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Colm Feb 2020
Somedays I just want to sit
At a coffee shop and think
About all of the thoughts I’ve yet to see
All the skies I’ve yet to be
Someday Heart and Soul
68 · Sep 2021
Oddly Up
Colm Sep 2021
When is not a doubt
If life living is without
A sense of purpose
Much like a sky without stars
Or a moon without its shine

Would you look up into eyes and see
All that could be
And is within
TOD set
68 · Jul 2020
Colm Jul 2020
I dream of a world
Where you hear my words
Letting me wander until my oceans run dry
And then in your arms up stream hold still
And onto everything grasp
As if in every river you wanted to dive
Hear me, here. Hold me.
68 · Aug 2021
Two sets of steps
Colm Aug 2021
Jazz I love
perfect sidewalks, like
but you are the epitome of life
in a daily stride walking there beside

I could
Visions and lights (1)
Colm Sep 2020
How often do the clouds get looked at
For who they are
As compared to what you think you see?
In them and these?
If you would be so kind
As to opt into please
Would you commit this
Our memory
To memory
What do
You see
68 · Jun 2020
Love Is Ever Wild
Colm Jun 2020
Less than sun and more than sky
Which holds above the clouds untamed
More wild and freely kept than these
The rugged lylac enthused hillsides
Just beyond my reach
Which as a child ever passed me by
And nowso you are more to me
And will ever be such
Most wild and free beside
68 · Aug 2021
Anthem of the living hope
Colm Aug 2021
Walk under the stars
Wake under the sun
Swim under the water
And play beneath your someone

Smile when the crows gather
And laugh at crowds who call you anything
Because you are not that-which is in chains
But as free as all of these things are above
For Edward and his memory.
68 · Oct 2022
You can't hold the sky
Colm Oct 2022
It is right
And no wonder that I saw
And wrote you as starlight

Because I cannot touch you

And I need a loving vision
Alive and learning
And closely burning

Not at a distance
And for that, I'm not sorry

not about anyone who will ever read these beings
68 · Aug 2020
She was wild like a storm
Colm Aug 2020
Heavy is nothing
This no weight being your graceful self
When defined and falling from the heavens felt
But am lost upon impact
And in these splashings all around
My head is awash in the ends of summer
With just these droplets of youall anew
Summer storm in passing
68 · May 2020
The Deer Know Not Human
Colm May 2020
The deer, for one
Know better than to fraternize with humans
And their mechanistic ways
With coffee and love and oil to burn
Les their own natural pattern be disturbed
And lost
In our perceptive order and ignorance
Of the ways of the turning world
Beneath our very feet
They'd better not
Colm Jul 2020
No matter how much you thrash
Or fight with believing
The moment that you think
That either beginning or the act
Of swimming, will save you
You cease to see the reason behind seeing
Behind being
And the ocean
You are in them - All around - And the ocean
67 · Jun 2020
Miss Brown Hair
Colm Jun 2020
I remember you    like my last breath
   And           Yet never
Fully aware
67 · Aug 2020
Colm Aug 2020
By the height of skyscrapers
These glorious buildings glowing brightly in the New York sky
Though people wouldn't know it of me
(my alone if they tried)
Someday perhaps you'll come to realize this
and in seeing (through the glass) notice
That I was here all along standing quietly beside
Verse number 1700 for me (at least here).

It's about my height, lol.
67 · Sep 2021
Oddly Colorful
Colm Sep 2021
Raspberry skies
Peek out from behind
Foamy - dreamless - clouds
And whisper in
Crafting visions out
Of men and their minds
And the light which captivates
All of the eyes who try
TOD set
67 · Oct 2022
It takes too who
Colm Oct 2022
Love is a dance ... not a chase
And both partners need to step up
And do the ultimate about-face
two, too, to
66 · Nov 2021
Colm Nov 2021
With a whisper it
Happens suddenly
As if
The world needn't know
The direction in which
Two streams now flow
Into ones first worth

Such a special feeling
Of not knowing when
Or how next
The earth will shake
And with purpose

Like so many before
We are one at this first
Fifteen Feelings. This one is unforgettable for me. Can you hear it? Still feel it? I can.
66 · Aug 2020
Colm Aug 2020
You are pure sunlight
With no oath to shine
And yours is the only reflection I see
In the moon sometimes
When the night is young and hopeful
When all is everything and in infinite time
You'll question no such reflective being
But instead open seeing and find
66 · Jan 2020
Desire To Shift
Colm Jan 2020
I want to move you like a day
well remembered
from afar

Short and sweet
your heart to shift
your eyes to reach for another star

My hope is always in 'suchaways'
presented so as not to find
or be guilty of wanting less

