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 Jan 2015
I B Liviu
Velvet drops of smoky mirrors,
Soothing clouds in endless skies,
Fill my heart with warmth and shivers,
Joy and love like one it ties,

Sweet and sour, crisp or smooth,
Dropping by or running down,
Liquid safes that hold the truth,
As the walls surround the town,

Diamond curtains tie around,
See-through walls of melted mirrors,
Up side down I feel it bound,
To the sea and all its sailors,

Floating castles in the wind,
Ghostly dreams that come to be,
Huf and puf and they will swing,
Like the branches of a tree.
 Jan 2015
Grey dark spots of misery,
Dancing through the outreach of his fingers,
Breathing with every slice of his regrets,
Haunting the power time held .
Words can be judged, true,
If only they exist.
 Jan 2015
Thoughts, ideas, words, actions.
People, enemies, friends, demons.
Dear life,
You've taught me a lot.
But the only thing
I'm gonna tell my children about you is,
' you will never stop teaching'.
 Jan 2015
Phoenix Rising
the deja vu is far from new
telling me this path is true
i love you
and myself, too
life is to learn
learn to love
love is the essence
of what we call above

if what you feel is hellish
why do you think heaven is not achievable
i have never seen disorder in the way of the world
and perfect geometric designs
inside the plants
and the universe among the stars
i've never seen lack of balance
when sad makes happy, happy
and happy makes sad, sad

life is not exactly a mystery
you're the mystery
that resides inside yourself

the world is not trying to fool *you
people are a walking, talking mess and life is to balance themselves out energetically and emotionally (sorta the same/go hand in hand) and prepare to become once again (like many times before) etheric

the universe has many mathematical conducts
and if i were to say what is disorganized with the world...
i would not say the plants, the weather, nor the animal kingdom
I would consider a being due to the fact that we are an alienation of everything that's ever been on this earth from our time visiting
we are taboo, completely sudden
we have been alive on the minute scale of creation, to our knowledge
we are indeed here for a spiritual purpose
and i'm far from the only one that feels that way

we have too much energetic power and light within us
along with a set of skills for creation
to have been here once (in the flesh/form of anywhere in the universe)
we are so much MORE than we realize
 Jan 2015
Rotation is Optional*

What makes up the Dance of the Spin?
Whence to forth have came of This from?

What happened to have Spun
such a Spiral to arise
~ Entwined ~
of such likes as this kind?

From the Void of Shadows,
~ unspeakable Bliss ~
what only Knows of this depth's Abyss?

I decline,
this current paradigm
make to rumble
thus impending Rise
would grow beneath
to tremble the ground
of outgrown belief.  

I weep in prayer
on bended knee
before the alter of
the quaking Core.
If not the many visions before,
mine have eyes once forseen.
Then from the Sacred Secret
it's Truths have been.

When the Wings of the Mother
are rightfully addressed,
our tears will flow
bring heave to our chest.
It is then, will we contend
of what such Powers
we provoke & offend.

Then do we enter
without Vision in Center,
the Dance of the Spin?
For surely we fall Dizzy
Heavy our State...

Flux will Flash
if not with the Flow
that throes asunder
now thrash and grow,
stronger than this
only One we all know.
With Hope we pray
for what we sow
but She is all that's left to Go...

Of what I speak I dare not Know
Repost of my very first poem on HP
This poem references Egyptian Mythology and Spiral of Life.
 Jan 2015
Art is either plagiarism or revolution,
we've all
heard that
It feels like
originality is impossible
when only given
characters to work with,
and so
these are not
my thoughts,
this does not
belong to me,
I am
writing the same things
that all those before me have written.
We are either replicas or denying it.
 Jan 2015
Tiberias Paulk
Sometimes I miss the mark, yet at others aim is true
the tinder takes the spark, I only slightly misconstrue
at times I'm fully broken and it may not translate well
but when the word's perfectly spoken I fall under a spell
then begins the out pour, at first glance it's from my mind
though inspiration opens doors, to the words I'd never find
 Jan 2015
somersaulting through the night
landing face first
into a bed smelling of love
finding you there
filled with acrobatic amusement
   and i am airborne
   once again.
 Jan 2015
Unable to decipher the reasons behind
mistaking politeness for shyness.
Trust me, I am definitely in my zone.

Incapable of fathoming why is it a grave mistake to be quiet.
I am fighting my inner demons.
I do not wish to speak to you.
 Jan 2015
Runs across the boundaries
Tears itself apart
Takes all the grievances and gloom
Still smiles my heart

The lovely winter blossoms
Smiles from the past
Tears it turned into today
Nothing ever lasts

Fighting for wants
Evitable how it was!
Withholds all the petty
Illusions was the cause.
 Jan 2015
Wearing my hand gloves and wrapping a cloth around my legs, I sit here in the class attending my extra winter lessons. This shiver in me and the cold breeze does nothing but reminds me of him. I remember the warmth in our hug, in his arms, whilst embracing him. Here, I sit and ponder about him making every tissue inside me content. I tried to stop myself from doing so, but couldn't help it! I recall the times which were similar to the present, though only on the outside and not on the inside.I remember how cold I used to get after our lessons got over. I waited for him on the staircase near the canteen and he came, looking at me as if I am the only person around.I recount the speed of our walks and the way he used to rub my hands to make'em warm. As I ponder upon it,I suddenly feel or perhaps just fantasized to feel his hug and how I thought that I would cry if I ever come across his arms now. I thought of his face  when he smiled at me and said something sweet leaving a perpetuating effect in me. Whilst I think about it all, I feel a tear rolling down my right eye. It just feels as if he will be waiting for me inside the classroom after the bell rings. Thinking the same, I came out out of the class and stood still on the staircase. Imagining that he'll come to me, I stood numb at that place for about 10 minutes. Just then,  my friend shouted at me, ordering me to move and bringing me back to my senses. I just realized that the exalt I was experiencing had receded my life long back and that he was not going to come to me anymore.I just couldn't react to my wonders and moved with my sister like friends to our homes.But one thing I am sure about is that no one can ever supplant his presence in my mind.
#missing #those #times #somuchlove #january <3
 Jan 2015
We used to spend hours
driving around looking at houses and
I never understood why you went to
the middle class neighborhoods
with the big homes that all looked the same and
pointed to the ones with
heavy wooden doors and thick brick walls
and all the cars in the garage and
called them your favorite
until I heard your voice crack when you said
they just look so sturdy
and I knew that
your walls were rotting and
falling down and
your foundation was cracked and
your windows were shattered and
the ceiling was starting to
cave in and
you liked the
big homes with
heavy wooden doors and thick brick walls
and all the cars in the garage because
they were
when you
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