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 Nov 2018
I would burn in hell for you
just to see you live happily in heaven
 Nov 2018
My love is in all shapes for you
forgiveness,tears,hugs an kisses
and before you leave i give you a hug and a kiss and then more cause i really don't want you to leave
i love spending time with you, you may not believe that but i do
i want it to be me and you , just us two
Baby i love you more then you can count the snowflakes in the snow or the stars in the sky
or how many drops of water are in the sea
i love you an that's all to it.
i won't break your heart, it wont be replaced
cause i realized no matter how hard i fight it
I'll always be in love with YOU
so i'm not going to fight anymore
i'm going to embrace it
because i know your the one for me
for eternity
 Nov 2018
Erin Johnson
I wrap myself in a blanket,
And pretend it's your arms.
Because maybe if you were here,
Things wouldn't be so hard.

I rest my head on my pillow,
And pretend it's your chest.
Because maybe if you were here,
My heart would ache less.

I close my eyes and sigh,
And pretend these miles don't exist.
Because they overwhelm me,
All I want is to feel your kiss.
 Nov 2018
let me be
your cigarette

so I could
your lips

let me be
your addiction

that you could never
to quit
 Nov 2018
Madisen Kuhn
you're asleep and i'm sad
wanted to stay up all night
and talk with you
about your day
and why the sky is blue

everything is so easy with us
our words flow back and forth steadily
like the gliding of a ship
atop a calm sea

when i feel broken
you mend me with your words
when i have nothing to say
you effortlessly occupy the silence

you fill this gap inside me
in a way that makes me forget
i was ever incomplete

i'd tell you all of this,
but you're asleep
 Nov 2018
I believe that
dreams can
come true
because mine
did when I met
you my love
I will always
love you
I ******* swear
 Nov 2018
Even when you're broken
I will still embrace your sharp edges
And with my scarred body
I will love your pieces
 Nov 2018
My life burned up in flames,
But you walked through the fire
And helped me up
 Nov 2018
Maybe it's the way you look at me,
Maybe it's the way you hold me,
Maybe it's the way you care for me,
Maybe it's the way you talk to me,
Maybe it's the way you understand me,
Maybe it's the way we joke around,
Maybe it's the way we love,
Maybe all it is
Is you.
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