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1.8k · Nov 2013
Edgar MoneyPenny Nov 2013
the stem gives life
the cap recieves
the body gives motion
the head recieves
cannot contain
gotta reconnect with your elation
1.3k · May 2017
Edgar MoneyPenny May 2017
drop a mouse into a pool full of pyranhas and see what happens
build those section 80 houses in that hood, go it.
The problem arises when not only one mouse is dropped, but a million at once, many of the mice will struggle and emerge victorious, possibly even favored by evolution or just blind luck.
Many Many more of the mice will be ripped apart by the pyranhas, never even getting a glimpse of life beyond that miserable pond.
The pyranhas will keep consuming.
Purp scurp
1.1k · Mar 2017
My ancestors
Edgar MoneyPenny Mar 2017
The came on the boat, not too long ago.
We are not the natives to this land.
They came in starvation, hearing the call of the huddled masses...
all because one man couldn't plant more than one variety of potato.
They could drink water on the boat but that doesn't stop the thirst,
an irishmen is taken to the bottle at birth, but never weaned.
An unwelcome visitor, no doubt the target of slander, they took up the courage not many would have.
Go West Young Man.
917 · Sep 2014
The Fracture
Edgar MoneyPenny Sep 2014
how much does it take
to break
a kit kat
a bone
a ****
a stick
a lie
a fry
a cat with one eye
872 · Nov 2013
Edgar MoneyPenny Nov 2013
*****, *****
i say
show me the world *****
and he trudges forward.
*****, *****
take me to the real
inside of the fake
triangles are my favorite shape
organic and free flowing
find yourself in the woods
852 · Sep 2014
Edgar MoneyPenny Sep 2014
I look at the man on the street
the bottle has drained his face of color
the cigarette burns a hole through his fingers,
still dimly lit and smoldering
we are different, aren't we?
I'd like to think so.
We are different....
or are we?
837 · Nov 2013
Edgar MoneyPenny Nov 2013
with eyes that
and hair on
show me the keys
to unlock
your desire.
617 · Jul 2015
through the pines
Edgar MoneyPenny Jul 2015
quiets my mind
tingling in the cadence of what is or isn't.
I know I am borrowing happiness form tomorrow, but to break the cycle would break my mind.
The happiest people on the outside are the emptiest within.
Treading the line, it matters not whether I make it back.
556 · Sep 2014
Edgar MoneyPenny Sep 2014
an escape is much needed
an escape i do see
speckled all over in white and red
easing my pain and biting down deep
a feeling im used to, my legs get weak.
my thoughts become scrambled
my mind unpure
synthesis and happiness
a similar bore
distracting me from the fracture i've bore
10 pills then 20, but wait there's no more
the end of this road
the end of this path
the end of this trail
the end of this cliff
the end of this.
493 · May 2017
Edgar MoneyPenny May 2017
age of 15 combusted first greens
age of 16 ******, no dreams
age of 17 started slangin' QP's
age of 18 got busted by police
age of 19  benzos got the best of me
age of 20 an empty shell is the rest of me.
biographical, stupid, maybe a rap verso someday
475 · Mar 2017
If It was 1870
Edgar MoneyPenny Mar 2017
I'd tar and feather you
Parade you around the town square grounds
probably shoot you dead with my colt single action
or draw and quarter you with four fine stallions,
or sic the dogs on you with no mercy.
but, alas it's 2017. So I will just sit here and write nonsense.
402 · May 2017
Edgar MoneyPenny May 2017
johnny don't need to go to school no more
johnny got some bullets that dont shoot slow
johnny got hisself a big auto-matic rifle
johnny got his own version of the bible.
The brokenness of our mental health system
382 · Sep 2014
The Church of the Wild
Edgar MoneyPenny Sep 2014
It's merely a belief system,
i say,
and they listen
Out where nobody can influence
the primal nature is set free from within

The beast jumps in the water,
the man calls it baptism.
Elwha 9/11.
379 · Nov 2013
Edgar MoneyPenny Nov 2013
We spent a long time just looking at each other...
Walking down the trail, excited with the idea of trees and becoming animals again we discussed humans and their mental pollution
Man is murdering planet and all she can do is sit there and become swallowed in his filth
Shimmering clouds drifted overhead and small birds seemed to follow us through the brush
I asked her if she wanted to live forever and she just looked at me

We sat in tall grass and ate cheese on apples, drank cheap wine
She asked where I would want to live, if I were to live forever
I smiled and looked around
content with these clouds and this grass
content with the slight breeze and the prints left on my skin
Here, I said.
I handed her another apple slice and she laughed
by william dhalgren
342 · Nov 2013
about a girl
Edgar MoneyPenny Nov 2013
is this it?
the feel runs through me
like a solitary stream through a cold desert
i see you, but i do not feel you
where are you?
Surely not where i wish you were,
beside me.
323 · Mar 2017
descending the pines
Edgar MoneyPenny Mar 2017
slow down,
deep breath,
not as sure footed as your braggadocios ego would lead you to be.
it pulls you in many directions but you can tug back sheepishly.
the pines hold you or you hold the pines.
You need not remember where you're going,or where you came from, you will sleep well tonight.
304 · Nov 2013
Edgar MoneyPenny Nov 2013
when i feel the gentle sway i know its coming
the high envelops all
gentle waves of feel through my fingertips
the high envelops all.
303 · Sep 2014
Edgar MoneyPenny Sep 2014
I would show you the world,
but there is nothing to show
everything you could see
you would already know.

I could tell you nothing elsewise
unpure or unjust
look into yourself
or perish you must.

This life is a sorrow
feeble and weak
and my outlook right now is
rather bleak

i can tell you one thing
your sorrow and woes:
cannot be counted on fingers and toes

Forget about me
and ill try too
My voice you won't hear
and your mind will be clear
301 · Nov 2013
Edgar MoneyPenny Nov 2013
If i truly am falling,
why can i not see the sky?
down the rabbit hole
she says,
and i go.
constantly out of reach.
269 · Mar 2017
The Pit
Edgar MoneyPenny Mar 2017
Once you go in the pit, you never come back the same.
Your filthy ego cleansed of its failing heart,
your crooked nose straightened,
knees unscraped,
tears unshed,
gray hairs turn back to their former luster,
wrinkles smoothed permanently.
this means what you want it to.

— The End —