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 Mar 2016
Allania Berkey
I would love to find the words to tell you what I'm thinking
to tell you what I feel
to tell you how I'm hurting

I would love to find the words
But I lost them in my thoughts
I lost them in my fears
And I lost them in your presence
 Mar 2016
JK Cabresos
We dreamed about the future
and we forgot yesterday,
the pains in our earthly life;
Heaven has the remedy.
Along the angels singing
the songs of love,
believing they exist
is believing to God.
We dreamed about the future
but the future is today,
stop thinking about what ifs
and accept what is.
 Mar 2016
katie waker
shes a freak
everyone calls her that
dares to be different
doesn't tow the line
so she’s a freak
dresses like no one else
talks a cool lingo
she simply dares
it bothers others
she’s nothing like them
you know, those "normal" ones
so she’s a freak
 Feb 2016
Joel M Frye
Discovered a new
"poet", Diksha Patel, a
master plagiarist.
To any who read this:  please let your friends know.

To all my friends and followers:  Check Diksha's page on HP and see if s/he's plagiarized any of your work.  They stole my POTD from a couple months ago, and struck it from their site when I called them out on it yesterday.  Eliot has been notified.
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