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You don't really know someone if you don't take your time out to get to know them. You judge by character or by face, yet what can you really say about them? You don't know their favorite color or favorite food, not even their utmost favorite place to eat. You judge me because you took one look, but you didn't even say hi. I didn't hear a word because you said it behind my back. How can you know someone if you don't communicate or if you don't give some kind of sign that you're interested in them? Do you know their pain or what makes them smile.... do you know what kind of person is sitting next to you right now? You don't know if you don't try to get to know them. Perhaps you thought you did, but you don't know me.
I began writing prose today. (2-17-2015) I hope you are taking a part in it. Thank you!
As the run rises in the east, I'm taken aback by her beauty. It takes all that
I have to contain myself, to hold onto my sanity. Her beauty astounds me,
takes me to new worlds I had yet to discover. I'm fascinated. I'm
dedicated. I'm in awe. No one's beauty was ever so breathtaking. I cannot
believe the pounding of my heart as I hear her name. Her breath is
my breath, as she is the air that I breathe.  As the sun rises, the beauty
I behold just looking into her eyes, seeing that divine smile, feeling free.
She is my sun, my light, my life. I refuse to let her go.
This is my first prose. I posted it
in one of my poetry links in
Facebook as well.
10:48 a.m. on 2-17-2015
O, Ebony! Ebony!
my heart can't take the pain
my life is out there
in the world
in the distant world
I can't hold you anymore
I can't take it anymore

Alas, Ebony! Ebony!
my heart has been darkened
by nothing but your memory
in my heart
in my distant mind
I can't stand it anymore
I can't do this anymore

O, Ebony! Ebony!
wherefore art thou, My Ebony?
my life is pure vain
in a world
in a distant world
I can't go on anymore
I can't take it anymore
written 2-16-2015
angels are born and given to us as gifts
they are given to us to love and to nurture
each one comes in a different size or form
each one has his or her special ability
they are brought to us to give us love
and they are surrounding us every day

know what makes angels?

when I look at you I know the answer
God created you just for me
with cuddly teddy bear hugs
and lots of kisses
my angel is none other than you
It isn't every day
that someone writes something
that triggers a memory
or a bit of a spark
but when that day comes
the post is noted
taken to heart
shared by many
and touches lives

I hope that this post
brings a smile
upon your face and heart
and that each day
is full of love and hope

I woke up with a song in my heart
and my first thoughts ran to you
wishing you a momentous day
in all that you say and do

I woke up with a love in my heart
and it was you that came to mind
friendship is a beautiful thing
and one like ours is hard to find

I woke up with a tune in my heart
and you were the first note I played
so thankful you've come into my life
and since then you have stayed

I woke up with a song in my heart
and it sings as love allures
with friendship, health and caring hugs
sent from my heart to yours
I couldn't believe my eyes
that bright shining light
what was that thing anyway?

It came and went so fast
and disappeared behind those trees

Did anyone else see it
or was I the only one
a strange thing happened

As if the lights weren't enough
and the glowing clouds
two creatures emerged

The first's head was purple
shaped like a tomato
had ears of a kangaroo

Strange, but a true story
I just wish I knew
if anyone else saw it too
Maybe I've been watching too many movies..
maybe it was a hologram
maybe I am imaginative..
but the question is..
Did YOU see it?
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