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Oct 2020 · 384
I see you Mama
Mikaela Jade Oct 2020
And now,
I cry...

I cry,
not for all that teeters on the edge of my reality,
awaiting a sigh from the angels of the East...
But for the awakening,
the sweet rebirth,
they have already come to spark with it.

I cry,
saluting the darkness,
for its gift of preSense...
Oh, how I feel me in my dance!

I cry,
In gratitude for my sacred sisters,
gifting and guiding me,
with their instinctual song.

I cry,
because now I've had a taste,
of the release for which I have longed.

I cry,
for all of the moments that have lead me right Here,
in which I finally see...
My Self,
lifted through,
and embracing the mystery.

And oh, how I cry...
In honour and in awe,
in whole-hearted wishing and yearning for,
the blessing of divine and true reflection,
in the women before me,
the women along-side me,
and all the women to come...

I cry,
because I see you Mama...
And I am here with you.
I wrote this poem a while back when I was going through a very rough time ~ swimming through the eerily unknown, or more so the forgotten, spaces within my heart.
Dec 2016 · 404
Lost Within Him
Mikaela Jade Dec 2016
I'm always lost -
it's a part of being me.
A characteristic of mine.
My mind is always a mess
and I always have this urge to be wild and run.
I never know the where's, the why's, the who's..
Always doing the opposite of what's considered "morally" correct.
I think what got me hooked on him,
was that he didn't ever try to change me.
Not once.
He wasn't like the rest.
He was wild and he wanted to run with me.
He didn't ever try to fix me or calm me down.
He was filled with fire in all the same ways I am
and when I needed to feel free,
he took my hand
we sprinted.

We were lost somewhere within one another.
I was lost within him
and he was lost within me.
This is a poem I wrote about a boy in high school, 2 years ago, that I was completely infatuated with at the time. Although it tends to have as much relevance to me every time I've read it as it did back then.

— The End —