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 Jan 2017
Amethyst Fyre
Grab my hand* he says
I know what you're going through
The cycles of firey independance
That you can make it, on your own
The wrenching despair
The flashing moment where you don't want to be here anymore
And it all seems so pointless
I know it
We don't have to be here anymore
Take my hand he says
I take his hand
And when the ensuing darkness falls around me
Like choatic endless falling stars
I do not run, I am relieved
My heartbeat is the last thing I hear before he leads me
Into the wild, overgrown garden of sleep.
 Jan 2017
Jean Lin
Sky isn't always blue;
it can be gray, purple, orange,
and sometimes red.

Chocolate isn't always sweet;
it can be salty, alcoholic, sour,
and most of the time bitter.

People aren't always nice;
they can be sly, cruel, mean,
but most often, they are a mix of everything
humanity can be.

See, things are not always what we expect them to be,
yet you gotta keep on expecting
for the possibility will always exist.
 Jan 2017
Jessica Hill
I went out for a walk
The other day
9 in the morning
The breeze in the heat felt like grace
Def Leopard in my ears
My mind a million miles away
When I saw a woman
Walking my way
She was taking out the trash and
Something burned in me
This short fragile woman
Shouldn't be out in this hot degree
I said "maam, I can take that for you"
And she offered to pay me
That proposition blew my mind
I laughed and said that's not necessary
She told me about her husband and
How it's been 4 months since he's passed
I said "I'm sorry to hear that"
She said "livin alone's been pretty bad"
She talked about how
He never raised his voice, not even a bit
Every morning before he left for work
He brought her breakfast in bed
They'd been married for 43 years
20 years her elder
She said she wouldn't find a man
Who could treat her any better
In that 30 minute talk
I felt like I lived her life with her
It's amazing the impact people can have
If only we would reach out to help another
He made me feel
Every moment - completely,

Making me want to live
Inside each one - infinitely.

By Lady R.F ©2017
20 Years
 Jan 2017
A cigarette it's like a woman.
When you think it's your last,
you keep craving for more.

Only wish I would still
be close to your lips,
expelled by your lungs,
embodied in your being.
Copyright © irsorai
18/01/2017 - 3:45am
 Jan 2017
Elizabeth Squires
the heart
cannot repair
the heart
in much despair
the heart
missing these pair
the heart
feels the unfair

exiled from the venue
our writing brothers
their words expelled
by unseen smothers

swift the extradition
of a movement quick
the removal done
with a rapidness of click

no more seeing the
works they did ably create
our kinsmen vanishing
off the forum's slate

the heart languishing
without our kindred
being around
the heart so dispirited
their expression fell
silent of sound
 Jan 2017
the blue cast of the moon on tree limbs making
bent by dawns awakening and lovers eyes
the color change a bit from
midnight to dawn
a difference of hue
the color spectrum
changing from bright opal to emerald
mixed on  the palette
by feelings and temporal
the senses are so
they see the world in
 Jan 2017
Emma Elisabeth Wood
I burnt down the metal cage
that confined me

I have broken up with God
and I am blossoming

without his hand pushing
my head down

I eat blackberries straight from
the bush

tasting the dirt where they grew
the tightest bud bursting

into fruit that nurtures me
that sustains me

I am Godless and cageless
I am a woman of

flames, starting fires
wherever I go

burning, burning, turning
into ash

into the very dirt I courted
with my purple stained

The only person
who's never spoken
bad words about me.

By Lady R.F ©2017
To me or about me -
And never behind my back.
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