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As I stepped on the beach,the sand as warm as can be
The ocean beckoned me,
It's blue water shimmering,
The seagulls overhead screaming,
A fisherman's boat buoyed up and down, alone,
Come sail in me son.
Tempting, I went into the ocean,
At first with caution,
The wind in my face,
A wave knocks me down in a haze.
I swim underneath it and onto the boat ,
It is hot,
I dive , swim , and play,
I taste the sea's salty spray,
Run back to the golden sand,
Dig holes, build sand castles with my hands,
I am free, free as a bird,
Without a care in the world.
a poet's simple truth:

' the only thing that makes you live
is silently killing you trying to let it go '

Just thinking out loud: parsing the raw truth veiled in a poet's blood —
*will* to be creative has abandoned at the moment; unable to rejuvenate as light lessens daily, prompting to take some time away from whatever it is i've been doing here ... for now,  i'll just be listening
through the window of the silent pages ...
Jesse Stillwater
Show me home in your eyes of fire
while still setting me free
to cross those bridges
I may burn.
Allow what we have to rest
in quiet happiness
of all the unknown ways
we can learn.

Exhale above me with lips
with no selfishness
and an intimacy I can see
without searching.  
Exhaust my inner urges
with your ink and paper
while I soar within
my yearning.

Pen me poetry that cries out
to be the lyrics,
all the pieces of my heart
learn how to sing.
Turn the key to the lock
of beautiful phrases,
draw me a fine portrait with
your word strings.
Copyright Neva Varga @ 10/15/18 - Changefulstorm Poetry
 Oct 2018 eleanor prince
The gentle quiet of a hollow room appeals to me
Turn off the lights and let me think
Turn off the cost
It's not at all
To be an introvert is cheap
Wonderfully multidimensional.
 Oct 2018 eleanor prince
Beautiful, sweeping, seeping mist
  Don't weep for me your gentle tears
  But kiss the trees as only you can
Before their youthful leaves turn Gold
  To be plucked or pulled down by the wind
Bewitch the spell till summer comes
  And turn the Falls' head with drizzlin'
As you clasp bare limbs in paleing hands
  Would you kiss the trees as only you can?
Ms. Mist. Would you kiss the trees as only you can?
 Oct 2018 eleanor prince
I wish our waves would crash
Our stars would pass
At a lesser distance, magnets meet

Our shoes to shed beneath our feet
And boots to knock together in the rain

I would wish the sun and moon to cry
And to always be the same
And that time would pass more slowly now
When observing your most youthful frame

Would you hear it as a rustling
As a crashing of waves within echo ears?
Would the sand between our fingers stay
And forever be the same?

You’re my type of breeze
The height of trees
Whispering in the arms of wind


Oh snap - HondaGirlSeries
Is it even possible to contemplate a sea of promises unfolding petal by petal like an open book made of glass?  If I saw my world as a heartbeat would tonight be different than the flight of my past?

Why should everything dwell among a skin of silent beauty while the fire waits for meaning from a grain of sand?  Is it because our eyes lack hearts that sing to the butterflies as they arrive and land?

Should I hide behind the universe of whispering trees and brush my hands across the doors that keep me wishing? Until, I wonder if I’ll run out of rhymes if I part myself from my inner beauty misting.

I have secrets I hear laughing full of words that speak to me as a lion knocks down the door of breaking all the rules.  Still, I want to touch the glory of solitude’s lovely face and dance with mischief’s fool.
Copyright @2018 Neva Varga 10/01/18 - Changefulstorm Poetry
 Oct 2018 eleanor prince
She was beautiful as the sunset

But her soul was darker than the night

She was so easy to smile
But her smile was full of deceit

I thought she was a friend from when I first saw her,

She was charming and sweet and very beautiful,

Soon we became close and I would say even inseparable,

But in beneath the beauty, she was just a facade,

Like an illusion she was hypnotic,

Her mannerism was full of elegance,

Deep down she was an earth filled with secrets,

Her only flaw, she was a beautiful liar,

And my only flaw was I believed her,

I thought our friendship was a garden of dandelions,

Dreamy and aloof from the world,

Later i realised it was just a garden with weeds that were toxic,

With every secret I shared, I thought I was watering a beautiful garden,

But then later, she would come to prune and plant seeds of deceit,

Everytime I let her into my soul, everytime she would intoxicate me with lies,

I thought we would be forever, the kind of friendship to pass onto generations to come,

This was until I found out she had been feeding me lies and lies,

Everything about her was based on a lie,

From her gentle smile to her graceful walks,

From her fake loyalty to her easy charm,

She indeed was beautiful to the eye,

But all that beauty was nothing because her heart was full of illusion

I bet herself, she believed in her lies that she carried them around with such ease,

She was a beautiful liar and I once believed her,

I once was hypnotised by her, but now I know better,

The beautiful girl was just but a beautiful liar
P. S She necessarily doesn't have to be a person but rather an addiction, a bad habit that you think benefits you but in real sense it is just harmful
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