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swim awayswim away

paper tyger
burning bright
in the forests
of the night
caught in
screens of
forest trees
paper tyger
the night

swimaway swim away

paper tyger
burning bright
in the forests
of the night
the woods
the woods down
burn it all
but keep me
keep me alive

keep me
i will eat
the moss
out of
your sinews

keep me
a life
living off
of stardust
and of mildew

keep me
keep me

embers flicker
embers flicker
i will eat
the ashes
of your

burn it all
burn it all down
don't let me
fade away

paper tyger
burning bright
in the forests
of the night
fill the sky
fill the sky
with glories
from your
burn the night
burn the light
paper tyger
burning bright

swim away swimaway
It’s been a while
since I’ve seen you.
I can’t recall
the last memory I have of you.
It’s good
to see you back.
Please don’t leave
this time.
I miss
the old days.
Jumping in the pile
of leaves.
Climbing the trees.
Catching the bees.
I’ve gone through
many me’s.
But you I
miss most.
I know I can’t
hold on forever.
But me I will
always treasure.
Until next time.
Its been quite
the pleasure.

Yours truly,
Don’t take time for granted
You held my hand
it gave me courage ,
alone to stand-
I know i had to try
lift my spirit way up high
Like i could touch the full moon
In the  sky
When once you held my hand

You softly said to me
Forever and for always
With you i"ll be
It gave me strength
To look inside
To know i"d make it
be free
When once you softly said to me

You stood right next to me
We listened as the waves
Ebb in
From the wide  sea
Never had i known the truth
That someday i'd be losing you
When once you stood next to me

And i remember
How Still your peacefull gaze
Your eyes
That beckoned freedom
From this earthly space
And all the pain
You delt with
That i couldn't take
Away from you
May Heaven welcome back you-
And i recall
The moment when your
Breath subsided
I turned my face from you
To only try and hide
these tears i had
in my eyes
Knowing as your hand
slipped from mine-
No fear and without sorrow
You will ever again know

And now
Im thinking back on once ago
The days we had
I thought that would never go
With only the memory
Of once before
I keep with me
May truth
Reach you from this mortal shore-
I still believe in someday
Having once just once more
UnTill then,
I will try to carry forth
Looking at the star point north
You are lookin down
on me

Once more.....
Sometimes when you lose someone for a while,the only hope you ever keep is that someday you will be reunited again....
R-Riches which get extracted from the earth's trove
E-Ever constantly they are needed by humankind
S-Ships transport them across the vast blue seas
O-Ore of coal and oil of petroleum firing industry
U-Urban and non-urban areas reliant on them
R-Resources supplying a country's consuming population
C-Companies always looking for more and more reserves
E-Every day we over use these irreplaceable commodities
S-Soon they'll decrease to a sparse amount
we've had an assortment of
four seasons converging
whence I awoke there
was a coolish
with associated cloud
like winter's
by noon I dressed
in a light
for the air felt similar
to a summer
late eve bought
an autumn
south east winds
blew upon my worn
as night approaches
the true spring
is dancing around
my trunk's

will be interesting to see
what's on tomorrow's
as the climes vary in their
statement of
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