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 Jul 2021 Colm
 Jul 2021 Colm
why is it the people I always check in with,
never check in with me?

And even when they do,
it is never more than a simple,
"how are you?"
god im so alone
my besties are in a different state rn and im just here like ??
hope you are all doing well and feel free to rant in the comments, this is a safe space <3
 Jul 2021 Colm
Closer and closer
the sky lowers
kissing my skin
crushing my opinions
into leaks
sending tears down
my cheeks
can't hear the cries
when a whisper
evaporates into lies

am I matter?
it is a junction

the old railway track

the road to the farm there

tidy and organised

they saw me coming, waited and said hello

said they were coming so we waited to see

them come running the quad bike behind herding

all excited and we laughed to see

the calves run out into the field the first time ever

with their mothers
 Jul 2021 Colm
Unpolished Ink
Wine of forgiveness
Needs some time to sit and breathe
Before you drink it!
 Jul 2021 Colm
Hearing one's self talk gets old
Even if what you say matters and counts
Thinking of something to say when one is talking doesn't bear fruit
Lately, listening and turning everything and everyone else off is refreshing, soothing, and calming
Tune in and tune out the noise
You can agree to disagree but have the courtesy of listening the person out
Interrupting is rude and unnecessary
Hearing them out goes in one ear and out the other
The quiet helps in a very mixed up world where what counts and matters and matters just like yesterday and today
Listening carefully for tomorrow.

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