I express and play
with the vision just beyond my own

To show you, see you
move enact
such is my desire today

As I want to move you not so far away
Desire To Shift
66 · Oct 2020
In Love With Nature, She
Colm Oct 2020
Beautiful shade falls freely from these trees beneath this autumn day. Cascades like hope while padding like rain. With puddling saturated truthful rays, it streams like rivers and reflects on kings. With a whistling harp over hills unseen. And this, all this, is your favorite thing. Moreso than me to be underneath. Perhaps, its understandably so. Such fair and free beings in the shade of these most loving trees, I see. Finally see. I am you. And one with you are me.
66 · Dec 2020
Bending Time and Song
Colm Dec 2020
I wish that time itself
Were a different meaning
A commodity I could bend and turn
Into a completely different existence being
And in nonsense found
The most sensible singers
Pleading to be heard again, together and
In such looks there can only be the one understandable meaning meant
You glance is haunting
And our seeing is what leads me to be
What nudges me towards believing
Colm May 2021
If you knew me, you'd know
And in such feelings be felt
More than a stranger passing by
More than a simple smile
Or an almost unexpected sound

In the real you would live
And out with expectations you'd breathe
Until your lungs were filled
With more than just speculation
And your thoughts were more honestly bound
(By such realism) and no longer free

And if I began wandered here less around
Without the knowing's of so
And in my mind decidedly worried less
And started more committing to find
There's no knowing where or here or when
Our future together would commence to go

All I know is that this and in this way
(Towards the sky)
We must both more than wish in order to grow

But then again, if you knew me …
You'd know
Deter Me Not Set (12) - END

Thanks for reading, if you do.
66 · Aug 2021
Time Unbroken, A Tanka
Colm Aug 2021
Time before you know
It's working ways undone slow
And in fastness fly
That life was spent waking up
In dreams of doing we die
Colm Dec 2020
The snow light bright lays down beneath, looking up at these blues, with your brown eyes so deep and bright. And time, time is but a memory felt within a dream of oneself. And in believing this found therein our reflective sight.
Our eyes saw each other long before we first met.

This is my favorite thing for this particular day.

65 · Nov 2021
Concrete Heartbeat
Colm Nov 2021
Jazz is like a city pace

A concrete heart
A padded foot
A streetcart selling food to keep

A city never devoid of place

Loves most it's people
It architectural grace
And its future bolted to the grass

A city never leaves or depart

A concrete quiet heart always lasts
What if cities were actually living things? Sometimes it almost feels that way.
Fifteen Feelings.
65 · Jul 2021
Of Parenthood
Colm Jul 2021
And then suddenly
Your own faculties
In addition, to
The most incredible teaching, un
Are pull apart by time
And designated by others, only
Until such freedom re-arrives
At the turning of adulthood tides
And even then still
You too must return, suddenly
64 · Feb 2020
With A Night Sky Inhale
Colm Feb 2020
Breathe in the stars each night
Like fireflies
To give my heart the company it needs
To beat and with pattered wings flee
A Setting Son (1) - Don't forget to breathe
64 · Sep 2020
Another Name Forgotten
Colm Sep 2020
Waiting patiently. Hoping to catchup with the most honest time. The kind which chimes but doesn't turn, more than a second at a time. The kind which doesn't know how to lie, even when it's meant in kind. I see you now. I see you in goodbye. And I'm gladly rid of your hypocrisy. Nice try.
This person was a disgrace.

Gladly free of them.
64 · Apr 2020
Colm Apr 2020
Talk about a lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting lasting impression.
This isn't even a verse. I'm not sure what this is. A truth?
Colm May 2020
There are days when love is deeper than oceans
Running faster than faucet rivers at a head
And rolling quicker than wheels over hills and sleds through snowy dales intact

And then slower days of not (in love) arrive
With a scorching sun that never sets
And a chilling mournful eye in the night sky

My guess is that
In love we are tides
Simply unaware of our own comings and goings

How we ebb and flow until we die
In love
Challenging myself, just a little, today
64 · Jun 2021
Waiting Here
Colm Jun 2021
More patient than a memory
In ambitiousness and steadfast true

You are far too fair and yet too close
To be felt alive

Too afraid perhaps of the awkwardness again
To be seen by each other and to renew

Yet it's not just I who can see this end
It's pursuit so nearing us through and through

Arise my old language
Arise and breathe life

Over a thousand days died here waiting away
Just as I too have waited for you
Waiting Here.
64 · Oct 2020
The Uninstall
Colm Oct 2020
I reject you

Oh modern soulless

Hallow chest of a shell

Plundered socially left

And more negatively right

The swipe I say

Is a curse at best

On the men of this

No longer protruding

Less West
***** swipe culture. Write me a letter.
63 · Mar 2020
A Dreams Remind
Colm Mar 2020
I wish for dreams and when I have
They remind me that my soul yearns for yours
As you hold the only hope alive
Of hearing admits understanding
Of heartbeats within quiet warmth

