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 Jun 2017
Pagan Paul
Pillars of sand start shifting,
the loving spoonful curdles tourmaline,
and the moon will be as blood,
darker than the inside of night.
Resonance as Death's hourglass screams
where a blade slices through flesh.
Angels are not supposed to have ******
on clouds of orange musk.

Poems fall like mountain rain,
excellent in obscurity, rich primal green,
reflecting olive trees in starlight,
glancing twice with Capricious intent.
A butterflies wings kiss the breeze,
Free. Serene. Long ago and far away.
In a circle of hearse black tulips
I lay down my shattered heart to die.

© Pagan Paul (16/02/17)
Re-write. PPx
 Jun 2017
Shifting the cloud shapes
its either walls or ether
_ staring and staring.
i am quite a gazer..i like to gaze at the stars and predict shapes of  cotton *****..or may be simply gaze at them wide blue or my pale ceiling perhaps. i relish gazing at the oscillation-- as the trees sway east and west: sometimes north ..most time anywhere the zephyr roars.
 Jun 2017
South by Southwest
I like to roll in thunder
Smoke lightning all night long
I like to drink dark whiskey
From a large hollow log
Mama just shook her head
That one's gonna be a dog

I like to shake those snakes and bones
Give me spades with five cards down
I ain't into living
But it sure beats underground
And I'll meet my maker
In the alley back around

I like mean hearted women
I like to make em squeal
They always come back for seconds
Saying "Is this guy for real"
But they find that I moved on
I like the smell of burning wheels

I like rolling in thunder
Drinking white lightning from a jar
Don't wait up for me baby
I'm aready gone too far

By bye !

P.S. - Don't you even think about calling .
Tie me down to Rose Valley,
my special place,

I'll happily spend
what's left of forever,
in my sacred space.

Lock the gates,
throw-away the keys,

I'm begging you,
Oh please,
Oh please!

Leave me all alone,
let me get lost in the woods,
I'll be just fine,

I know these trees,
like the back of my hands,
this enchanted forest is all mine!

Let me wander around,
let me sit under the sun,

Let me be a prisoner
to such freedom,
I'll willingly do my time
until it's done!

Let me spend
my remaining days in solitude,  
I'll make the most of my time,

I'll never, ever, look for anyone
to complain to,  
I'll never commit such a crime!

Allow me to surrender myself,
assign to me a full life-term,

I can promise you this...
from my special, sacred place,
I shall never, ever, return!

You have my word!

Let it be said!
Let it be heard!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Hope is not in the situations going on around us.
Hope is not on what we can do for ourselves either.
Hope is not something tangible that is of this world.
But Hope is on things that are not yet seen by us.
But Hope is on the Living Savior God Lord Jesus.
On what he is doing for us and at times through us.
Hope is being able to smile even though everything  is..
falling apart all around, even though we are really hurting.
For Hope is something that Christ has put within our hearts.
Her aura was magical,
Layers of bright colours -
A mirror-image of a beautiful rainbow,

She was the smile on a morbid day,
A breath of fresh open air,
She was the high
After feeling low.

She was a warm embrace
After a long lonely day,
A reassuring word,
A hand to hold,

She took you into her heart,
She brought you out of the cold.

She made your heart smile,

Even if only for a short while,

She was contagious,
She was sincere,

She made you happy
Whenever she was near.

She knew who you were,
She extracted your good intentions without you needing to speak
A single word,

She made you feel like you knew her,
All of your natural life,
She never made you feel unheard.

She was a one-of-a-kind, kind of lady,

She encapsulated a heart
That was transparent,
Nothing about her was at all shady.

Her eyes told an intriguing story,
Never-ending in depth and mystery,

She made you want to know
All about her--her complete
Life-long history.

She never pretended to be anything,
But her true self,

Her richness was made up of
Her kindness, and her warm
Loving heart;
This was her grand wealth.

She was a one-of-a-kind, kind of lady,

She encapsulated a heart
That was transparent,
Nothing about her was at all shady.

She made you feel blessed
To have known her - lucky indeed!

She was a rare wild flower;
Overlooked by some,
Unfortunate, for them,
That those few, saw only a ****.

