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 Sep 2019 dadens
A Freedom
'in this vast ocean of love,
few swim naked,
most are grooming from above.'
 Sep 2019 dadens
I get it... ..

i do.

Perhaps I'm not
your sunrise or sunset

But maybe,

you or your landscape is a
poem of prose
left for the

whether read
or not

you may
be the
bike but,
i peddle
 Sep 2019 dadens
 Sep 2019 dadens
My heart hurts
With a love I do not know
And my chest bursts with flowers
I watered with my tears
An unplanted garden
That blooms in autumn
And sheds in the sun
 Aug 2019 dadens
 Aug 2019 dadens
Our hearts. They hug the heavens
Then I fall right back to you
We kiss the stars then grasp each other
And old weaves its way to new
The prophecy of a poet
Solomon breathes it true
My eyes. They look to heaven.
But my hands, they reach for you
We could read to the blind
If we could hear the deaf
Then, we could speak to the dumb
 Jul 2019 dadens
Eric Martin
I used to wonder why we are born
And why we die
Why we laugh
And why we cry
How I can be happy and still have a tears fill my eye
Or have a smile on my face as I am chocked expecting the end is nigh

But as I grow older it is plain to see
It was better to to beat to life's drum
Then to become numb
And have nothing effect me
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