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 Jul 2015
K Balachandran
Stillness of night reigns,
pale full moon conveys
something subtly ambiguous
to each one looking at her
from their respective stand points,
the most painful feelings
echo in the heart of the lover
alone in this jungle hideout
on a blind pursuit of
another kind of happiness
he can't forgo, even if he wishes.
Now the stillness is broken glass
roar of a big cat out in the wild
hunting the best of preys well fed,
an ecstatic mating call,
of an amorous parakeet,fallows,
In the rule of the jungle,
pain and pleasure co exist
any moment, like darkness and light,
the wheel moves on, interminably for ever.
 Jul 2015
poetessa diabolica
Hungered for a taste
  of your elixir's essence,
drunken inhalations
   of your poetry
a splendiferous whirl
 of time & space 'tween
darkly scented moons
    and sun's adoration,
blithe starry nights
amidst meditative new
dawn's effervesce,
 spirited of the heart,
gleaned in the soul,
yearnings of another
  chapter's paradise
universal experiences
etched of hourglass sand,
 written upon endlessly
    chimerical verses
wildflower gardens drenched
    of dandelion's plum wine
swooning under a
hypnotic scripted spell,
intoxicating power
of unchained symphonies
dancing amongst skies'
released euphoria
 resonating in a song's
   reprised melodies,
breathlessness of delirium's
  celestial pauses
  in vaporous breezes'
  unfurling undulation,
captivated by rhythmic
  destiny reverberating in
     *****' pleasurable calling
  quenched of sacred
     offering's quell
transcending earthly
   persuasions' rhyme,
let me lick the nectar from
   your  poesy's  insatiable  lips,
sweet mercy's healing
   captured in rapturous
   surrender's reawakening ~

Je veux que vous tous,

tu me manques*

Ce que vous manquez de moi?
Je te veux - I want you
tu me manques - I miss you
 Jul 2015
Mike Hauser
the secret to prolific
is to never rest the rhyme
never give a second chance
to words in the midst of dying
never take no for an answer
when there's writing to be had
never stop to give it up
when one last thought is left
the secret to prolific
is when all this is met
 Jul 2015
Ann M Johnson
I would  be a stand up comedian but I fall down too much
I am a bit accident prone, I just got off of crutches that I used do to a knee injury,  having humor helps though!
 Jul 2015
Gwen Johnson
Am I a hopeless romantic
Or a hopeless girl
I'm always dreaming for something more
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