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 Jan 2015
RW Dennen
Sign dictates on bike path, " 7 miles an hour"
I say, " Oh ****, now I can't go 25 miles an hour,
perhaps 20 or even 15, and I hope there is no "Bike Cop"
hiding behind some rock, bush or tree with a little "bike siren".

Sign dictates in an "open air train station", " No Smoking"
I say, " Oh ****, I hope he or she doesn't come up to me
directly and blow smoke in my face, I would really be *******."
I also hope that these mounds upon mounds of butts don't
stop me from walking even though "biodegradable"

Bus driver dictates, in front of bus, "Read the sign before leaving, please do not step past yellow line"!!
I cringe at the thought that my big toe goes over that ****
yellow line. If so, do you think that the driver will abruptly
stop the bus and throw the tip of your toes out the bus?
If so, I guess that the rest of your body would have to go as well!!!

Oh well, we live in a society, of some unnecessary mazes, and it gets worse and worse!! For that I give the "BIG *******!!!!!!" (PS just messin' wit ja )
In the above respect, I'm a bit of a libertarian and anti-war,
otherwise nothing in common
 Jan 2015
RW Dennen
Bang those pots and pans
and blow those whistles too
Comes a better year
and love will come to you
Hug, laugh and dance
and leave 16 in the past
Say hello to 17
and give it all a blast
Jump up and down
like good old kangaroos do
Watch that confetti
land on top of you
Kiss all your
loved ones
and giggle in their face
make that yearly *******
never a disgrace
 Sep 2014
RW Dennen
Watching night step-sitters staring at each passerby
abiding time as if counting sheep stepping with the city's cadence
Hearing sirens alarming in their BEWARE BLARING;
persistent fearfulness for evil and citizens securities
Staring-walking-bodies searching a barren land prostrating
before the great needle
Patched streets and decaying sidewalks by flooding night lights lay surreal

DECAYING fingers of poverty playing its fingers into every crack, crevice; into every pore, into every cell member
into one's whole being
Sounding the hip-hop generation street corners of hustlers
jiving away the night
The hustled and hustlers' overwhelming struggling for power; being surrounded by red brick and stone; being  incased in poverty

Pounding city hysteria;
at times laying silent in sleepless depth
by the waning gradualness;
anytime readying itself to ERUPT
 Sep 2014
RW Dennen
Our friend so furry black and white
on softened cushions
so soft a silent tread,
walk on whimsical nocturnal flight

You rest upon a wooden rail so smooth,
the same as the Sphinx upon the sea of sand,
so cunning, mischievous and shrewd

Now hum your murmurings aloud,
glad tidings you bestow to me
And whisper through your stare,
a friend you are, you are to me

You sense the beauty within our hearts,
no pretentious human outward showiness
For in a world of bombs and hatred spread,
you tell your tale of love instead...
In loving memory of Mickey our male cat
who loved to raise his paw a lot. Now we are blessed
with another friend, a female cat Reese...
 Sep 2014
RW Dennen
The great New York metropolitan
stretching its  vibrancy
trafficking its wears.
Car horns combating in contemptuous arguments
habituated eardrums unwittingly pulsating

Great buildings upward; towering behemoths in grandiose splendor
This great asphalt jungle sprawling its electricity for blocks,
for miles
The jazz of the city continues the chanting; the sounds of bass and the blowing of the **** sax, the horn, the piano
and the drums drumming on its rhythmical beat

Beating hearts feeling the vibrancy; the shock waves of nuances echoing the great hustle
Multitude of voices singing praise to the different tongues;
vibrant in diverse rejoicing, the poetry of men and women
Metropolitans claiming the world condensing into small
blocks and listening to its RHAPSODY.
 Sep 2014
RW Dennen
And so you came and left Alabama
     on words that blew sharply
   piercing even the most covered ear
Great cities welcomed you
  and some did not
Pride from a long struggle
     finally subdued anger
      bringing about a glimpse
      of  worldwide hope for everyone
       and all the poor

Prophetic visions were shouted
   in strength to all four corners of the globe

Yet a crucifiction was waiting
  for you in the guise of a missile

And too early a wheat was
    and the loaf became bitter
Your body was passed from mind to mind
          as we ate of your bitter loaf

And so the drums were struck
  And so the cadence bowed
   And so the tears were shed
    And so a brother in spirit was dead...

All colors mixed in unison-
   and out from that dark gloomy cloud
appeared a rainbow
          And rain tear-cheeks dried
and a resurrection of pride
soon flooded the country-
We all became baptised
                    in blood and truth...
In memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He followed in Mahatma Gandi's footsteps
 Sep 2014
RW Dennen
In the early 21st century this is when time
really started to go backwards and the attack on the constitution laid the foundation for the TeA pArTY,
and other corporate fascists. Too much to the right our
nation starts" GOOSE STEPPING".

And Uncle Sam sat on a very narrow
conservative wall.
And the King of heartless ( Bush ) ordered,
" OFF WITH YOUR HEAD" without just cause to a sandy
world of black-gold.
And all three nations were written up as
the Axis of "Jabberwockey".
And Wonderland's scared caterpillar colored red, orange,and so on, sat upon an imagined poison mushroom cloud.
And Tweedly Dee; Teedly Rummy,
gave quick cheap armor ( of course to fight some of the Jabberwockey) from a quickened "Rummy Dummy",
the slam dunker.
And the MAD HATER of people went
DUCK -YOUR -HEAD oil haunting
And "Cheshire Cat smiles ( Bush again ) was taken
at phony opts.
And we majority of Alices tried
making sense of this new "Wonderland" as Constitutional,
law backers were considered bad-and in mirror reversable-
so too International Law backers.
And good was this unconstitutional
main war-knight  (Bush again ) always WORD bumbling,
war stumbling, falling and failing off his Trojan horse.
And still us Alices are in this-now current-perpetual
Tune in next time for our great escape
from this forcefully adopted land of horrid wonder.
Maybe if we tapped our shoes three times...Oops wrong tale.
 Aug 2014
RW Dennen
Swimming indoors
                              is a
                                  horizontal ballet
floating and swimming in the return to the womb
ah ah ah room.

RW Dennen (c) 1980
I love to swim and I noticed when people get together
in water there's a lot of chatter that goes on besides laughter.
Perhaps more world leaders should hold more conferences in water without  drowning each other LOL  LOL  LOL

— The End —