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76 · Jan 2021
COMPETITOR (a haiku)
Colm Jan 2021
Your will is nothing
When I'm yet young and living
My own will-be done
Feels good to have been THE apex for a few years. Good memories now.
76 · Sep 2020
Colm Sep 2020
Ensnaring eyes no more be seen
But the memory of you
This power over me
Since the first I see
In dreams
You probably never saw me that way, which is OK
76 · May 2021
Colm May 2021
I wish this mood upon a puddle
And then find myself drying
When it does not last
What a gas
This is
Deter Me Not Set (7)
Colm Nov 2021
Somedays I sit
And feel strongly that
Pages hear me far better
Than any one person ever has

(And they wonder why I like to sit)
Fifteen Feelings. This one is both me and who I've become. (:
75 · May 2021
Colm May 2021
Our eyes see stars
Our earth her neighbors
Just as near and far are subsequently born
Of human terminology
Colm Sep 2020
You are the radience inside my heart
The warmth within my December hue
The fire above my hearth
Is you
As you're always burning, not the answer
But the voice which softens in the dark
The winds which whisper in the snow laden park
And speaks of secret ivory keyswere alive
Theses always were
Is you
"You were not the same after that"
75 · Oct 2020
How I Feel
Colm Oct 2020
Somedays I hate the way my own body heat, collects and is in entrapped within. In the arms of wind I nowtimes wish, that I could relax again and just for a moment be. Truly, cool and light, airy and free.
Not serene. Just tired of thought and the comforting heat. Please no more. Please. Just let me be.
Colm Feb 2020
The best sound doesn't pull me from you
The best song drives me further into your arms
And creates a new look of understanding between us two

This is the nature of sound and song
You ever just want to put headphones on someone. So that they can really see you and really feel what you're feeling. Yup, sound and song.
75 · Jun 2021
Whisper, A Tanka
Colm Jun 2021
The snow how it flies
The raindrops which weep and cry
The sunlight rays keep
And the breeze which tries to speak
All have this in common

(Those things which tell us were alive)
75 · Nov 2020
Immortal Feelings
Colm Nov 2020
In a world full of arrogance and immortal feeling
It's so easy to forget how very mortal we are
Colm Jan 2021
Remember the time I stopped by your town
Just to sit myself down and think about you?

Where you were
What you meant
What you thought
And if you knew or wanted to know

Of me and where I was
My thoughts or what for me
(rang out eternal and true)

No, in retrospect
I remember the time I went to your town
I remember it now and yet you never knew
Thanks for the song, but yo. You will not live forever in me.
75 · Aug 2021
Red, Yellow, Green
Colm Aug 2021
Life, the earth
Like traffic lights
Yurn, regardless of you
Your direction of self

And based on perception
We all stop
We all go
And get *******
75 · Jun 2022
The Self Effect
Colm Jun 2022
If I knew, I'd know
And if I did, it would've already been - done
Boxing Poems . 1
75 · Mar 2019
Colm Mar 2019
When the inevitably of the morning wakes
And anger insues
At the realization that life did take
Just to catch yourself on another day
That is when you need most to praise
Since all has being has been created
Thorns and all
In a beautiful way
Colm Feb 2020
A stretched of highway in my forehead
A road to travel
I will, must
Be it conscious or in sleepness
I too shall go
I will
I must
Even When Tired, Must Travel
Colm Nov 2020
Don't tell me you were just a dream
That the skies you showed me were not bright
As dawn could eventually be.

And in growing day don't for a moment say
That our eyes were not brightened
By the sight of each other.

That our time was not spent wisely in
These discussions spanned
By the making of flowers grow again.

We power the world
We spin the tides
With just the understanding behind our different colored eyes.

Don't tell me you were just a dream
Now that my mind is certainly open wide
Like moons over the mountains high.

The ache is a wish — would you let me stay
Just to wallow in this mirrored time
For a little bit longer by each others side?
Sorry, I can't really speak anymore. But if you're there. Feel free to slow your heartrate, and read to this beat for full effect. Cya!
74 · Feb 2020
Come Rain Or You
Colm Feb 2020
Rain has not the weight of snow
In freeing me from this human coil
It whispers quick
Its children come and go
And I am left with puddles everywhere
To fade in suncast alone
Heavy on the longing
Light on the being true
When all I want is a day to do nothing at all
That or another glance of you
I hope that the rain, never stops
Colm Dec 2020
I've been so quiet and tired
so cold and concerned
with somethingness
that all I want is warmth
and a nonexistence for a little bit
nothing in this somethingness
74 · Sep 2022
A Question
Colm Sep 2022
Is it wrong
To not want something so easy
As shallow

