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  Nov 2014 eileen demiris
Skip Ramsey
I'm sorry...

That you think I am weak
That I don't measure up to your expectations
That you felt the need to berate me

I'm also sorry...

That you feel I was not worthy
That I was where you took out your frustrations
That you no longer tolerate me

I'm not sorry

That you cut me out of your life
Your circle
Your childishness

thank you!
You made my life EASIER

thank you with all my heart for going away
Not all breakups are heart tearing, some are uplifting.
Poetry is the heartbeat of life;
Each poem develops us from existence to experience.
It is the answer to all forms of strife,
For every single word written
Delivers an unspoken truth by the giver.
It acts as if it is the logic behind literature
A fire driven by the desire of every creature.
To make up the pavement on the road less traveled by,
To not just gather roses but make use of them,
To realize that the fault is not in the stars, but in us,
To not be resigned in living a life of quiet desperation.

Robert Frost, Robert Herrick, William Shakespeare and Henry David Thoreau,
They are noble men.
They are poets.
They have understood that poetry sustains life.

Poetry is a noble pursuit.
It is needed to sustain life
Thus it develops us to a greater form of humans
We are slaves to its will
For we merely not write poetry;
For it is poetry which writes us.

An Ode To Poets,
To honour them for their noble deeds.
An Ode To Poets,
To live by their noble deeds.
Don't allow yourself to feel "dumb" or "stupid" based on your inability to achieve something you care little about.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
  Oct 2014 eileen demiris
I didn't need "I'm in love with you."
I didn't need commitment.
I didn't need forever.
I didn't need serious, or steady.

But a bit more clarity, upfront honesty,
That would have been nice.
  Oct 2014 eileen demiris
I never really knew what pain was like until I woke up mid-sleep and had a longing feeling for you, or when I have a dream about you and I wake up to see you're not there. I never really knew what it was like to miss someone until our fingertips stopped finding each other's warmth and our bodies didn't connect or fall together anymore. And I didn't know what it was like to love or be loved, until your eyes searched for mine in a crowded room or our thoughts connected by the way our eyes met.
I hate what you do to me.
eileen demiris Oct 2014
What does it mean to "Be in Love"!

Does it have to be so all consuming?
Why can't you put as much effort into loving yourself as you do in loving someone else.  
Maybe, just maybe, if you changed your priorities towards loving yourself  Love would be drawn to you like a magnetic attraction.
Traveling with such force  knocking you off your feet.
Not being able to pull away because once you love yourself love can't help but radiate out like a beacon in the night guiding true love to its ultimate destiny home.
Love yourself!
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