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Jul 2015 · 535
Cowin Alan Jul 2015
I had a moment.
When I thought about her beating me at connect four.
They way she laughed and taunted me.
I smiled, I really smiled.
And felt genuine joy about that moment.
We sat in a restaurant that didn't matter.
Playing a game that didn't matter.
What did matter was her, and the way she made me feel.
And how the memory resonated within me.
I want more of those moments.

When we can move past our pain, and grief.
And enjoy the memory.
I feel like that's what it means to honor their life.
That is what I need to do.
Stop crying.
And start smiling.
Jul 2015 · 577
Shooting star
Cowin Alan Jul 2015
It is funny the way her charisma still rings though my memories.
The way she held the world with just a smile.
It is something you never forget.
Like the first time you see a shooting star.
So brilliant for a moment, and if you blink you miss it.
That was her life.
So bright, she couldn't help but fade into the night
Jul 2015 · 304
If I could be anything
Cowin Alan Jul 2015
I look out into the world.
And wish I was someone else.
I wish I was everything I don't have.
Most of all.
I wish I was love.
Jul 2015 · 292
Cowin Alan Jul 2015
A broken girl from a broken home.
A broken god left her all alone.
He tried to fit his pieces to make her whole.
She could stay in this place.
She lost all of her faith.
And she took the biggest part of him away.
The belt was tightly around her neck.
It is a thought he'll not forget.
Now all that is left his regret.
A broken man a broken home.
Wished the world would leave him alone
Jul 2015 · 175
Cowin Alan Jul 2015
Your smile held the world.
While your green eyes.
The constellations.
Imagine looking at the world.
Without people, or animals.
Imagine looking at the sky.
Without stars.
When you took your life.
This is what I'm left with.
An empty planet
And a black sky.
Jul 2015 · 397
Cowin Alan Jul 2015
Why is it, that we lustfully pursue others
Finding them in dark places.
Hoping they fill the empty spaces.
But they never do.
They only break off a little piece.
And as we leave never to return.
We are only more broken than before.
Jul 2015 · 186
Cowin Alan Jul 2015
She was so much of everything
Now she is nothing, but still a part of everything. Funny how it is when someone you are in love with passes on. In a way they keep living with you. Whether it is a ghost to haunt you, or an angel to guide you.
They are still there. She is still here.
Sometimes she is both. I miss you so very much, storm.
Jul 2015 · 601
Cowin Alan Jul 2015
They say in order to survive
a man made of sterner things
organs blood tissues marrow  
Sadness hollow darkness sorrow
bones that break
and hands that shake
am I not meant survive?
Sterner stuff is not what comprises
I cannot take all of life's surprises
I do not think we are meant to just survive.
I want to live. Even then then, I need to redefine what it means to live.
Jul 2015 · 209
What's left
Cowin Alan Jul 2015
So what's left of me?
I drink from this bottle
I drown in the sorrow
I pray, no more tomorrow

Would you even recognize me?
I sleep with these women
I have lost all conviction
I hope, this was all fiction.

Come back

Come back and I swear I'll save you
Jul 2015 · 227
Cowin Alan Jul 2015
Her devils, took her to see the angels.
I was lost.
I am still lost.
Everything in this world is like a ******* disease.
Without you here.
Take me.
I need you near.
Trying to put in to words, when the one you love takes their life. I'm haunted, I'm tormented, I'm lost, and most of all I just ******* miss her.
Jun 2015 · 281
Cowin Alan Jun 2015
Doll, please, I've seen you without make-up.
Hair a mess.
Sweatpants, and a T.
And every time you manage to steal the show.
Dressed up or dressed down.
What I wouldn't give to be that glass of wine.
That traces your lips.
Jun 2015 · 313
Demon dreams
Cowin Alan Jun 2015
I can't even be free in my dreams
Demons hell bound for my life.
My blood drips from their teeth
I can't live like this.

They want to take me.
I can't live like this.
I wake.
I can't live like this.
Jun 2015 · 307
To you.
Cowin Alan Jun 2015
My dear.

Everything we endure, seems to mutate us into something else.
The fact is, we will never be who we were.
Nor should we be expected to be.
We are a collection of our sins, and accomplishments.
But it doesn't mean we don't deserve to be happy.

— The End —