Is it noble to wait
For something so uncertain
As what you actually want

Knowing isn't having
Just as finding isn't searching
It's just known
The set about creations . 4
74 · May 2022
Colm May 2022
For months now
I've withheld myself
From all words indulging
From all spinning worlds
Both earned and bought

Then today I thought
"Why should I or not"
As neither quiet nor speaking
Changes any amount of this
My most ardent thought

So I did
And this was
Presentme . 9
Colm Aug 2020
I want to burn every day
Like the sunlight in August until the end
When the October sky says no more to time
And the earth stands still as I know it in holding will

Until that day arrives
I want this burning in my life
Every day from now until October. I have a goal. I have work to do. I must hurry.
Colm Dec 2020
Wood takes years to sink
As sap turns slow to stone over time
Unknown highs
The kind which are not easier seen
But are known to the sky as common sights
Be it high or low expectations abound

It is harder still than all of these trees
More fermented than
To love someone for who they are
And not what you think of them
Or what you expect them to do
(For someone else the likes you)
Started with : "Stones and trees are hard as these. To let expectations go of another."
73 · Feb 2021
together we shake
Colm Feb 2021
laying down atop your hope
a shake doesn't determine intimacy alone
but an earthquake certainly is a certain reassurance
of such destructive people as we were when there together

listening . to . the earth
73 · Jan 2020
Patience Is We
Colm Jan 2020
Patience is no freer than sky
No further than breath from within you breathe
No more mapped than oceans collected cold
And yet warmer than the touch of summery springtime bold

Patience is cost
Patience is free
Patience is you, still
Waiting for me
Patience Is We
73 · Jun 2022
She Had Wings
Colm Jun 2022
From a window I saw an Oriole bright
When my eyes were young
And my prospects light

On a breeze of fancy fluttered her wings
And with a flicker of power
She flew away

And I hadn't though about her wings
Or how on the wind she would glide and sway
Until today, until today
Boxing Poems . 4
73 · Jun 2020
Who I’ve Become
Colm Jun 2020
I am a sand sifter
A mountain top metal detector with quiet shoes
A fly caster
Comet thrower
And spitter of flames in deoxygenated rooms

I am time once sighted
Tree tops withering in the slow sun growth
And a mere stone’s throw away from diving into the waters called home

I am the feeling of being betwixt despair and hope
As if all true sand sifting shifters know
We just go, and by nights’ allure continually comb

And a comber kicks nothing without a rake
Colm Sep 2021
We think about that
Which we want the most
But daren't try for
Lest someone else know
That we are capable
Of such hope
Capable. Yes.
Colm Feb 2021
Like the dark cold which seeps
Through the base edges of the windowsill
Quietly and without self control
Or even the willingness to be instilled

So you seep through me like winters thaw
My bones alive with heat

And here with just the brushing glance where I thought I was safe
You seep
72 · Apr 2020
In The Path
Colm Apr 2020
You're either in the path of the demon
Facing down the fear forthcoming
That or away you're running
And I am done with that
As a being forthcoming
About who I want
In this caution  
Of none
I will
72 · Dec 2019
Midnight Midst Snowglobe
Colm Dec 2019
Ghostly shadows are consumed in little bites by winter's snow. Sparking alive in moonlight gleam, without so much as a firey wave. But moreso gentle with watery winds which blow.

No place to hide beneath root and stem. No aching hand without feelings felt, in the heart of it all where such steadiness flows.

Without single eyelash out of place, it remains in time and simple sight, the center of this most orbital glow.

And globe.
Not sure why I've been so anxious as of late. Unable to sit down and stretch out my words. Not a negative anxiousness mind you, just impatience of mind when it comes to process.

Ick. Moving on.
71 · Jan 2020
Venting, A Haiku
Colm Jan 2020
Who can master tongue
No friend without friend to hear
Can find self silent
Venting, A Haiku about how I usually have to speak it out before I can calm myself. Angered.
Colm Jun 2020
You are a head turn in a crowded station
A mere reflection in a city bus passing by
You with your life embued and color renewed
Like New York after the fall of a subtle June
You are ever growing effortlessly grown
Like bridges and high wires in the sunlit sky
You are stretching and cleverly reaching
Whispering quietly with easy by traffic side
Peacekeeping being of elvish beating
And your heart the very least of things
By which I would wish you too described

No words do the essence of your summer justice
All around and within song
Blessed is the man who sees such beauty each morning
And where it secretly resides
Inspired by songs, artists, cities, colors, and visions
71 · Sep 2020
Colm Sep 2020
Reach out ... when all around is falling down
When snows delay dissolves in hope
And sun is dashed by weathered time alike
Stand up, in being, when nothing's left
No place to rest or lay your weary head
In misery and mind alike
Reach up ... until your old bones stretch
And with a cracking desire your weariness fades
Like the common sky into the masked clouds alike
71 · Jan 2020
Not Running From Self
Colm Jan 2020
The hardest part of a mirror in mind
Is not the seeing
It's the not running
The most tempting thing for me is to want to escape from within. Because I'm with myself all the ****** time... yup. That's me.
Colm Feb 2021
There is a difference when
  A man writes to write
  When he is looking to be
  Or not

