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 Mar 2015 Ellie
Maddie Sink
 Mar 2015 Ellie
Maddie Sink
Her blood ran deep
So did her cuts.
She loved seeing the blood slowly seep from her wrists
and she covered them up
She broke glass and cut too deep
Her scars are what hold her past-
-Or what's left of it.
She never told anybody
She thought she deserved it.
Now, a year clean, her scars show her
But she's proud.
 Dec 2014 Ellie
Micheal Wolf
Too yu tis may seam wrong
Two a child with dyslexia it's not
Quick to point out to too or two!
Where were or wear or there their
Your grammatical prowese is a wonderful thing, the way you look down on those beneath
Sad to say for you It's to late as the **** party no lomger exists!
They can't all be as perfect as you
And for that I'm as happy as a fool!
This is a delightful piece of "***" Crafted carefully and with care for one individual.
 Dec 2014 Ellie
When you know you're making
a big mistake
but you voluntarily make it

You know you're either
in love or
an idiot and you pray they aren't
the same
 Dec 2014 Ellie
a rape culture
 Dec 2014 Ellie
men ask us
"what is a **** culture?"

when a woman's "no"
enters through the mind of a man and comes out as
"convince me"
that is a **** culture

when i cannot walk down the streets at night
without my keys between my fingers
that is a **** culture

when a victim is blamed
and a criminal is sympathized with because
"he had such a bright future"
that is a **** culture

when he was an adult and i was a child
and you dare to ask me what i was wearing
that is a **** culture

so if you're asking me
"what is a **** culture"
i will tell you

*it is our ******* culture
 Dec 2014 Ellie
Rape Poem
 Dec 2014 Ellie
isn't always dark alleys
and whistles
and pepper spray.
It isn't always
a stranger,
they don't always
look dangerous.
Whether it is
your boyfriend
or your teacher
or your uncle,
they are no longer on your side.
This is your attacker.
Do not be silent.
Do not be afraid to make a scene.
Whether it is a movie theatre
or a street corner
or your bedroom,
let no resonate from your lungs
so they cannot say they didn't hear you.
Send him home,
tell your parents,
tell your friends,
tell the police.
is not always
drunk men outside bars
or keys clenched between white knuckles.
Sometimes **** is silent.
Do not be silenced.
 Dec 2014 Ellie
 Dec 2014 Ellie
Don't speak
Turn out the lights
If you see nothing,
you can say nothing.

Don't think
Turn off your mind
and free your inhibition
to submit to the condition
I will not speak
for I am too afraid,
but I cannot help but think;
I am the demon you made.

— The End —