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Deeming that I were better dead,
"How shall I **** myself?" I said.
Thus mooning by the river Seine
I sought extinction without pain,
When on a bridge I saw a flash
Of lingerie and heard a splash . . .
So as I am a swimmer stout
I plunged and pulled the poor wretch out.

The female that I saved? Ah yes,
To yield the Morgue of one corpse the less,
Apart from all heroic action,
Gave me a moral satisfaction.
was she an old and withered hag,
Too tired of life to long to lag?
Ah no, she was so young and fair
I fell in love with her right there.

And when she took me to her attic
Her gratitude was most emphatic.
A sweet and simple girl she proved,
Distraught because the man she loved
In battle his life-blood had shed . . .
So I, too, told her of my dead,
The girl who in a garret grey
Had coughed and coughed her life away.

Thus as we sought our griefs to smother,
With kisses we consoled each other . . .
And there's the ending of my story;
It wasn't grim, it wasn't gory.
For comforted were hearts forlorn,
And from black sorrow joy was born:
So may our dead dears be forgiving,
And bless the rapture of the living.
I often disregard the fact that people affect me the way they do
whether it be good or bad, I just can't shake the fact that people matter
So I'm really astonished by the fact that good people
or anyone really, are treated badly
Is it that we forget the Golden Rule at a certain age
such as when adolescence hits and our selfishness consumes us
or when things gets so bad that it's depression you can't escape
whatever it maybe, whoever it maybe
don't you think they'd appreciate a little kind-heartedness?
even if it ain't reciprocated,
even if they hate you,
even if they harm you,
look into the core of their soul
and let them know,
how their actions only reflect
how much hurt they have endured
and the fact of the matter is,
that they are loved,
it's ensured
even if they aren't.
many thanks for reading, share it around if you like it!
 Jul 2014 dreadfulmind
 Jul 2014 dreadfulmind
The yellow eye
of the sun,
like the ancient eyes
of an old man
who's seen too much whiskey,
used to brown my skin
now just dries me out
like an old boot
turned the wrong way
on the post out by the highway.

r ~ 7/8/14
  / \
 Jul 2014 dreadfulmind
Nick M
 Jul 2014 dreadfulmind
Nick M
my thoughts run like a faucet
I wish I could sleep
I feel like I've lost it
I just lay here and weep
and I think how it's crazy
how fast lives are lost
from 911 to the holocaust
to suicide to overdosing
to accidents to accidental choking
and there's no way to tell
there's no way to know
life could end any second
expectations are low
I try to rewind
to slow down time
but I'm trapped in a box

to those
in view.
 Jul 2014 dreadfulmind
 Jul 2014 dreadfulmind
Maybe goodbyes actually mean
You'll do better without me

Maybe I give up actually means
I'll try again tomorrow but for now, I'm done

Maybe I hate you actually means
I'm tired of trying to love you and getting pushed away

Maybe I'm sorry actually means
I didn't mean for you to find out

There is good in bad,
There is bad in good.

You can't deny it,
Nor can you run away from it.

*Like a phoenix,
You rise from the ashes.
People often use the term "home is where the heart is" as reference that home is a literal place. That you can touch it, feel it, live in it and it's physically there. But I just can't seem to wrap my mind around that. Because my heart belongs to a home that isn't there in a physical sense. My home is the way you say my name and draw circles on my lower back. My home is built and structured in between your arms and in the crook of your neck. I've never felt more at home then when we are skin to skin and I want to pull you even closer. No my home is not a building, my home is you and that's where my heart will always be.
this is a rough draft, sorry
 Jul 2014 dreadfulmind

Painted in a corner

Smeared about the floor

Chants of lone forgiveness

Quiet in the war

“Deafening the sound of death”

Garden roses trampled

Broken stems abound

Wilting on the visions

Blooming losses found

“Petals of peace scattered carelessly”

Blood along the pathway

Eyes hid in the mist

Penning someone else’s name

On this lengthy list

“Alphabetical to the grave”

Standing from the shadows

Crossing battle lines

Reaching for the freedom

Voices loud can find

“Speak up children, your voices matter”

Put aside your weapons

Time has come to cease

The nation now has gathered

United prayer for peace

*“On our hands and knees we pray… send the evil far away”
I was asked to write a poetic prayer for peace by a young friend in Iraq. This is what I wrote.
 Jul 2014 dreadfulmind
She said
 Jul 2014 dreadfulmind
But the truth is in the lust, she said
Or at least that’s what they’re selling
Will you run away with me?
Far beneath the midnight
Nothing between us
Our bodies
Blushing,  moonlight
We could hide away, for a while
While the judgments of a world, in love with itself, quietly pass us by
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