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3.8k · Dec 2017
7 days a week
I will love you seven days a week.
I will tell you tales, and love you as we speak.
I will love you today,
And I will love you more each day.

I will love you like Monday.
Like how the Moon loves to kiss the bay.
Like what happened on July 20, 1969,
I will take the risk like my life is on the line.
Because this day will be the start,
Of a one giant leap for my heart.

I will love you like Tuesday.
Like how Ares loves to slay.
I will fight for you till the end of the week,
And claim you as the prize that I seek.
Because even the God of War,
Lost the battle to the one he adore.

I will love you like Wednesday.
Like how Hermes loves to play.
To your heart, I will become a guide.
Everything that you'll need, I will provide.
Every problem we will outwit.
We will face it together, we won't quit.

I will love you like Thursday.
Like how Thor loves to throw his hammer away.
I'll try to be perfect like him,
Even though I am weak and I am slim.
And when our love meets Ragnarok,
I will remind you how I love you again like an alarm clock.

I will love you like Friday.
Like how Freya loves her beauty to be portray.
On this day I will adore your beauty,
I'll touch and give pleasure to your body.
I'll bring you gifts and other thing,
And I'll hope that one day you'll wear that diamond ring.

I will love you like Saturday.
Like how Cronus loves to eat a new-borns buffet.
How I hope I won't suffer the same fate,
Because did you know what happened to this mate?
I promise not to be a Cronus.
I'll love you and our children as a bonus.

I will love you like Sunday.
Like how the Sun loves to give us a brand new day.
This may be the end of the week,
But my love for you won't end, this I speak.
For I love you seven days a week,
And I'll end everyday with a kiss on your cheek.
it's made for her again. and if you notice, i made it with accordance to the name of the days and the root of its names.
378 · Dec 2017
Loves like grammar.
Everybody commits mistkes.
Mistakes that's too common to commit,
Yet everyone else still doing it.

Using its instead of it's,
Is doubting instead to trusting.
Using the incorrect world,
Its like misinterpreting love for lust.
Mistake with subject-verb agreements,
As same as loving only one of them rather then loving both of them.

Errors on punctuation marks,
Learning to stop and let go.
Learning to pick: the, right, choice
Learning to continue; even if you want to end it
Learning to rest for awhile... but finish what you started

And prevented mistakes with tenses.
Most of the time we thinked that we still "have" something we "had",
And so, we have to erase "was" and replaces it with "will"

It's all connected,
A perfect sentence needs to be faultless,
So is love;
i hope you get how sarcastic this poem is... it's one of my favorite...
I miss you...
Not romantically though,
I just miss you...
'cause you always get me through.

I miss your face,
Especially your weirdness.
I miss when you take me to space,
Just you and I in the darkness.

You will call me a freak,
And I will call you the same.
'cause we both are sick,
And we both are lame.

We would talk, and talk,
Until we discontinue.
But then I will knock, and knock,
And we will continue.

Then came the day,
Where the conversation ended.
I felt dismay,
'Cause I thought our story was open-ended;
so i met this girl... we have the same taste in music, we both like rock. we also think that we are both outcast. it's titled tiffany blews because it is a song fall out boy made and i used to compare her to the song
320 · Dec 2017
I feel like an empty shelf.
I told you that I'll fix myself,
Because I left your heart all broken and bruised.
So now, I'm confused.
Should I talk to you?
Or should I let you slip through?
Thinking a lot, my mind is overused,
But still, I am confused.
I know I'll be broken when I let you go,
And if I stay, I will only give you woe.
My heart is defused,
But my mind? Confused.
Should I move?
I'm confused.
Would I improve?
I'm confused.
Should I depend this to the one above?
I'm confused.
Is this love?
I'm confused.
313 · Dec 2017
Northern Downpour
Hey moon,
What is it like?
What is it like to shine?
What is it like to be above all everything else?
What is it like to be you?
Shinning above the world so high,
Looking at everything down below.
Pulling ocean,
Causing tides.
Making everyone look above,
Just too look at your beauty.
So magnificent,
So bright!
You brought light to a world so dim.
Consumed in darkness,
You set hope.
Your many forms amuses me.
Every night you became less,
Yet your beauty completes me.
You, with the sun almighty.
Never ceases to amaze me.
But I like you most.
Though you're small,
Though you're puny,
You never let the sun consume me.
Your fullness lets the Man live at you,
Lets the Man stay alive.
When you show your sadness,
When you became dark,
When your color so pure, turns to blood.
It makes makes everything a little brighter,
It takes my happiness a whole lot farther.
Hey moon,
Please forget to fall down.
Hey moon,
Don't you go down.
i have this weird love about the moon. i like looking at it every single night and fall in love with it every time. so i made her a poem. northern downpour because it's a song... you should just listen to it.
311 · Dec 2017
Me.Sing.You. pt2: Listen
I miss you...
Not romantically though,
I just miss you...
'cause you always get me through.

I don't know your face,
But I know how your voice sound.
We'll just talk on that place,
Where our thing was first found.

We would pretend to be bodiless,
'Cause we're just a sentient weird voice.
And all we'll do is talk about stress,
But ****, I really miss that sweet voice.

We would talk every end of the day,
Even though we both are unaware.
What is yet to come, is it life or decay?
But still, we would talk and still, we would dare.