It was sadly their loss,

Someone like her, again,
They would never, ever
Come across!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
 Jun 2017
Willy Shakysphere
One evening, while going to a small concert being held at Martini’s,
I was just entering the door of the establishment when a woman
Was coming out in a rush with tears in her eyes.
I moved as quickly to one side as I could - to give her free passage.
She did the same only to the same side as I and in a most compromising
Manner we solidly ran our two heads together with a thud.
She immediately jumped to the other side to get out of the door.
It seemed as if I were as unlucky as she for as she sprang to one side, so did I -
A second time, and a third – as if I were intentionally trying to block her way.
It was ridiculous and though she smiled through her tears I felt so unbelievably
Inadequate to move anywhere, so finally I just stood still so she could pass.
But the guilt of those tears beckoned me that this literal bumping into each other
Was not by mere chance, so much so that I now had not a reason to see the concert.
So I stepped back out of the doorway and followed her with my eye
As she made her way down the sidewalk.
She looked back at me twice looking like she was running away from me.
To anyone else who might have been watching it might have seemed
As if I were the transgressor and indeed one woman
Entering Martini’s gave me a look of scorn as if I
Were the reason for the woman’s tears.
I shook my head trying to say, “No, it isn’t me,” but it seemed
A futile plea to her as she had condemned me already.
But whether I was to blame or not mattered little
Because as a human being - did I not have the duty to reach out
To any creature who might be in distress?
I made a thought in my head that said that I should apologize
So I started out after her – no that’s not the correct translation –
I lit out after her, whoever she was, hoping that I could be of some assistance.

When I had caught up to her she was standing on the corner hailing a cab.
It was dark and she was dressed all in black and every cab that passed
Acted as if she were invisible.
It was beginning to rain and as I stepped up next to her I took off
My coat and wrapped it around her which at first startled her.
Then I begged her forgiveness for the earlier incident, trying to
Explain that I was merely trying to get out of her way.
She answered that she too was guided by the same intention
Towards me and she said that it was her fault and not mine.
So we reciprocally and sufficiently apologized and thanked
Each other until I saw a cab approaching from down the street.
I stepped out onto the street and whistled at the cabbie and
The driver quickly pulled up beside us.
I opened the back door to the cab and handed her in it
While she squirmed and removed my coat handing it back to me.
One of the buttons on my coat was steadfast hung in her black sweater
And as we both tried to free the button – our heads butted again.
We both laughed as I said that this was the fourth time that our heads
Had met each other tonight.
She put her lips to my ear and whispered,
“I wish to heaven that you would make me a fifth bumping.”
She moved over in the seat and I joined in beside her thinking
How life is too short to be long about the forms of it.
 Jun 2017
Kyle Dal Santo
You said, "The key to happiness is self preservation."
I don't think you know what happiness means.

Clearly, you've never kissed in the freezing rain.
Clearly you've never had *** in a stranger's pool in the middle of the night.
You've probably never had a midnight snowball fight without gloves or a jacket.
There's no way you've ever been on a roller coaster.
You've obviously never taken a punch for a friend.
I'll bet you've never taken the blame for something you're little sister did.
I'm sure you've never gone bike riding through a lightning storm.
And you've most certainly never been in love,
Or moved to a new city with nothing but a suitcase.
Or enlisted in the military.
Or driven into a terrifying part of town to rescue a drunk cousin.
Or committed a serious crime, or deployed a school prank.
Or road tripped to a college and gotten stupid drunk.
Or played tackle football on Thanksgiving with your older cousin's friends.
And you've **** sure never snuck out into the night,
or jumped into a fight for one of your friends.
And something tells me you know nothing of signing your life away for a cause greater than your own.
Have you ever gone paint balling? Or white water rafting?
Rock climbing? Street racing?
Have you ever played with fireworks?
Or shared a meal with a homeless person?
Didn't think so.
Have you ever played truth or dare? Probably not.
You've never quit your job to pursue a dream,
you've never rolled the dice of fate, knowing death could be as probable as life.
And you **** sure have never willingly given your self fully to another, to do with whatever they please, because without them you'll never be whole again.
And there's no way in Hell you've ever begged out into the darkness to trade your life with a family members, wishing to take their pain away and wear it like a trophy so they can be happy again.

You see, the key to HAPPINESS is LIFE.
The key to LIFE is being ALIVE.
And the preservation of the moments, and people that make you feel alive, that remind you how precious and beautiful being alive is.
And in order to feel alive, sometimes you have to put your life on the line, and live a little dangerously.
Sometimes that means not knowing where your life is gonna go.
Sometimes it means preserving someone else's life before you're own.
Because happiness is knowing your life is worth living.
Save your preservation for when you're dead.
By then it won't matter anyways.
But hey, what do I know?
You'll be a perfect corpse some day. Way prettier than mine.
Kyle D.
 Jun 2017
Anne Curtin
Dry my tears, but do not touch me.
Go away, but don't leave me alone.
I am tangled in terror, tiredness, confusion.
So tell me again how I am safe, strong, and free.
Go ahead. Tell me again.
 Jun 2017
Anne Curtin
Home is clean sheets on Tuesdays.
Piles of poetry defy gravity, over-sized
soft  t-shirts in the closet and always
enough Diet Coke in the fridge.

Home is the cat muttering about nothing.
Lists for Doctors, for Target, for God.
Popcorn for dinner, music instead of  news.
Windows open in January for different air.

Home is breakfast, then leaving for meetings
or other hard things, then I come back, back, back.
No matter what the day brings, this is how
I get to next Tuesday again, again, again.
From list of prompts I found when packing to move.
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