You said to me you are ok, but I beg to differ. I sit here next to you as an observer watching. Yes on the outside you seem in control . You may be able to fool those around you but I know you too well and I see behind the mask. I see what is happening before my very eyes. As the evening begins I'm happy to be with my friend but I see the gradual change as the ruby liquid flows filling your mouth and warming your blood. I see my friend disappear before my eyes. You think your in control but I see it slipping away and before me the transformation begins. I watch and wonder do I rock the boat? Can I be the one to make you see? The evening goes on and with ever drink I watch my friend slip farther and farther away from me. I become more and more uneasy. I am angry and saddened to see the control that lasted for 11 years slip away so easily. Knowing how proud you are of this difficult feat you worked so hard to overcome, decimated in the blink of an eye. Back to square one you will have to go. Can I make you understand what you are doing? Can I make you see how you've gone astray? Is it really worth it to take the chance and possibly lose my friend?
I know the answer before it's even reaches my lips. I really have nothing to lose because I lost you the moment you took that first sip. I only hope I can make you see it too.
This one is your you L.