Then my voice started to fade away,
Just like in a movie soundtrack.
You didn't even stay,
Or waited for me to come back.
I met this ******* an app called "Listen" it's basically a social media but all you do is listen to some other persons voice, no face, no name, just voice. I met her and the rest is the poem
300 · Dec 2017
A Story About Her pt.1
Today I saw her.
Sad 'cause I didn't know her.
She walked passed my heart.
Now, I'm looking for her
And I don't know where to start.
Today I saw her.
I just know one thing,
That she looked like a flower.
She's not a tulip, a lilac or a daisy,
A rose, beautiful but quite deadly.
Today I saw her.
Will I ever know her?
Now the search begins,
Will I ever see her again?
I made a poem about a girl I saw at school. She's a beauty, pale skin, left part of her head is shaved, black accessories. She's the deadliest person I saw. She's a poison, yet an antidote.
280 · Dec 2017
the art lover
I'm an art lover
And you're a masterpiece.
I can't touch you...
'Cause I'll only ruin you.
Instead, I'll just stare at you
And fall inlove with everything,
Every inch,
Every brush stroke,
Every color,
And every detail.
I don't mind the dark colors you have,
'Cause it shows how bright you are.
I don't mind the empty spaces,
'Cause it shows how much you need to be filled.
I don't mind the careless brush strokes,
'Cause it shows how much you've been through.
All the bad things you have?
Only shows how much more you value.
I like how you make me feel by just staring at you.
How speechless I become when looking at you,
How I badly want to describe you at the same time,
But I can't...
'Cause you're an abstract.
There's no way to describe you,
Because you are many things.
You are death and life,
You are chaos and peace.
You are everything all at the same time,
And you are nothing.
I love it.
And I love you, just the way you are.
Because nothing is something to me.
Because I'm an art lover
And you're a masterpiece.
I can't touch you...
'Cause I'll only ruin you.
So I guess I'll just stare.
And continue to stare.
Continue to fall in love with you.
one of my best, in my opinion. it's about a girl i love
234 · Dec 2017
1 like = 1 prayer
What happened to the youth's mind?
They might be deaf or might be blind
I can't even tell.
But they will surely yell,
All the things they want on social media
Just to be on Wikipedia.

They say that youth is the future
But youth nowadays don't act mature.
All they do is post here, like there,
They don't even care about the air.
On the field of love, they all are player.
Saving people with 1 like 1 prayer.

What happened to the youth's mind?
Blahblahblah mankind.
Looking in a screen,
This has no medicine.
Not thinking about the consequences
Of all the things their bad friend says.

Youth is the hope of the future
But youth nowadays act immature
It was sad because they lost their duty
They became useless in today's society
Life is hard and youth is vain
So we need to wake up to start again
All things must change
To something strange.
i made this as a song actually... it was for a school project. i just don't like today's generation, especially in my country. I think that's how it is... every generation hates the next generation that comes after them
228 · Dec 2017
Some say the world is a paradise.
Some say the world is already heaven.
Some say the world is a happy place.
But not to me.
Ordinary people see the world as a fun place.
But for me the world is sad.
The world is poisoned.
It is dying.
This place is not heaven,
This is hell.
Everyone is a demon.
But not me.
I am an outcast.
Demons see me as a fellow demon.
They know me as a demon.
They do not know me.
Of what i truly am.
They will never know me.
This place is hell.
It is dying.
And it will be dying.
This place is hell.
Where all the people go when they die.
I am dead.
Dead inside.
Inside a world where no one knows me.
i made this when i was being bullied
212 · Jan 2018
Do you think we'll meet again?
When the paper stops touching the tip of my pen?
When the moon kisses the bay for the last time?
When the respected police start to commit a gruesome crime?

Do you think I’ll feel you skin again?
When the sun hides in the cloud and it starts to rain?
When the crazy people finally became sane?
When the colored TV becomes black, white and plain?

Do you think we'll miss each other again?
When the maniacs finally break their chains?
When the last leaf of autumn fall?
When the planets above start to brawl?

Do you think I’ll get to taste your lips again?
When the last passenger going to France leaves the train?
When the terrorist won and started to reign?
When the last blood on my body leaves my vein?

Do you think we'll fall in love again?
When all the happiness turns to pain?
When the tears on your pillow starts to dry?
When there's nothing else left except to try?

Do you?
Will you?
194 · Sep 2016
my mind is dead.
I can't think clearly.
well, I can't think at all.
I'm wondering why my thoughts are all gone.

am I finally normal?
am I cured of my madness?
am I like all the people around me?
am I finally a human?

I don't want to.
I never want to be like them.
all these people are... sane.
sane, being sane is a plague.

sane is the most dangerous illness.
once I become one, I'll be like them.
them... the mind controlled people.
no freedom, no difference and no one.

they are all like ants.
they only follow a single line.
once they're out of the line, they'll get lost.
they panic and they fear, till they find the line again.

they all laughed at me 'cause I'm different,
but I laughed at them 'cause they're all the same.
I hope the hole in my mind will be filled by new things.
new madness. new thoughts. new uniqueness.

I will only get noticed if I'm different.
so I'll stand when all of them are seated,
I'll talk when all of them are quiet,
and I be myself when all of them are the same.
I wrote this when I my mind is srsly blank... Just blank

— The End —