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Life is short on earth
like raindrops in the desert
like dew on cactus

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Support is like oxygen
*everyone needs it
A bee here
another there
the bee catchers busily chase

enjoy every bit
hit and miss
miss and hit

the urge to live is the sugar
sweetens the grind
keeps death out of mind.

If you keep death in mind
high is the cost
in the momentary dying
life is lost.
 May 2017
Logan Robertson
He stopped at her rose garden to explore
Beckoning rose petals awed of colorful lore
With pillow eyes so soft
He's invited into her loft
She raced fast as he kept banging at her door

 May 2017
Penelope Winter
those who say it's a beautiful feeling
to fall in love
have always been loved
in return

- p. winter
 May 2017
Oskar Erikson
They say:
"You get what you've given."
but I'm afraid that's not true:

As you have all of me
And I have none of you.
 Apr 2017
In this life I have found you to love
And in the next I shall do the same.
 Apr 2017
"It's a frozen morning "
said the earth to the sun

"Please rain"
said the ground to the clouds

"You're going to die"
said the spider to the fly

said the woman
to the sleeping guy

"Don't go"
said the guy to the setting sun

"Come home "
said the house
now all alone

"Let's try, one more time "
said the message on her phone

"Our time has come
Our time has gone "
said the four wheels
on the gravel road

"One more log of mother madrone"
said the woodstove to the cold, cold, room.
 Apr 2017
to sing one love song
before eternal silence.
 Apr 2017
Stephen E Yocum
The long awaited sun is
high and pleasantly warm,
The swallows have returned
and all is well in my world.
Another brief moment in
time recorded. Spring at last.
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