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 Sep 2014 Dorotea
Tyler Durden
I want my friends back,
But the thief named
adulthood stole them
from me.
 Sep 2014 Dorotea
 Sep 2014 Dorotea
I have a void inside
Because you're not here
I only want your touch to fill it

But I guess these cigarettes and coffee
Will have to do.
 Sep 2014 Dorotea
Tyler Durden
I feel like,
By the time I'm finished preparing for my future
I'll be too old to remember
The things I enjoy.
 Sep 2014 Dorotea
Tyler Durden
 Sep 2014 Dorotea
Tyler Durden
I have this weird feeling
The feeling you have when you miss someone
Or when you're homesick
But I'm  home
And my friends are too
I still feel nothing is here
Does anyone know what I mean?
 Sep 2014 Dorotea
Layla Thurman
What does it mean
To grow older
Are we gaining
Our best years
Or losing them?

— The End —