When he is drawn out slowly
  Or even enticed
  By similar thought

The difference wherein
  Be it seen or not
  Is available still in the smiling thee

In the unbiased quiet of wishing
  Of wells

And in the sky of an almost knowing singular hope
  Beneath wings of birds once free indeed
  Once driven from the land of having
  Or wandering into lost passages tall

Therewith burning fiery glowing alone
  You should know
  That he does speak his own tone

And if he gives you these
  Such seas and oceans of well known
  Then be pleased

For it is you who he then loves alone
  Most ardent and true
  In an earthy word song definitively long
  And in the thought of throng, it is you alight

For there is a difference when
  A man writes to write
  And when he doesn't, he is wrong
71 · Nov 2020
Colm Nov 2020
I am that which trades time
For opportunity
Love for freedom
And hate for impartial passion
A future oriented person. One who sacrifices the NOW for chance to strive forward in the future.

It's not a negative thing or bad way of living. It's just my perspective and preference.
Colm Dec 2020
There are days when breathing is not a thought.
And others where breathing is all I wish to be.
Sometime nothing is an addictive thing. Least to me.
Colm Jul 2020
Nothing has a name
More beautiful than green trees
Seeping like strong tea
Over stirring waters round
And quiet eyes beside found
70 · May 2021
If you
Colm May 2021
If you give a man ... more stones to dig
He'll find
If you give a man ... more time
He may still not know, let alone who
If you take from him ... nothing when you go
Then the building of his own high wall, is no crime of yours
Ever, nor ever was
Deter Me Not Set (8)
70 · Sep 2021
Oddly Pointed
Colm Sep 2021
I get so busy pursuing, not people, the ideal. That I forget to breath, forget to see, hyperforgetting what is real.

Would you help me remember?
TOD set
Colm Dec 2021
This tall ivory tower itself
Would will itself to fall
If it understood and heard
The winds of all thoughts
Rushing here around

We were meant to be stone
Meant to be (in our oneness thoughts)
Colm Aug 2020
Two heart-strong lovers
Unknown to one another
Except really
In the realm of self within
And the sharing of begin
Colm Jan 2021
Why is it so hard for me?
To imagine what I can be
To hope upon another day
But also stumbling pointlessly
My soul dissipating like wisps of smoke
Enchanted clouds alive elope
Maybe is this something of a joke

(Written by two friends and myself, just one line at a time)
True story - First attempt
Colm May 2021
to hold your image (in my mind)
is more difficult than I could know,
or you, could even begin to search,
[let alone find]

to hold a hand (once not your own)
no self can lend a moments peace
when searching for a hold in stone
[a fragile piece]

a gift is not always to keep

Colm Nov 2021
Time is not a question or thought
A perspective or construct or worry or hope
Time is a different animal entirely
Who will devour your off day
Just as quickly as he would consume a summers day whole

What a monster indeed, appears time to me
Terrifyingly normal, he grows old
But never fat
Fifteen Feelings.

***** you time. Lol.
69 · Oct 2022
Less is such a human word
Colm Oct 2022
There are those who swim
Through stone and oak
And cannot speak a word to crowds
Nor care to feel what urchins lost
Or seek to speak what cannot be found

I am, I'm not
They are, they is

But the difference in being is none of this
The difference is just what is
And is

Less is such a human word
Colm Aug 2020
Even from a distance
Which I walked my own most knowingly
I can only stay inland so long
(My ocean)
Even from this distant sight I see
And am reminded of you still
Crashing over me
(In memories)
I'm sure I've done this to others. And equally so it's been done to me. All is fair. Hope all is well.
69 · Jul 2021
Flight, A Haiku
Colm Jul 2021
I grasp for such words
On tempered wires perched like birds
But they fly away
Reaching out, though you'd never know it
69 · May 2022
Looking up to see
Colm May 2022
A cloud is your salvation shown
People a drug
In the focus of your selfless self
What wonderful distraction, who?

In looking sees just above the trees
That all is white, and gray, and blue
Just out of reach and occasionally seen
There is no peace, even when alone

With occasional rain and blotted sun
Such light and bouncing white renewed
It's a constant reminder of what is above
And what beneath you cannot do
68 · Jun 2020
Love Is Ever Wild
Colm Jun 2020
Less than sun and more than sky
Which holds above the clouds untamed
More wild and freely kept than these
The rugged lylac enthused hillsides
Just beyond my reach
Which as a child ever passed me by
And nowso you are more to me
And will ever be such
Most wild and free beside
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