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Gravity is negligible
Ground below disappears
Stars are within reach
And our energy grows
Even Einstein envies us
Because time stops
When we are together

Control is needless
With full confidence
we make every desire reality
Even Atlas envies us
Because the world lies
In the palm of our hands
When we are together

As brave warriors
We boldly crash
Every border ahead
For a higher cause
Even Napoleon envies us
Because we are the masters of power
When we are together

The melody of
Our melded bodies
Is the only thing we hear
Even Mozart envies
The perfectly composed symphony
When we are together

Moral vanished
Rationality forgotten
Our psyche ruled by Id
Even Freud envies us
because pleasure is the only drug we use
When we are together

The fantasy is real
As  is the breathing
Mine and yours
Deep and passionate
Even Nietzsche envies us
Because the Übermensch becomes alive
When we are together
Copyright Afrodita Nestor

It takes a lot of time to unleash the hidden beast inside... But when it is out I feel like I have exhaled a mountain... Poetry makes me visit secret worlds where everything is possible...
 Dec 2014 DiamondGirl
Turtle Eyes
From Christmas to Easter to Groundhogs Day, I can't wait to spend every last one with you. I love you so much and all of my days and holidays are incomplete without being with you!
He Never Said I'm Sorry

He never said I'm sorry
For the bad things that he did
Or all the time that he missed
When I was just a kid

He never said I'm sorry
For never teaching me
All the things I would need
To help me through me teens

He never said I'm sorry
For not standing by my side
The day when I got married
Not meeting my new bride

He never said I'm sorry
For not knowing his grandson
Missed the day he was born
Never knew how he grew up

He never said I'm sorry
As he laid dying in his bed
Now for him I just feel sorry
For all the things he never did

He never said I'm sorry

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
I guess the thing he did give me was that I now shower my son with love every day.

If you like this, please add this to a few collections and help it trend. Thanks. JOE
 Dec 2014 DiamondGirl
So much happening
you look to the sky,
the wind blows
you float up high.
No control
you think you'll die,
for only a second
but then you realize,
not a moment passes
that struck you with fear.
opening up your mind,
to new ideas,
And when the moments right
you'll begin to fall
with one tumbling motion
and no remorse at all.
The ground will shake ,
and the wind shall  blow,
but all that matters,
is at least you know
*That sometimes you'll hit an all time low,
But it only leads you to where you need to go.
I Based this off a dream
 Dec 2014 DiamondGirl
Turtle Eyes
You are the right medicine,
No matter what the illness!
 Dec 2014 DiamondGirl
Turtle Eyes
Please take good  care of the woman I love today!
 Dec 2014 DiamondGirl
I love everything that you do not love about yourself
"Diamonds are forever"...they will stay like a love that's true
A diamond can symbolize the faithful love that I have for you
But never think that this heart I offer is something that is fake
My love will see you through, and that's a promise I won't break.
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