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Paper lust
All so fragile
Silent touch
Streaming through
Illusion of love
Oblivion is forgot
N**ever ending dreams
A little extra secret for the reader in this poem
 Apr 2016
I am thirsty
Calm waters, bubbles galore
Swallow fast
Sip it slow
Picking raspberries in late June
Warm juices running along ****** fingertips
On the cusp of homemade wine season
I cannot get enough
Stained mouth hungry for more
Along my lip's edges I can taste your smile
Sunshine light with a hint of bright
I want to drink with you
Share with you
Get loose and fuzzy
Ready to fill your cup with more
Swinging away in breezy hammocks
Drunk on each other
Drunk on summer
 Mar 2016
SG Holter
An Ode to the Sun

The Mark of Cain upon my every
Detail as I gaze across
The plains, and in the pain beneath
The snow I know the spring

That was -but died again- is waiting
Still, until the winter loses will
To stay, and eases grip to let the
Little things come out and play.

The Mark of Cain, the Curse of Cold,
This winter's getting far too old,
And frozen things all long for heat;  
To feel that heart above them beat.

But see, the clouds are parting now,
The Heart of Sky is high, and how
Its beams, it seems, are rays of gold;
A force to melt, and even scold

That old, tenacious ghost of white
And chase it off into a night that has
Been dark as Death for months,
But now is light with Life for once.

The Mark of Cain I shed like skin,
I too have leaves that rest within.  
Spring, so faint a sigh, now calls:   
Heart of Sky, I feel thy pulse!
humming slowly
as i sway with this sad song
dancing the rhythm
of this broken sonata
feeling this heartbeat
that started to fade
if only you could see
the dreary tune in this piece
you would rather listen
than see the lyrics within this song
crumpled sheets of paper
scattered all around the floor
with every sheets
there is a written tale of us
seeing this sheets
makes me wonder
when will i be able
to touch the sky?
give me love, darling
give me love cause lately
i am craving for more
give me love, darling
so the tale of these crumpled sheets
will became true
give me love, darling
so this piece will cry with joy
so i beg
like beggar in the street
so i cry
like a baby in a crib
cause lately
i don't understand
why i am craving for more*

give me love, darling

©IGMS 2014
Inspired by the song of ed sheeran
 Nov 2015
S Smoothie
This strange kind of numb has chased away the desolating pain
there seems nothing in the part where love grows
not in the heart or mind or soul
Is this what death feels like?
Every shred of decency you stole in that **** weak moment of betrayal
you shook the hand of the beast that gave the burden
the thief of my dignity
it was an inncent action between men who respect each other
you had had no right to placee all my shreds of respectably in his palms
to anialate me without provacation
to give me up to avoid confronting the truth
you let my pride die a silent death
the humiliation.
the state of shock
and constant scraping up my self off the floor
it was because you found it easier to forgive, than fight for me
so I died A million painful deaths in that moment
like the love that swore it would die a thousand more
it vanished emphasising the nothing that I am
and you didn't even blink an eye.
 Sep 2015
wes parham
His feet carried him there with no plan but to see.
Beyond that, the ****** appendages were ******* useless.
But he can't blame his feet for the failures above,
In the brain that is always awash in a chemical storm,
Not of it's creation,
But rather, from failures up higher,
Where angels throw darts and roll dice with God,
(who disdains such a sport),
And anyway...
So, here he is again,
With a mind full of wonder,
When he wants only, sorely, for this:
To have something to say,
Through the fog and the chatter,
To find that within,
Which is real.
If you've ever been drawn to someone, but never felt able to connect, it was probably just your useless feet dragging you over to talk to her (or him as it suits), but then just leaving you there afterward, brain terrified and devoid of anything reasonable to say, much less entice the mermaid to further intrigue.  The poem ultimately gives up, blaming a whimsical deity and bored host of angels.  Sigh...
If this sounds familiar, then this poem is dedicated to you.  
You are not alone, not by a long shot.

Read here by the author:

 Aug 2015
Seher Seven
the pull to your core riles my attention
the pull is dedicated, though not to you.
your core is what I'm after.
you represent an immature version
of us, I add in my growth and we
continue to develop.

though you are merely a fraction,
we are spread far. the pieces
rile my attention, create a tunnel
that emblazons my affection for myself.
for us all. in each meeting,
I am looking for you.
my thoughts are captured
in the essence of the trueness of everything,
the fragility, the permanence of nothing.
flowing in this interaction, the balance.

it seems life must be short.
my daughter calls me to live long,
I wake each day to embrace another chance
to sit in myself, in this body,
to witness this vantage point.
I get lonely in here, my tribe spread thin.
I know that the energy of
the spread of a galaxy realigns us constantly.
we create the things that communicate to
hear our own memories.
and I am just thankful,
all other emotions lacking substance.
 Aug 2015
a head has
   the snail a pace .... so
                       if one


    the door will
if closed

windows we often close , blind,

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