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 Sep 2022
Distance is the cog wheel
on the haunted axle of my hearing,
grinding fine the deadened mind
of that unborn god
waiting to be caught
by the earth's blue speed,
and carrying in a handled urn
the plucked heart - ours,
it's beating, it's heard, it's beating, it's heard,
a sphere in wild growth -
the roads are wet with tears,
memory frail and elastic,
a sling for stones, a gondola
drowned in childlike Venice's,
a tooth yanked from the cells with a string -
down the empty socket of Vesuvius. And you exist.

by Nichita Stanescu, translated by Thomas Carlson and Vasile Poenaru
 Sep 2022
I was so very aware
that the afternoon was dying in the domes,
and all around me sounds froze,
turned to winding pillars.

I was so very aware
that the undulant drift of scents
was collapsing into darkness,
and it seemed I had never tasted
the cold.

I awoke so far away
and strange,
wandering behind my face
as though I had hidden my feelings
in the senseless relief of the moon.

I was so very aware
I did not recognize you, and perhaps
you come, always,
every hour, every second,
moving through my vigil - then -
as through the spectre of a triumphal arch.

by Nichita Stanescu, translated by Thomas Carlson and Vasile Poenaru
 Sep 2022
neon birds above
plastic souls beneath
I have no choice
but to feed my soul
with the secret of trees

I still dream
in the skin of the rain
I write with my eyes
poems of touch

This summer I chased
I tried to forget all about
this age of anxiety,
or about the eyes with no echo

For a moment I let reality crash
like cloud castles
neon birds spring above
my tired city
 Jul 2022
Blue nothing. She considered miles
out the high window in the stairwell.
First, simple paper distances her finger

could trace, point A to point B.
Then the more difficult measurement,
that of closeness, like bonded atoms.

And then, hypothetical expanses
like those of the heart's vessels -
their length could circle the globe twice.

A plane seemed to crawl across the glass,
leaving a necklace vapor trail. She believed
in possibilities, that every atom that could exist,

already did, but still, she could not wear the red,
strapless dress she no longer owned,
couldn't lift her hair for his fingertips to clasp

pearls at the nape of her neck, his breath
fastening a shiver between her shoulder blades
down the small dip of her back.

She wanted to look into a large aperture
telescope, to view the farthest reaches
of visible space, where no energy had ever been

destroyed, to see into the incalculable vastness
of him in their living room downstairs, him
on the brown sofa reading. She wanted

him to put down his book, to think of her
on the landing, waiting. For him to move
exponentially faster, up the stairs two at a time.

by Jo Brachman
 May 2022
that moment
as fragile as a snowflake
when I slip into another's poem
and something inside twinkles
like a firefly full of wonder

"Be the bliss of my trembling
like a tree’s leaves:
give a name, give a beautiful name
a pillow to this disintegration."
— János Pilinszky
 Apr 2022
Jamie Richardson
the light at noon
spread over green:
fields of tender green
before the harvest
before time knew all
but our names.

the seasons reinstate
grass broken beneath
treads of the innocent
who tried remaking the world.

memorials of thorn
uproot in a moment
and who are we to disturb
what remains underneath.

how many lovers since
haunted by sacrifice
lay nameless across
England's pungent greens.

and with their kiss we scatter
between the gaps
in this thriving
meadow soil.

as birds above, explode
from the time-worn trees,
and wheel dreamlike, toward sun.
 Mar 2022
tanks are marching over my soul
bombs are dynamite for sight
it is unbearable
(if you can't ease)
the pain
the anger
the grief
helplessness and terror
they sculpture our souls
raising citadelles to dwell

I weep words for time not to freeze
it is cruelty that shuts down the mind

countless lives are played at the roulette
the geometry of power is mutilating everything
especially the birth of reality
my fragility like velvet
is soft to touch.
the trajectory of erratic steps,
the fragility and the strength of the world
are visible through bones of glass

hatred is a force that keeps the center spinning,
not turning into a black hole

we are close
the tyrant pushes himself on the brink
the naive world has fortgotten -
tanks are marching over
bodies carrying
the brightest of light -
the event-horizon
of death
 Feb 2022
in the depth of human tragedy
there is also this dillema
of tyranny
that either the truth or the lie
is going to crash the tyrant

they play reality games
the delusion will end in catastrophe
how much of the world is going to take with it?

spring is in a rush this year,
to affirm the rationality
of life
 Feb 2022
yes, the tyrant is ready
to destroy with thousands of arms
with thousands of eyes
with thousands of hearts
a denied collective crime after all
and the old circle of darkness about to complete
the worm of history is tattooing our dreams

unbearable the recipe of pain

no real tipping point
no turning point
for any tyrant

wooden tongues speak non truths
to be fed by a tyrant freezes the rivers of the mind

being a tyrant is so simple, so natural in a world we've ceased to imagine

this tyrant like any other free
to toy with history as with plasticine
cause we/you/they are as ready as ever
to support him dynamite
the horizon
of time

Lord, may I always see that You are with me
And that on every mountain that I climb,
I am climbing with You.
And You have never left me nor forsaken me.

And I will climb this mountain in humility before You
As I walk carefully on the path that You had before me.
Let me look up to You as I rely on every Word that You say
Oh, pour Your Spirit so sweet and refreshing to me.

Lord, forgive my doubts and my fear of heights.
If I fear because I’m already out of my comfort zones;
If I fear because I think I cannot make it.
And if I fear because it’s so, so new to me.

Lord, I pray that as I see new but great heights,
I will realize that it is Your new thing to me.
This is Your new way to increase my faith
By showing me what You can constantly do in my life.
And You can do more
And I am just a witness of all that You can do.

As I climb this mountain,
I am a witness to the good view
That You’ve been showing me.
Every view will be beautiful
Because I am with You
And I should not be afraid
Of the transitions of ups and downs.

I am secure even if I trip and fall.
And You will amaze me soon,
I can and I will declare that You are God
And that Your promises are true.

You are My God
Oh Jesus, thank You so much
That You call me by my name.

Apart from You, I can do nothing
And I am just as weak as I am.
But Lord, because the Words that I hear from the Bible
Come from Your mouth,
I know that I can rely upon those Words.
And those are not “empty words.”
Those words are alive and You are in it
And You live in me.

Oh Jesus Christ, what a beautiful Name.
It is not just a Name but it is You – everything is in You.
Protect me, Lord, and let Your will be done in my life.
Show me how and increase my discernment.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
 Feb 2022
George Eliot
Warm whisp'ring through the slender olive leaves
Came to me a gentle sound,
Whis'pring of a secret found
In the clear sunshine 'mid the golden sheaves:

Said it was sleeping for me in the morn,
Called it gladness, called it joy,
Drew me on 'Come hither, boy.'
To where the blue wings rested on the corn.

I thought the gentle sound had whispered true
Thought the little heaven mine,
Leaned to clutch the thing divine,
And saw the blue wings melt within the blue!
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