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 Dec 2016
Arthur Vaso
Lines on pages
     Indented desires wrapped in ancient dreams
Death marching up to my wooden door

I am hiding, under a glass stained floor
     A raven plays the harp
The orchestra knows is B sharp

My hair rented and torn
     Life you see forlorn
Lines dancing on pages

Facades weary and paint thin
    A whiter shade of pale so dim
Candlelight still shines from within

Tongues embrace, passion reflected in face
     Indented ******* fall upon the plate
Of hunger, of desire, some may say even fate
 Dec 2016
Richard L Ratliff
A Warm Sweater    

You are a warm sweater
I wear like a second skin
A warm gentle breeze that lifts
Away the melancholy
A nod, a glance, a kiss hello
Brings comfort
As I move through time
Yesterday today and tomorrow

Hand on your soft waist
Rubbing hip to hip
That swelling inflating light headed reverie
Half real, half imagined memories
As homemade perfect dreams

Visions of the night
Floating away like a kite
Making love in the clouds
Sharing a laugh and a smile for no reason

Simple shared joy of a song,
A dance, a hug, holding hands.
We are philosophers of our time
Floating in the moon's evening glow

Copyright 2013-16
Richard L Ratliff
In the midnight breeze,

They speak softly,
So gently,
Little secrets,
To the chosen leaves
On the sleeping trees.

In harmony,
Songs are sung,

Carried in the wind -
Nature's sacred secrets
On the branches,
Are now, no longer hung.

Can you hear the call
Between the heavens
And the trees,

Flowing through the air,
Dancing on the seas?

These whispers
Pass through,
Gathering all the leaves
That they need to take...

Cleansing the earth -
New leaves to be born
When nature gives birth;
Such songs are sung,
Before you wake.

By Lady R.F ©2016
Wishing you all
a very Happy New Year!
Filled with happiness -
Filled with cheer!

To all my friends
Here at HP,
Your support, this past year,
Has meant so very much
To me!

Happy New Year
To one, and all,
See you next year,
Not faraway at all!

Rosalie - Lady R.F
 Dec 2016
Mike Adam
By your ***.

In moonlight your
Rhythms upset and
Entice in
Equal measure.

Mysterious goddess
Of earth
Of soul
Of soil

What to do with
Such fabulous
Witching power?
I've made mistakes,
More than I care to remember,

I'm the only one
That I can blame,
I began making them
The year that I was born--43 years ago
In December.

My intentions,
Where always, to do good,
But somehow it always backfired,

Someone always got hurt -
Usually me!
I think it's the way
That I was built and wired.

God knows how hard I always tried,
But I never could get it right,

Selfish people's darkness
would always drown my sunshine
and steal my daylight.

I never wanted to hurt a soul,
But I only had two choices:
Make someone else happy--and be miserable!


Make choices,
So that I may be happy--and become invisible!

I was never a bad person - On the contrary,
I was too good!

The biggest mistake I ever made,
Was not doing what I wanted -
What I knew, I should.

The moral of this little story
Is quite simple to understand...

Be a kind, good-natured human,
But don't live your life on demand!

I would love to say
That I have no regrets,

But I can't lie to anyone,
Or to myself;
You see, my heart...
It never, ever, forgets.

~ I'm slowly learning how to forgive myself
for not getting everything right,

I've had help from my precious children,
And from my man...
'Cause, having them, means...
That I got the most important part right!

By Lady R.F ©2016
 Dec 2016
Rebel Heart
Well I guess we all have
our own versions of the truth
Our own little realities
Mine separate from you

When I say that I'm alright
And you know that's not true
When my smile, its so fake
And I can't hide it from you

So maybe I'm living in an illusion,
Or maybe this is all just a dream.
I don't want you to see my life
how it really is.
You mean too much to me

You barely scratched the surface
of my whole life story
And to tell the truth
I don't want you to know,
Just think that my life's boring

It's better for you
and better for me
If you keep living in this illusion
Because we only see what we want to see
And you don't need to see these scars...
They hide too much of the truth
The truth I myself hide from.

And I hope you'll never have to find
The ugly truth that I call my life
I'll keep it all buried in time
In this pain, in this strife.

I'm trying to hold on
To this little sliver of a lie
that holds the broken pieces of my reality,
Telling myself I'll be alright...
That this pain is just an illusion
And in truth I'll be fine.

But I was never good at lying
And I'm just doing this for you.

Because you're
in your own little
As long as its
from my own little
The poem that inspired my new song "My Own Illusion". It won a competition but more importantly saved me from drowning on yet another night...
 Dec 2016
Lazhar Bouazzi
Through the moiré windowpane -
By my leaden writing desk -
I saw a host of dark clouds
Hastening to their somber task
Like a herd of frightened sheep
Shrouded ‘neath the callous mask
Of the night - on the way home.

Through the moiré window pane
A question stood in my way again:
What is a cloud that leaves shut
The flask* of an announced rain?

© LazharBouazzi, 30/12/2016
*The image of the flask is a reworking of the famous cliché in Arabic: "ينزل المطر كأفواه القِرب" "The rain falls like open flasks" (my translation), the equivalent of the cliché in English: "It's raining cats and dogs."
 Dec 2016
we think we love,
think we
stand upon
sturdy stuff,
think the rolling
seas don't come
for us,
we're young,
we're never
gonna grow
up, the tombstones
roll in hills the
world over,
but we kid ourselves
in our beds,
in our heads,
we curl back the
shift the covers,
shut our eyes,
ignore the cries.
Kaleidoscope vision
In a merry-go-round,
Carousel-like underworld,

Roller coaster experiences
In a haunted house,
Within an amusement park -
  Feeling nauseous - overwhelmed -
Dizzily swirled.

Out of breath,
On the ground--curled,

In the

Bumper cars on chase,
Crashing into me,

Nightmares, whilst wide awake,
Is what I regularly see.

Curious, scary clown faces
With open mouths,
Staring at me - following me - taunting me - Constantly,

This is what living with Anxiety
Feels like;
A freak show carnival
Taking place,
Of me.

~ Anxiety:
A repetitive nightmare!
A living Hell!
One, that I know, all too well!

By Lady R.F ©2016
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