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 Nov 2014 Rose
After all this time, I have learnt to write in the dark. See, this jukebox plays every night and it wouldn’t shut up no matter the pounds I fed. Such is the night of a writer; it goes on shuffle and repeat. And sometimes I hear your voice. Most times, it sounded like folding a picture of us and keeping it in the pockets of a stranger’s jeans, probably ending up tumbled and dried. I ask myself if it could have been a painted canvas. It’s just the thought of you that haunts me at night. If you ever do heart to heart talks, let’s talk about haunted houses. Some people get out of it; some don’t; some re-enter just for the thrill of it. I might be all three and I might not be the most played song in your playlist. I have tried several times to write about you, but none of them sounded right when I read them out loud. Some may write what they believe and some may write to believe; I might or might not be both. If I survived writing this prose, how could I be sure if it was your voice haunting me or if you were just a house I sought refuge in? The Northern Lights stays in the Aurora Zone; no one said that they’d ever Go West. Your skin on mine was like a child holding on to candy, I never wanted to let you go. When I wake, I only wonder if you have ever missed me at 3a.m.. I could make a mixtape titled: I heard you in these songs. But you were one who basked in the light. So I guess it’s safe to say that what was written in the dark stays in the dark.
 Sep 2014 Rose
This mix of want and desire
Leaves my mouth watering
For something I've never tasted
****. Why, **** it.
 Sep 2014 Rose
 Sep 2014 Rose
I want.
I want.
I want.

to hold your hands

to kiss your lips

to run my hands through your hair

to lick your face

to bite your lip

to learn the taste, the feel of your tongue

to move my hands down your chest, down your body

to pleasure you, hard in my hands, make you come

to toy with you deliciously within my mouth

to have you inside of me, fully

I want to not want these things.
I want to already have them.
I normally don't write stuff like this but I was up late, and it just... kinda... happened.
So... yeah, I guess.
I feel all shy now...
 Sep 2014 Rose
Gwen Johnson
I'm begging summer
Can you please stay?
I don't want to go back to that place
I feel so small
Even walking down the halls
Just get to class
You'll be okay
Hoping that the teacher doesn't call my name
Just a hello
And I panic and look away
When lunch comes I don't want to eat
So many people I can barely breathe
Help me summer
I wouldn't have to feel this way
If you would just stay
Not looking forward to the anxiety that comes with going back to school
 Sep 2014 Rose
Gwen Johnson
Enjoy the silence
She said in a whisper
As the room kept getting dimmer
Enjoy the silence
They said as they fought her
Enjoy the silence
She said when she got hurt
Enjoy the silence
She cried in her pillow
Enjoy the silence
She repeated as the silent noise
Consumed her
 Aug 2014 Rose
My Rose
 Aug 2014 Rose
She is everything I've ever wanted to be
Everything that makes me strong
She is graceful, beautiful and my brand of insane
She makes me hope
A friend
For Kay, an inspiration for the writer I hope to be, wickedly.
 Aug 2014 Rose
 Aug 2014 Rose
Imagine what we could be

Living in nothing but our dreams
Occasionally giving in to the scenes
Everything you are to me.

Young forever
Only in our hearts
Understand that we'll never be apart

Besides, tomorrow's here
And another dream has disappeared
Eventually nighttime shall come again.
I.   L.O.V.E.   Y.O.U.   B.A.B.E.
 Aug 2014 Rose
jeffrey conyers
You think they're hard.
You think they are mean.
When they only looking out for you.
Which some only learn after having a kid or two.

Then they must honest adapt to strict rules.

Trying to grow up fast.
Has derailed many of teens.
Who didn't listen to their parents rules?

Stay in school.
Come home on time.
Don't be disobedience.
Which you will expect for your own child.

Yes, you give them mouth.
But many parents shut that down.
As long as you under their roof.
Your rules don't apply.

Which many teen has known has made them be called a wonderful child.

Parents that know that they are parents first.
And friends seconds seem comprehending that notation.
While many seem confuse by the remark dealing with the situation.

You don't party will your children.
It just a unwritten rule.
As you don't disrespect your parents.
If you like living like many kids do.

We all know the phase spoken so often.
I brought you into this world.
And I'll take you out.

Notice teens upon the news for being foolish.
Many in jail hoping parent will seek bail.
Then some already know their parents hearts.
If you're there.
Then there you will be.
If you have follow wise advice.
Then you still be free.

And for those will child.
They more restrained.
You're now a teen parent and can't dictate a single thing.

Unlike when you wasn't a parent.
With more freedom to do.
All any parent request of their child.
Is to follow rules.

All parents has been where you been?
And seen what you seen?
So trying to be grown before its time.
Means you're in the wrong.

Don't rush adulthood.
Don't rush it at all.
Cause responsibility will be waiting when you turn eighteen.
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