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I'm always thirsty
My craving never subsides
I found peace in you
That's why I ate you.
I wanted a piece of that.
I have realized that I cannot be saved.
I walk with the ******.
I live amongst beasts.
  I feed on the innocent.

...Like a vampire

Always aware
That I am a special kind,
but a very lonely kind
I found a home with you
But you slept and I couldn't.
You were wholesome and I wasn't.
Your heart beated and I didn't have one.
So I ate you.
From the inside out.
  I'm sorry.
She dances,
In such grace and poise
Positioned in between the tallest buildings
And she poses
For the camera
The bright flashes

Or on stage
In the spotlight
Twirling and twisting
Not a hair out of place
Not a step out of line
Not a breath unplanned

Trained to be accurate
Self destructing, but so well collected
The most beautiful dancer the world has ever seen.
Something about this liquor
Drowns you out
Good bye--

Something about this liquor
Makes me turn on NWA
I feel more at home--

Something about this liquor
Puts a genuine smile on my face
And a light hearted giggle in my laugh

So don't bother me
I need a break.
Away from everything else.
I've missed the old me
And this is the only place where she and I can come to reconnect.
I wish for my life to have meaning
For my life to carry on,
I want to live, to be immortal.

Not in life but when I'm gone.

I want the breeze of my life to live
Past a moment when I am still.

But my memory my heratige stands
The test of time even though I'm no
Longer here, I drift on the breeze
Of time where my actions live on.
Repetition of disappointment.
Am I doing something wrong?
I’m perfect in one moment,
But I’m not so perfect for very long.

Maybe you felt like you needed to be lifted
So you grabbed a pretty face
And my emotions shifted
To a more comfortable place.

And when you decided you didn’t need me anymore,
Or maybe you became distracted,
You let our beautiful plans hit the floor
And now my trust is further impacted.

I finally let another one in
But I should have been happy alone
Because they bruise me from under my skin
And now its dark where the sun once shone.

You stole what I thought would be home
But I guess It was never mine, you must have plenty spaces.
I hope you enjoy your stay, wherever you roam,
And take pleasure in the twisting faces.

Lifeless bodies left behind on your trail,
The attention must feel great.
Unfortunately, everything becomes stale
But by then I will be numb, melancholy marinates.
 Feb 2016 Crystina Holency
her body
frail & cold.
i love-
d her.
i let her go.
i regret

all the moments
i did not hold her close.
it is
late, now.

she belongs to the earth.

*maybe she was never mine.
i did not try;
hard enough.
i can almost hear it
sometimes I fidget
uncomfortable with the weight
of the words
that course through my veins
unable to rid myself of the itch of the need to write
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