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  Jan 2015 Ellie Shelley
Lila Valentine
We're all just suicidal kids
Telling other suicidal kids
That suicide is not the answer
True you know
Ellie Shelley Jan 2015
and he's only serving 283 months
For ****** one girl they know of
Five truthfully
And more than once for all
Sodomizing at least four
Over twenty truth fully
and he's not getting charged
For breaking my heart
He said he would marry me
He said he would carry me when I fell
He said I wall the bell of the ball
But now he wasnt here to see me fall
And he will never carry me
Ellie Shelley Jan 2015
I'm so glad he's gone
Because "go **** yourself *****" is no way to great some one
Ellie Shelley Jan 2015
I stand still listening to the clicking trigger of your words
As the bullet shooting from your mouth hits a still new wound
And even though this all past just over a year ago
Every time my battle scars from this ongoing war start to heal
A new obstacle must be conquered, and new wounds form
What you did to me was repeated
not once
not twice
Four more times
and Child *******
All used to just be words to me
And district attorneys
Were once all just people
Your **** joke may be funny to you
But think of the people who really lived through it
We are outcasts
Children born into dark
We listen to music that relates to us
We try to stand up and make our mark

Everyone thinks we cut
Or that we are depressed
They joke around and say mean things
Think we worship Satan and try to bless

But that's not who we are
That's not all we do
We cry, and laugh
We can love too

Yes, we may cut
And we may want to cry
But all you think we do is
Wish that we could die
Yea...this is inside our minds
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