If I could show you Everything I've seen War and from my eyes Maybe someone would understand me
I push and I push For understanding and patience Yet I find the most resistance there It is something we all need to make a part of our lives
Life is too short To be upset To hold grudges To hate To be mean
Based on that mentality I have been walked on and over But I won't change It's not a fault I am doing what needs to be done
I am a trained killer But that doesn't mean I cannot have a little bit of patience Sometimes You find out what is real When you take the time to listen
We're all just people Our hearts aren't that different And maybe they aren't at all
If I could show you What it took to make me listen And see You most likely would
It's difficult enough just trying to trudge through this As a "regular" man I'm not anymore
I wonder what your eyes see That mine don’t What your mind thinks That mine won’t
I wonder what your heart feels That mine can’t Who your love touches That mine shan’t
I wonder what your dreams conceive That mine wouldn’t And what you will achieve That I couldn’t I wonder where your destiny lies That mine isn't What your legacy will symbolize That mine didn't BOEMS BY JA 488
In my dreams you came, as if you had never gone, carrying branches with buds still closed. Paralysed with awe I could not stop you leaving. I woke. Shaken to the core. I could not stop you leaving.
A man waiting on someone to die drinks another cup, sighs and looks at his watch, the face everyone rememembers for its twitch and drooping eye, always running, always losing a second, an hour, sometimes a day, a year on the wrist of the dead.
Mother once told me Don't waste your tears On those who don't deserve it Its now worth Seeing the wet emotions Dripping down your face Because there would be times Where you really need to cry And then there would be nothing Dripping down your face