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8.2k · Jun 2017
Africa, oh Africa
Africa, Oh Africa!
Africa, Oh Africa!

My Motherland,
Why not take pride
in who you are?
When you converse,
You use the language of the West.
The offspring of the same parents,
And still use the language of the West.
Your own children try to distance themselves
and dress and talk like
Those from the West.
Your airwaves are filled with music,
Fast beats, foul language
and heavy metal from the West.
Even the food you eat
All processed and purchased
From the West.
Your fields are dry.
You laugh at traditional foods and ceremonies.
You have forgotten who you are.
Your heritage cries out
From the depths of the tombs
you're filling up with immorality
and your self-destructive ways.
You despise who are,
You ridicule who you are,
You try so hard to change
Who you are
Your heroes and comrades
In entertainment and politics
In the community, the society
Have been overshadowed
By those from the West.
Remember them,
Revere them,
More so alive than after death.
Resurrect Ubuntu,
Show a little compassion
For a fellow who needs it.
Stop the hate, tribalism
And racism.
This path of destruction
Will get you nowhere.
Let peace rule in the Motherland.
Respect your elders,
Salute the teachers
Who try to lead your youth
In the right direction.
Teach your children well
Violence is not the way
The pen is still mightier
Than the sword
Eradicate illiteracy
End child labour and
Honour, love and protect
Your women and children.
They will give you respect
and happiness in return.
Follow the footprints
Of your forebears.

Live in harmony with

Africa, Oh Africa!
Africa, Oh Africa!

Take note
Before it's too late!
I'm not at all criticizing the West, but I feel as Africans we're forgetting our culture and heritage. Our youth do not like talking in their mother-tongues. They do not like anything to do with our tradition... we will soon be a people without roots if we do not retrace our steps now.
3.0k · Oct 2017
Down the Streets of Harare
We ambled the streets of Harare
Meandering aimlessly
Fleeting past wide-eyes scanning us enviously
Hand in hand we walked into the restaurant
Leisurely on Second Street
Our hunger awakened
Our appetites heightened
At almost closing time
With no one in overtime mode
A signal that here we could only dine on another day

Joina City was our next stop
Up the lift right to the top
'Closed' it read at the coffee shop
Into the nearest chair I went flop!
Though hungry, we gabbed non-stop
By and by we regarded the clock
It chimed 8 o'clock
And sadly, it was time to go home

Busy and noisy
Were the streets of Harare
Jabbering crowds, kombis hooting
Hawkers, vendors or is it hustlers now -
Calling for buyers or just huddled to pass time
No chill in Harare
Picturesque like a dream
Hand in hand we dawdled
In despair for a hot meal

In the shimmering distance
Like a mirage in the desert
The neon lights read
'Creamy Inn'
Something to calm our rambling bellies
At last…
Nippy evening air hit our souls
'Ice-cream tastes better at night'
I said
'I can't believe I'm having ice-cream'
He said
We frolicked
Hand in hand we danced past faces painted with adoration
'What a handsome lover!'
They probably thought:
My delectable younger brother
Wrote this after one of my visits to Harare, Zimbabwe in 2017.
1.4k · Aug 2017
Confessions of a junkie
Hi, my name is Black Rose
And I'm an addict.

I'm not here for rehabilitation
I have no fancy to cure my obsession.
I yield willingly to this terminal fixation
I brandish it brazenly for all humanity to bear witness.

I voluntarily surrender
To this sweet, seductive habit
I'm hopeless
But need no extrication.

Oh yes,
I'm a freak,
I'm an addict,
I'm a ******.

My mind and
body cannot function
Without my daily fix
I live by having a drag
Every second

Day by day
My need goes stronger
I'm permanently light-headed
From the cloudy ecstacy
Constantly surrounding me
I'm in total delight
I'm in pure luxury

I'm a freak,
I'm an addict,
I'm a ******

I'm addicted to your love.
967 · Jul 2016
April Showers
There's always,
Always light
at the end of the tunnel
There's always a way
Out of the jungle
Peace and rest lie ahead
After every struggle

After the heavy storm
comes the calm
April showers
bring forth
May flowers

After the darkest night
The sun always shines
In the morning
Bringing out of mourning
Exchanging frowns
With smiles for adorning
Those afflicted and in pain
In need of fresh annointing
Drying all tears,
Driving away the dark
Leaving all clear

Rain and pain
Never last always
They are just but a season
And a phase

Hold on, be strong
Never lose hope
It won't be long
Keep the faith
At all times

April showers
Bring forth
May flowers.
Inspired by a late night phone-pillowtalk.
840 · Mar 2017
Love is
Love is
accepting someone in their brokenness
choosing to stay with their imperfections
giving them solid ground to grow roots
and call your heart home

Love is
finding someone in the labyrinth of their pain
the wreckage of their marred past
the fragments of their broken heart
then you
hold their hand and tell them
you are not going anywhere

Love is
Going to the lost and found
selecting a ***** rag
unwanted and hopeless
then you
wash it, mend it and wear it like
it's a royal gown
show it off like it's the first one
and handle it with care for
it is the only one

Love is
Picking up a stray
spoil it with tender loving care
shower it with affection
and watch it stand strong and tall
ooze with confidence like the lion king
spread it's wings like a majestic bird
bloom like a rose in the desert
and warm your heart
like the morning winter sun's rays

Love is
not having the perfect partner
but it is
having a willing partner
that someone who wants
to make it work with you
no matter what

