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 Mar 2023
midnight dark
is my true love’s kiss
of clove and citrus scented

cradled in the subtle
woven voices
of the conspiratorial night wind

soft as the silver-blue
edges of light
cast from nocturnal lanterns

sharing in silent thunder
secrets held in coffers
of crimson jade

blazing with the vibrance
of constellations
blown before celestial storms

full as skyward Luna
rounded and buxom
heavy with desire

veiling my worldly sight
so her truth can pierce me

blinding me
that I may see
 Feb 2023
Anais Vionet
Become a (wo)man of peace
help the world, be content,
it isn’t up to governments.

Celebrate your free heart
in grateful virtue and
with modest speech.

Soothe the ever angry,
invite them in and dare trust;
be proud equals not at odds.

With new friends welcome,
double joys by sharing,
save the planet by being happy
 Jan 2023
Lead me away from this unfair realm
Beyond my stormy days and dark skies
Kiss me hard
Embrace me tight
Take me to the gracious place  where I found your heart
 Feb 2022
Megan Sherman
You know the fullness of the beauty of the universe
It manifests in your wisdom, an authentic platinum pearl
Immaculately conceived
Conveyed within the cosmic flow of ideas
Through which the sages earn their laurels
Wisdom felt not read from pages
And with no rainbow ever quarrel
Inspired by Jamhadi Verse
 Feb 2022
Sally A Bayan

Conversations are brief surprises,
sweet, like unexpected presents,
polite, yet laced with
genuine affection and
a growing fervour;
with every farewell,
strength flies with the wind, breath, departing
for, love hides...confines itself
in the ***** of the heart, it is
known, and yet, not known, but
silently exuding a sweet scent,
a subtle fragrance...more enduring
than a gentle spray of White Linen,
or, dabs of Dolce and Gabbana...its
scent lingers, the nostrils remember.
it clings deeper, dwelling on skin pores,
in every fiber of the the veins
that carry blood, to and from the heart.
it is a fragrance so reassuring,
never vanishing...more calming,
more relaxing than a glass, or two
of chilled Champagne, or sweet Moscato
it exists, even without the sun,
for, it has a light of its own,
a torch, but, with a tamed flame,
it burns subtly...even in quiet airs.



             sally b

Copyright Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
February 14, 2022
 Feb 2022
Sarita Aditya Verma

Should the sun ever express
How it feels to give its light to every being
How it loves to see, the children in parks
With sparkling eyes
The river and the sea, with a golden sheen
The motes that freely float in every beam
Does the sun beams a knowing smile and feels alive
When it sees and feels the new leaves
Gaining strength and growing big
Under its warmth and care
Should it ever say and quietly express
How happy it feels every day
To rise and be awake
And give hope to every being
And the tiny leaves
Gaining strength, growing tall
The trees softly speak
As the lush leaves shimmer and shine
Giving shelter and home to the birds and the bees
The sun knows its worth
And knows what it is to rise and shine
And give hope to every being
 Feb 2022
Hadrian Veska
It was an instant
A brief moment that lasted
An endless amount of time
I saw above and below
Within and without
Beyond veil after veil
Rung after rung
In myself and far beyond
I learned there was no difference
I saw into the great depths
Of oceans not discovered
I saw into the habitation
Of those that dwell in the stars
All creation waits
In eternal anticipation
For me, for us to arise
And meet the one who made us
To share in love and joy
In play and in being
To walk, to climb the mountain
Until all who are far off
Share in eternal light
 Jan 2022
Edmund black
If the wind is still
Take my veins
If lightning is still
Take my smile
If the sun is still
Take my strength
If courage is still
Take my whispers
If aspiration is still
Take my body
If art is still
As I am whole
Even when broken
A masterpiece

I am love.
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