers him
her best friend in the whole, wide world.
She always looks forward to just sitting around
with him while he shows her cool card tricks,
holds her close, makes her feel like a princess--
his special, beloved and worshiped princess
Her world slows down; her mind falls silent;
her heart calms in his presence as he
shows her the universe, the simple things
city life denied her, the comforting silence
her buzzing soul is just coming to know.

She admires her beloved playmate, who, for her,
is the wisest, the cleverest spirit on the planet,
who shows her that it's possible to remain
a child forever, to keep the heart
of a young soul for all eternity, to see
the world in verses and poems, in stories and songs.
She weaves wonderful tales with her precious playmate,
stories full of fantasy and love, brimming with glory
and success, abound with heroism and dreams.

They will always be together, she and her playmate,
she vows. through summers and storms, through months
and years, through pain and pleasure, they will be together.
The summer later vanishes; the skyscrapers have become
too tall for kites to reach, the host of cars too noisy
to hear her playmates call. The world is just too fast
to remain a child forever. But there is one special
part of summer, one call she would always hear
above the din of cars and the loud ticking of clocks.
Her favorite playmate calls from the depths of her soul,
reminding her that she could always choose to be
a child forever, a child in her mind, in her spirit, in her heart.
Dedicated to my darling grandpa, Emmanuel Lustre. Missing you always and everyday, Lolo
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