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19.7k · May 2014
Figurative Sadness
Courtney Stewart May 2014
Why do people insist in the use of figurative language
I am not as blue as the sky (simile)
This sadness is not swallowing me whole (hyperbole)
My tears are not carving new paths down the skin covering my cheeks (imagery)
The frown I wear is not eating the happiness off my face (personification)
This feeling is not a storm that won’t subside (metaphor)
I am not softly shaking so someone stops to shush my sobs (alliteration)
You can’t hear the smashing of tears on the table (onomatopoeia)
There is no way to make this pain sound beautiful
I am sad, plain and simple.
Deal with it.
1.8k · May 2014
First Heartbreak
Courtney Stewart May 2014
You hold me close as I cry
Telling me that this may be my first heartbreak
But it won't last forever

I think back to the constant arguments
Complete with screaming, lies, and name calling
But these are not the names that flew around the playground
No these are much worse: selfish, irrelevant, useless
There were no profanities but they weren't necessary
You got your point across just fine
Telling me that my feelings didn't matter, this was about you
But I'm the selfish one right?
And you do so much for me how dare I not show my appreciation
You say that you deserve respect from me
But I lost that several verbal beatings ago
This is not the abuse that people give you pity for
But I wouldn't want that, you thought I was already looking for pity
I threatened to leave and you threatened your hurt feelings
And every time I walked away
You somehow drew me back with your 'love'

So I looked you in the eyes and said
'He wasn't the first person I loved and thought loved me too.
Because, dad, my first heartbreak was you."
1.4k · Jul 2014
First Kiss
Courtney Stewart Jul 2014
I am a liar.
I have written all too often
Of the feel of lips against lips
Of the taste of your tongue
And the space that you left there
When you left.

But the truth is our lips
Are strangers passing in the street
Meeting with only a quick glance
Never even accidentally brushing hands
Though I've longed for just one touch.

So I leave for a week on a mission
To finally learn what connection feels like
But I gave away what was supposed to be yours
To a boy on a beach who did not know me

I was hoping my first kiss would be perfect
I was hoping my first kiss would be movie worthy
I was hoping my first kiss would be you

But now there's an empty space between my lips
And a broken hole in my heart

I still haven't found someone who can fill in either
744 · May 2014
Rain and Love and Stuff
Courtney Stewart May 2014
The sky darkens, clouds gather
The rain falls, consuming me in it
Drenched to the core
I can feel it dripping on my heart
Smudging the words you said to me
Making them almost completely illegible
Not that it matters, I have them memorized anyway
Like the love letter you wrote to me
Now only a page of blurred pencil marks
And as the rain pours on
It can’t wash away the memories
Like when we kissed in this very spot
Maybe under this very rain drop
That’s the beauty of the water cycle
It keeps going, a constant movement
My love for you is the water cycle
And then the highly anticipated first kiss in the rain
It was beautiful, cliche, a fairytale come true
But we stopped kissing and the rain stopped falling
And you stopped falling for me
Now I’m here with you though you are nowhere to be seen
I can almost feel your lips on mine again
But my prince has left and maybe I should too
You weren’t much into cliches anyway.

— The End —