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Aug 2015 · 725
Every poem
E7sen Aug 2015
Today i feel torn
by the fact that i'm far away from my home.
In her heart next to her lame stuff and the corn .

Thats a joke because in their nothing is lame,
its where my every affection was reborn.

Every light, my every desire , and every poem .
I might be emotionally cold on the surface but the fact remain, in the inside all feelings are running wild and they're all calling your name.
Aug 2015 · 910
Overwhelmed prayer
E7sen Aug 2015
As it gets overwhelming he hit the wall with his fists
and prays silently

" why god? " , he wonders
because he sees his soul in bits

Dreaming is a curse
in a land where the good gets the worst
in this trip we're out of lanes
and no reverse
Aug 2015 · 410
E7sen Aug 2015
We're not just a reputation and a resumé.
You cant just neglect your manners and let it stray.

We are what we do, we are how we feel, and we are who we're attempting to be.

Think of what you choose, think of what is real, and make your whole soul feel.
Aug 2015 · 479
Ruined Me
E7sen Aug 2015
I spent all my feelings, bought your every lie
Sadly its not refundable, i'm stuck with it till i die

Became so repetitive like my friends every time they sigh
Because the good samaritan in me no longer apply
Aug 2015 · 266
E7sen Aug 2015
There once was a time with every thought of u i smiled.
But knowing that you're sad how can i ever be fine.

I already ran a thousand miles
With battered knees, a broken heart and a shattered spine.
Aug 2015 · 511
Can't Grow Wings
E7sen Aug 2015
If there's one thing left to smile about.
It'd take it two minutes to leave while i stand and shout.

I dont care what things I'm not used to live without.
I've been driving in a million thousands routes , And i cant even doubt, that infact im living a happiness drought.

And im pretty sure it will last forever.
Featherless bird cant grow wings to escape the unfamiliar weather.

Stay and fight be ready for whatever!?
Nah its best to say to the world take your best shot cause after her you can't hurt me better.
Aug 2015 · 337
Letter To Love
E7sen Aug 2015
Hello my dame, i think its finally time to confront you with the truth simple and plain.

I dont fear you, i am pain
And you're not no blame, so i promise i will not gain any feelings anymore, therefore i'm out of your game.

I'm on my own lane, perfectly sane ,
Though im a walking warning with my mark of cain.

I'd put you to flames, but i rather change the aim, into more powerful things like the demons i trained , and brought as many tears as the water in rain.

Dont act sad and innocent like you're clear of taint, a freaking perfect saint.

You brought my heart down with you to the land of shame, now i'm sounding lame , i got hurt in vain unfortunately and i keep promising myself not to listen to love but its hard to jump out this plane .

— The End —