Do you dream of me as equally alive?
63 · Feb 2020
In Love, So We Were
Colm Feb 2020
When conversations grow darker than night skies cold. And the tree leaves on the breeze fail to whisper the truth. What happens then, after Summer, so far away from the Springtime of youth? I don't know, but ergo Autumn. And with this quote end. Just as the rocks below look up to the sky above. Marylan spoke my mind in synonym that day, and so I'm through with love.
63 · May 2022
Stars, and evenmoreso
Colm May 2022
Living between, caffeine and sleep
Is like pulling the moon out of earth's orbit,
So that the galaxies can finally dance,
And the stars can be entertained
Glowing evenmoreso with wine and cheese
Presentme . 1
63 · Jul 2021
Saying Goodbye
Colm Jul 2021
The world is hollow
It swallows whole
Your parents and mine
And me
And us
All pass away.
Colm Apr 2020
Bumped into your words the other day
In a distant mall of a shopping dream
A little desire, a lot of forget
And I was off again on a spree of me
Unthinking in regards to what you were actually saying
If and when again
And again
Colm Nov 2020
Music patters everywhere
Underneath little feet and rain alike
In falling, falling, falling out
This sound it pours directly from
The trumpet of my soul

I'm tired.
62 · Aug 2020
Live Like Rainfall
Colm Aug 2020
There cannot be a new being of you
Until you stop clouding the same old skies
With the comfortable grey you've known
Since you last tried
But instead
Let it rain until the rain is through
Let it rain and then
Even when it hurts and all which you desire is behind you
Forward. Even when it hurts and all you want is behind you.
Colm May 2021
once declared
turns out a deck to find
cut a pack fiercely into
and with the next flip missed
then another, and another, all aligned
discover that there are no more ladies left
to be found in such empty hands as these, no
here - there be only jokers left alive
Deter Me Not Set (9)
62 · Aug 2020
My The Self
Colm Aug 2020
I write more than I read
Because I'm not obsessed with them
I'm an introvert
And introverts are obsessed with who?
Exactly and not untrue
That would be, me
62 · Aug 2021
You, Youth
Colm Aug 2021
Youth is forever to be desired

And fleeting and admired

And pitied and constructed

Into something more or less

No not so much

Youth is imperfectly young and lovely

Stupid and whole in its incompleteness lost

Just as downwardness is down

And skylight heat tries to rise

Youth is only you

So long as the youth

Within you

Is alive
Colm Feb 2020
A canvas is a conscious thing
Which holds no lies but hands with truth
Just try and hide from a single strike
A single stroke of brush to be
Once there it will never be without again
Once aware you'll never unsee the colors again
This is the nature of paint
Or at least one of its many mothers
A Setting Son (4) - It won't happen until it does, and not a second sooner or later
62 · Jun 2021
Colm Jun 2021
The best way to get over yourself
Is to start climbing
To stop thinking
And to start seeing yourself as
Something truly surmountable
62 · Jan 2020
Detached As You Are Now
Colm Jan 2020
   Are you happy now?
   Are you something now?  
     Are you lacking now?
   Are you nothing now?
   Are you growing now?
Keep pace
   Are you fleeing now?
Change face
  Are you about now?
   Are you joyful now?
Colm Dec 2020
I told my heartbeat not to beat
To hold its breath in quietness
And keep its chest in evenness
I told my heartbeat not to beat
And yet it has betrayed me still
By not being even but in a mess

[at seeing you]
I love [this]
61 · Feb 2020
Existence. Is. Obviously.
Colm Feb 2020
One day you'll walk
Though the same old door
Into a world unchanged
Only to discover the truth

That nothing is ever the same
That no second ever failed to fly
And that all is the essence of obvious
Even you
Existence is. Obviously. All else is not.
61 · Oct 2020
Fearnot Unwinding Threads
Colm Oct 2020
Fear no
Or lack
Of existence

For you were
Meant to be
Exactly as
You have been
Thus far

If you're breathing today. I'm happy to be happily with you. (:
Colm Feb 2020
When I write
When you sing
We embody the voice spoken long before
No words ever were or
61 · Sep 2021
Colm Sep 2021
Your hands know you
So much better than my own
Have ever known

How do I?
Which way should I go?
Her fingers brushed up against her lips. A sight for just a second.

The most unplanned set. 5/12
61 · May 2020
A Simple Cup
Colm May 2020
Having to have made myself
And by myself all too often alone
I'll know its love
When she makes me coffee
And I dont even see her coming
But with a smile
Passenger coffee
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