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 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
I beseech one to imprison me
In her lonesome heart like mine;
To loveth and careth for me
Until the end, and beyond time.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
 Aug 2015
Jake muler
Traffic jam mania! This havoc makes me wanna scream at the young little Brat pointing at me in the next car
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
As I more than knoweth dearest reader
The one's with the biggest smile sometimes;
Art the one's with the biggest hole's in their heart's.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
 Aug 2015
You are allowed to touch my heart, not my body.
That's for someone.
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
In the spectral mausoleum
Wherein the human's left me deserted;
I still wilt writeth transcendent poesy
Mine blood as the word's to be posted.

An anointed omnipresent
To luster her anticipation of mine proclivity;
She awaiteth me, behind the benevolence
As her optical's art painting's in Renoir relevance .

I revamp mine apparition
To maketh mineself to her more known;
She seeith mine black suit, unbuttoned shirt
She feeleth mine flesh, and strokes mine old bones.

All mine bad misgivings, she erases like as if at school
She's the teacher, I'm her student, though tis I breaketh rules;
Yet I do payeth attention, to this queen whoever she is
Yet thou must remember, this is all a dream, spurious wish!

Though tis just an illusion, I still hath highest Hope's
Because I'm not the other men, proudly others seeith that most;
As tis I shalt continue on, writing amour for one not around
Whoever she is, and who she might be, please release me from..

The ground................

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Just made up poem. Seeking to be loved. As I said before nights are harder for me missing cuddling and even a phone call bad /: can't hide this lonesomeness /: its horrible but don't wanna talk to one outta lonesomeness I want one to want me... That's normal lol well hope u enjoy friends (;:;:
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Is there any others HOPELESS ROMANTIC'S
Who seeketh REAL out there?
Anyone here?
To feeleth mine despair?

I guess hopeless romance hath died in this world....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
 Aug 2015
I'm Worried About America

It's a great place
Everything is so convenient

And we are used to a certain way
Of Life

And people need to understand
Our economy is in big trouble
Big, big trouble

Please be aware
 Aug 2015
Tommy Jackson
saw your shinning face
In the same old place
On that lonely day
When you go away
I wonder why
You always have to lie
When I'm still here
With my memory and fear
I feel a deep pain
Because I know you will never love me again
I still feel sad
I can give you all I had
I give you my heart and soul
I will be there If you call
I will give you my all
I don't know what to do
Or where shall i go
Where do i belong

Old write when me and wife had bad time in past
 Aug 2015
Jake muler
In traffic trying to think of a better way to get around this,
But dude sometimes just wanna hit the car in front of me, though wouldn't do that.
 Jul 2015
Jake muler
What gets me throbbed the most

Being at work and getting news that sets me off
Such sorrowful work hours left this is gonna be a long day
 Jul 2015
Jake muler
Just got the worst news possibly I could have gotten and it gets me angered to know why it happened. Disgruntled isn't even the word I should use, just more in sorrow from such news. What to do what to do but stew in sorrow right now
 Jul 2015
Kelley A Vinal
I'm going on a trip
It's a little ways away
Maybe $20 in gas
Will get me there today
To Fornax Chemica
The White Tiger of the West
Hubble's going to catch me
And maybe wish me best
Travelling 60 million light years
May take a little while
But the lovely constellation
Will surely bring a smile
 Jul 2015
Jake muler
Headed down 90 before the way to the sweat box then what did I see out of the two way split. I saw a McDonald's sign in the clear that read to me three double cheeseburgers for one dollar
And ten cents so I stop to get me the three promised and **** they had told me the sign was wrong that the woman who did it
Should have put three for THREEDOLLARS! Mixed up, I'd say, give woman a break? Yes, but now no good and have to eat the bagged good's at the companies dispense now.    Great. Thank you mckie d's for the three for a buck ten more like a buck plus two
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