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Danziel Jul 2014
Tear you've forsaken my ego and my face
Why do you make me feel so weak
It hurt so much like the burning feeling of mace

I don't appreciate how you make me feel like a hurricane
I 'm not in your category
Tear don't fall onto my chest
Cause you'll place my feelings into so much distress

I thought you adored me,
cause you sat there for so long
When you fell you blatantly ignored my plead
Why is it that no one has a care or a worry

Tear you are no better
but even you Tear
Why have you Forsaken Me??!!!!

-V.v.V. Ds
Danziel Jul 2014
We can go the distance
With uneven earth beneath our feet
Carrying the essentials of life
Which is ourselves to be precise
That's all we need for our journey

There is no exact destination
Think of this as an extended vacation
We can visit the wonders of the world
We have mountains to conquer
Oceans to Sea
Sands to hallucinate in
Meadows to admire

We can eat in China
Though, I want McDonalds
It's all about the experiences
That's all that matters

Building up mental pictures
Memory postcards for the future
Let's just travel the world
Even as I try to pursuit you
My traveling partner
I was on the bus today heading to work and this popped in my head.
Danziel Jul 2014

To give you a regular old compliment
I would deny your complete existence
Your beauty as a person is making me ecstatic
If I were a magician your beauty would be my greatest magic
God gave you many blessings
Intelligence and *** appeal and that’s only two of them
If you were to ask me, would I ever hurt you?
I would say no, I’d never try to,
That would be out of the Question
I would tell you I Love You
Only if I meant it
I can never picture Leading you on
But, I can be your Navigator leading you to a place that you would enjoy
My Heart
To continue my tour, I would lead you to my brain
So you Know 99.9 percent of the Time
Your Knocking at my door to ya special place in my mind
You’re so sweet; I can taste your emotions
Most males can sit there and leave your heart broken
Me I can be your Super Glue to put your Heart back into Motion
This is my compliment to you or even a gesture
I just gave you all my confidence
I hope I leave ya heart and your mind feeling like
A True Angel Feather
Danziel Jul 2014
Unimaginable scenarios
Cross my mind
I really shouldn't think of it
So I crank up the stereo
Still not helping me

The thought of your essence
Continues to provoke my emotions
The sensual vibrations of your voice
is intoxicating my ear drums and
impairs me to believe, that you remain in my presence

Is it that I'm going crazy
So I try chilling with my homeboys
to keep you away but that doesn't work either

Throughout the noise of laughter
the the thought of your eyes overwhelms me
What I see is two very remarkable gateways to your soul
from their i look deeper and I see me
caressing your heart to let you know I am here

When my homeboys had left
I started walking to occupy my mind
Still a failure and I still just don't know why

As I walk I picture you next to me
We holding hands tightly
The smooth tenderness of your hand
Arouses my mind and takes me back
to when you,
slightly grazed your hand over my head as I was sleeping

So I started run and from that
You were still there but you were in front of me
I guess that is a symbol of you trying to escape
your issues before I helped you to face them
and reason for me behind you is because
you will always be #1 in this race of thought
which is my cross country of emotions

So I stopped running and was heading home
but I was right next to your house
You came out and we once we started talking
The thought of you went away
but the realization of you was there
and now I see why I think of you so much

It's because you are my everything
and I could never stand to be away from you
So my mind try to fill the void
I never wanted to think of you
All I ever want is to be with you
To be continued.........

-V.v.V. Ds
Danziel Jul 2014
Here I am
Always here
but I still feel gone
Here I stand
On both 2 feet
No I feel too **** weak
Here is my trust
protect it
That is a must
Here is sorrow
That I embrace
I wouldn't recommend 4 you 2 borrow
Here is fate
In which I seek
let me check up under your feet
Here is life
I don't want it
Cuz this ugly world
I know will continue to taunt it
Here is strength
In which you can't have
It's too late it already died
Here is death
It is the only thing that is left
Here I remain
All alone
To continue on and deal with all this pain
Here is joy
something I've never known
People damage it like a cheap toy
Here is the end
I've reached my peak
I am the pen, that just ran out of Ink

-V.v.V. Ds
Danziel Jul 2014
12/9/09 ·

Addictive like a Cigarette
More beautiful than the evening sky
So painful like a needle directly to my eye
I try to keep it together like barrette
but my feelings is a pitcher who throws it to the outside
Ur sweet
I wish I can stick to you like a fruit fly

I want to let u know how I feel
but if nerves can **** I'm already dead
Emotions all in pieces like a puzzle
I wish this can be said
I feel like a dog ready to bark
but my mind is my own muzzle

Your joy is what makes me happy
Still I have no joy
Head spinning like I just finished doing the El Roy
Never will I take u 4 granted
but not being able to speak
I'm slowly turning into a manic
In which it's a blissful form of depression

Cornered like a boxer
I'm ready to throw this bout
but seeing you in my corner
keeps me from going that route
I may have lost by the judges
Yet I still feel like a champ
cuz I know ur 1 of my cuts-men
Apart of my training camp

As magnificent as you are
I will not take the risk
I will remain silent
Let it blow away with this mist
So it can scatter around and never end
I'm happy but not satisfied
I want you as my Mrs.
but since this will never come
I'm happy to still see u as my friend
Not really to the end
Ongoing 4ever

V.v.V. Ds
Danziel Jul 2014
I am thunder
When I speak from my core
You will hear me
there is no doubt that u will hear me
I am violent and will tremble this earth
So you can understand
You can't judge me
If you try I will reign down on you
and I will flood your gutter of a mind
Wash away every aspect of doubt
That I am king
I am the flash of light
That is known as lightening
I will blind you
In the blink of those eyes
That profoundly gaze in the event of my demise
I will have written away all lies and gossip
I am too powerful
I am the dark clouds of Anguish
That will fog your mind
and I am the wind
that will blow away your sanity
Leaving you breathless
You can try to shelter yourself
from the oncoming Hail I bring
I will pour out....My soul
just to end this drought
I will form off the puddle of tears
from torn down goals
I will rise from the heat
of stepped on dreams
I am no ordinary storm
Now you have something to fear
Look towards the sky
and Sea that u have just witnessed
The Perfect Storm

-V.v.V. Ds
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