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 Aug 2019
Bijan Rabiee
Life is a puzzle
That won't be solved
By the argument of your mind.
It can neither be cracked
In ivory towers
Nor in the parlors of grapevine.
The mystery of life
Crowns the benighted
With a twist of a wand
Leaving the enlightened
To commune with the dark.
At best, it is a glass enclosure
Attuning your moves
Along the belt of blessing
Beneath the shelter of stars
And at its worst,
A dungeon floor
Delineating your lot
In unbending reality
Under the dome of despair.
Exposed to eternal pumping
Of raw information,
Student of life knows
But a speck of curricula
At any given time
The process of life's lessons
Extends well beyond the grave
Not even multiple lifetimes
May suffice to scratch the surface
Let alone discover the core
Yet the student of life
Knows no limit
Goes to village today
And metropolis tomorrow
Mounts a mustang to Shangri-la
Hops on a boat to outland.
Tantamount to the amount of stars
Are pictures of life
Full of synonyms and antonyms
Boding inflections and reflections
Of thought, taste and bearing
In the academy of day-and-night.
 Aug 2019
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
 Aug 2019
Why was I sent on this earth? 
What do I want in this life? 
The pursuit of purpose along 
the trail of destiny
The true meaning of living, 
surpassing just mere existence
A life that doesn't feel void or empty
The utmost reward is a feeling of fulfillment.
 Aug 2019
Matthew Berkshire
Is the feeling when
you are not enough,
for someone who is
everything for you.
 Aug 2019
Carmen Jane
You're not lost, just because you didn't comb today
I see you here, yet your thoughts are drifting away ...
You rake the leaves, with your bare hands,
You try to see, where your future stands.

You're not lost,  just because you need a break,
I see you smile, while trying to hide your heartache
You collect the dirt, under your fingernails,
As you walk barefoot and cover your trails.

I still see you, underneath the falling leaves,
I hear your voice say "thank you"  and "please"
I see your true smile, glowing in your eyes,
You're the only reason, my soul survives.
The cursor curses the wait

thru the blinks it sniffs
something is amiss

it can't though surmise the cause
of the pause
but guesses the abyss

elusive shapes and shadows
a void that grows
the lost surge

the jumble in the head
the missing thread
the moribund urge.

There's so much to right
and nothing to write.
 Aug 2019
real love
dreams together
hopes together
works together
each of their days
loving each other  
trusting each other
respecting each other
that is all that matters
 Aug 2019
Bijan Rabiee
Within boat of words and views,
Ink my sinker and paper my bait,
I go casting line after line
Upon the waters of Muse.
Fingers putter the pole of play
Anticipating hook's fetter
Eyes and ears survey the waves
That may bring rhythm's freight.
As lips of verse grip the sense
Hand rustles to reel out the take
Before tension becomes tatter
And free the lay in lady's lake.
Come and join us
You will fit in well
Our minds intwine
We are all of a kind.

Let's make plans
And lets shake hands
Together we get on fine.
So welcome to the Club.

You have a face that fits
So stay within our circle
Together we all click.
Have you ever felt that you are not
Part of a click and you are some what left out of things.
Not a very well written poem but I wrote it some years ago when I felt
I wasn't part of a group of people. I didn't feel welcomed.
Farewell, farewell, farewell unto thee,

Hands of time; 'Tis time to run free.

Though Sun is burning bright to behold

Her sprinkling ripples of opalescent gold

Through trees bedight in robes of green,

Evoking wild lonely leaves to preen

To the sussuration of zephyr's whispers

Sweet as of nymphs beside rollin' rivers,

Nevermore in a pit of thoughts to hide

But far deep in Mandeville Canyons ride.

Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
      Los Angeles, California.
Penned today on riding through Mandeville Canyons. I wish we had an option of sharing poems with pics, only then ye wouldst have known how beauteous Mandeville Canyons in Los Angeles is.

#Mandeville Canyon #Ride #Adventure #Pulchritude
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