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 Dec 2015 Dipendra Panta
There is a woman
Named Sumina
Who is from Kathmandu

Hope you have a good day
Your poetry is beautiful
And so are you
Ohh My life's Companion

It is better that I take my sorrows with me
Let me narrate the story of my heart
Let me douse you with my tears
Let the tears swab down to your feet
I am the one who
feel your love limit to sky


I am the one who proved
your sweet lies !!!
Like a sun with its light
Like a cloud with its rain
Like a moon with its coolness
Like a rain with its drops

Like a eye with its tears
Like a lips with its smile
Like a butterfly with its flower
Like a bee with its honey

I can never be with you
Coz I am alive within you
And  can never be apart from you
I can take a breath
but can't live my life
I am confused I am dead or alive

I have lots of things to do
will you please give some rest
I am now too tired
will you please clean up my bed

I want to see the moon
the clouds are dark
now its going to rain
can I now see it clear

I have lots of dream
will you please give me prefect night
I need to see my dreams
will you please make me alive
You cant save my life
I am drawn
drawn in my own pain

You cant make me happy
I am covered
Covered with my own grief

You cant read me
I am written in the paper
damped by my own tears
He painted me with the faith
Color  to make me as his wish
I was so glad he believe me
I would be real in his sketch

He hold me, croon for me
Dance and smirk with me
He comes close to share his emotion
I feel proud as I shine in his passion


Where are you going leaving me alone?
I could not be here without your shadow
I feel suffocation in this canvass
I would be scared in this dimness

I am so isolate without your hug
You make me smile blush me up
Now I can't be happy nor can cry
As the tears will take identity of my
The only thing you left for me
The only thing I can carry for you
That makes me feel alive in this canvass
Yeah you are right, I should have forget them
Is there any reason to remembering them?
What if they had helped me?
What if they are only who are with me in my loneliness
What if they give me strength to tackle the problem?
I should have forget them now
Now I don’t need them as I have you
Now I should remove their name from my mind
What if I have lots of good memory with them?
We cried, we fought, we laughed and we danced
No matter now, I should be only with you
No matter if I want to laugh with them
I should be happy only with you
I should now forget these reminiscences
I should not be with them to help as they do
I should have forget them
And I am glad that I turned myself into selfish gal now
Thanks for making me selfish …….
:( :(
Open your window, here come the sunlight
Making you day bright and  warm
See your friend following on night
Making you clam and saying good night
Are you alone?
Feel the smell of rose
It makes you feel lots of love
If you are bored
Listen that bird singing for you
Feel the struggle made by river
Touch the cold water makes you better
Don’t make yourself suffering
It is following you every where
Take the breath it makes you survive
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