*Love is
you and I
for T.D.K
818 · Aug 2018
I used to be that girl
I used to be that girl
Had a roof over my head,
but not sheltered
Prison was my abode
Tied down by a ring on my finger And a piece of paper
Signed away my liberty
Sealed it with a kiss
I guess not everyone
Who kisses you loves you Remember Judas Iscariot?
His kiss marked the fountain-head Of Jesus' tribulation
As your kiss marked mine
My smile was beatific
When all around me was pulverizing to dust
I counterfeited contentment Comforted myself with false hope
That things would change
Yet getting worse and worse by the day
Reposing with the adversary Night after night
Fights, arguments and misunderstandings
Were a daily norm
Time is yet to heal
What immeasurable, intense Torture has done to my heart
A tattered and marred spirit
How can time mend
Feelings of loneliness and betrayal, battered and molested
Is there an end
To this barbaric nature
Hard indeed it is to accept
When the one who's supposed to love
Becomes your greatest nightmare I was there
Walked in these shoes
Shed the same tears
Learnt the hard way,
That I have to stand and fight Fight for my freedom
And the independence of my children
I found the victor in me
And not the victim I refused to be another
Statistic of domestic violence
I drew strength from within
And walked away.
Dedicated to every woman living in abuse. You are not a victim. You are a Victor. You just need to draw strength from deep within and recover your dignity. You are not alone. Many walked have walked this road with you and survived although some were not so lucky. But you are alive, arise and walk away! Stand up and fight for your freedom. You were created to be loved and cherished and not abused.
I love you.... whoever you are.
776 · Mar 2017
So you call him 'Prince'
I don't castigate you at all
He treats you like royalty
It's just the beginning,
I know
The inception of your relationship
The honeymoon phase
I presume
You can't believe your luck
You're in pure bliss
I see
Flowers, chocolates and sweet nothings
It is surreal
Enjoy it while it lasts
Soon he will be tired of being
Who he isn't
The shoes will be too tight
There won't be any more pretending

By and by
The animal will replace the gentleman
Slowly but surely
He will break you down with his insults
He will beat you up with his fists

One of these not-so fine days
Love will turn to loathe
Your palace will turn into a prison
The Prince will turn to a Villain
Jealousy you may say
Prophet of Doom you may label me
Forerunner is more appropriate
Consider yourself
To the woman he's loving now
720 · Nov 2016
Not a poem
Dear fellow poets
I've had to delete some of my poems here because they've been published in my debut poetry collection 'Echoes of My Heart'.

I'd like to thank you all for your support, advice, feedback, likes and shares.

I will continue posting new poems although right now I'm quite busy with marketing the book. And I'm  sorry I haven't been around to read your poems here.... will be back soon....

A huge thank you to David Mungoshi for editing the book.

Here is the link to the book:

I love you all..... keep penning those poems....

708 · Aug 2017
Cry Wolf
Sometimes we dig graves for ourselves
Then we cry wolf when they start swallowing us
Time and time again we go back there
Infact we don't even make any effort to stay away
We make merriment, ululations and joyful noises
We dance and celebrate by the graveside at all hours of the day
Then we cry wolf when it swallows us
Deliberate recklessness
The stench of death we ignore
The warning signs blaring
The signals loud and deafening
We eat, drink and make
Merry at the graveside
Without a care in the world
What consequences?
661 · Sep 2017
Our Love Affair
Our love affair
is too beautiful to be hidden
Whenever I'm with you
it's clear I'm smitten
This romance is unique
it's story should be written
Tie my heart to yours
with a silky soft ribbon
You have the keys to my heart
Only you can open it
Across my heart,
write your name in crimson
The entire world should know
Let them watch and listen
to this rhythm,
the rhythm of our love unspoken
Our love is real
It will remain unbroken
This love is rare
It is too beautiful to be hidden.
628 · Jul 2016
A woman, a goddess
See her when she is walking
Even when she feels like sulking

Listen when she is talking
Even when she feels like crying

Behold her when she is trying
Even when she  gives up thriving

Through the heart, her laughter courses
And soothes like angelic choruses

Her weeping and souring
Bring down the rain pouring

Ain't no sunshine zone
When she's gone

When she's around
Everything becomes sound

She's beautiful in every form
See her elegant in any storm

Adorable in pregnancy and childbirth
Remarkable in storms and in mirth

She is more than her thighs
And even more than her sighs

She is more than her hips
She is more than her lips

She is woman, she is goddess
Happy Women's Month South Africa
506 · Jan 2019
Much much more
Journeys I've embarked on
near and far I've gone
places I've visited
variegated locations
evoking divers emotions
but none could quite duplicate
all the sensations
I feel when I'm with you

-love can almost depict it
but not quite
harmonious shades
and dulcet sounds
can almost describe it
but it is much more
yes, much much more!

This ardour
not boastful
winningly considerate
never keeping records of wrongs

The sweet  sensations
that emanate  from you
leave me with a warm feeling
what on earth shall I call it
it is much more
yes, much much more than the word
463 · Aug 2018
Once in a while
Just once in a while
It's good to recall,
to revisit the past,
to promenade down memory lane
Not for nought but
Just to wonder
Just to ponder
Even though there can't be comprehension or clarification
On how things went asunder
How all went awry
And life took a wrong turn
Plans dissipated like an apparition right in front of your eyes
Dreams scattered like a profusion of puzzle pieces
Just when you presumed the
Picture was coming together.

Just once in a while
It's perfectly acceptable
To wander and wonder
To travel to the realm of dreams
And ponder
What might have been
What could have been
What almost had been
Not for nought
But to feel that magic
One more time
To see those smiles
One more time
To hear the laughter
One more time
To resurrect those emotions
One more time

Only once in a while
I say!

— The End —