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 Jun 2014
Charlie Chirico
The firewood kept beside the fence post was soggy, surly was the evening weather, and Mother Nature was redefining the word torrential
A drop to the eye, rendering it senseless. On one side of the spectrum, a crystal or a rock comes from dirt. Although that other side, the side of the spectrum that enlightens by color. A yellow or a blue or a red are useful.
So by that exploitation will become the
puzzle pieces of which the artist creates. Imagine having a thought cross and be ignored. Saying that, maybe the Earth isn't flat, and maybe a Christmas card is not as commercial as it is ceremonial. Perception is one side to say, but the gentleman pouring gasoline on a fire is far from the man asking for a drink shaken, not stirred.
When the fire becomes everlasting, water will not quench a thirst for destruction, and that is because there has never been an accident that could ever be everlasting. The man that knows that does not exit the house with a helmet. He simply raises the proverbial glass and swallows what is in front of him. At times the end brings a sweetness. The only other times are consumed with a bitterness. One that an artist knows as he takes his shot of whiskey, but not of the man that is readily available to set himself on fire. That is a drop of rain on your tongue. At the beginning it is too fragile to become a warning, but at the end it is what separates lands and lives. That is why saltwater and tears aren't that much different.
 Jun 2014
Charlie Chirico
The handle
to the front door won't budge,
but it can still be locked
from the inside.
The overgrowth is five years
in the making, vines took over
this home of once improvement.
I don't believe we ever
owned a gas can.
A boarded up pool.
The one in which the dog died.
His body was as bloated as my eyes. The puppy in the pictures still hung in the basement beside the kicked in window.
Leaves and insects rest
on the linoleum floor, a cohabitation that was formed out of vacancy.
A long dresser left ajar from wood paneling, insects crawling around,
not that one would know how they
got there. Old paperwork and letters survived. The assumption is that the moths never arrived to join the spiders nestled in their leaves.
Both longhand and typed sentences that spoke of longing, love (young love), happiness, direction, and lastly evaluation. Broken glass fixed against the dresser, a reflection shows.
The dirt and grime is of a
subconscious level.
One that exceeds the proximities
of the appropriate metaphor.
So what is seen is loss.
And although this occurrence
comes as a new beginning, the best solution at the given moment may perhaps be a broom and a dustpan.
 Jun 2014
happily anonymous
everyone knows I'm pretty
most know I'm smart
my parents know that my voice is like and angel singing to the people of heaven
and everyone knows I'm stick thin
no one knows how hard it is to look this way.
you must weigh yourself every day
you have workout 3 times a day
and most important of all you must remember that pretty girls don't eat
anorexia is not to be toyed with
 Jun 2014
Olivia Kent
Get out of my house she screamed,
wasn't at all a bit like it seemed,
behind him,
she slung his carrier bags,
an old sleeping bag,
and a bundle of rags,
after a row,
silly cow,
she said,
you're not welcome here.
was just a stupid row,
and she's not  really a silly cow.

That night,
the evening fell into disquiet,
the once loving moments had turned into a riot.
dragged his carriers behind him as he walked down the street,
tripping over his muddled up feet,

Night fell, so did he,
In much distress a bloodied mess,
landed on homeless spikes,
landed hard,
landed fast,
anchored to the spot,
poor sod,
not terribly long,
but that poor fellow,
well he punctured a lung,
A passing friend,
noticed his distress,
called the paramedics to come and assess,

Carted him off to the hospital,
the one that still had an A+E,
stuffed in a chest drain,
a little more pain,
and then,
along came the brief,
gave the company grief,

Received a big payout,
went home to the wife,
you remember the one,
who first gave him the strife.
(C) Livvi
Anti-homeless spikes in London created this bizarre write!
 Jun 2014
Luna Lynn
rolling tears of satin pain
left from a night of passion's reign

now in a hell of great disguise
i'm a victim of my own demise
(C) Maxwell 2014
 Jun 2014
Joe Cole
On this day 70 years ago they stormed across the sand
Boys of many nations to remove the tyrants hand
Heros all those boys so young who shed their blood for us
In that ****** fight for freedom

Across the sand they struggled neath a hail of shot and shell
Never glancing backwards as around them comrades fell
Fear was in their eyes, terror in their hearts
Many never made it and twas on foreign sand they died

Yes they died to give us the freedom that we have got this day
They died to free the world, for us they made the play
Boys from ever walk of life crossed the beaches there
Office clerks and farmers and the ones who cut our hair

Yes they were heroes all who gave their lives for us
But lets not forget the few who made it possible
The girls who made the shells, the men who built the tanks
They were the unsung heroes
They have also have earned our thanks

Without their dedication to the task they had in hand
Many more would have lost their lives on that shell torn blood stained sand
They to can hold their heads up high, they knew they did their bit
In bringing freedom to the masses when they broke the tyrants grip
Afternote... nearly all 4,400 allied soldiers died on those beaches 70 years ago today
 Jun 2014
C Michael Higgins
Love can be lonely
When you're in love with love
 Jun 2014
Luna Lynn
I cringed
at the very thought
of losing you

and almost died
when I found out I did
(C) Maxwell 2014
 Jun 2014
mark john junor
truths triage could not spare him as he was
trying to look angelic on a boatload of sinners
hes chained to his uttered story despite its flaws
he wrote it with the ink of despairs wisdom
despite knowing despair will lie to you as often as its dark brother fear
he carved his fate in the slippery wet stone of his pasts deeds
and theres no escaping the truth in that mirrors face
three am in a ***** motel room
the greasy light reveals the man within
unleashes the beast
and mourns all that could have been

(((thirty six dutch girls holding hands
walk in the shadows....
thirty six dutch girls
smooth to the makeup perfection on arrival
laughing and giving peck on the cheek hello's
the crowd into the booths at the back
a noisy forest of chatter and purses clutter
thirty six slender dutch girls
powdered and perfumed
come to build a romance of the mind
every single one of them dreams vividly of
real love and wanting something better than this emptiness
this is no way to live)))

bent tens ways to sunday but never really broken
he keeps on keeping on pounding flesh to footpath
hoping to escape reason with muttered excuses
hoping to beat the dawn keep the night alive for
just one more whimsical delight
he writes his fate indelible while lying to no-one
that its just a phase he's going through
****** his chained hands at the obscured waters
but once you start down the trail of tears
only the truth will set your sight free
four am in the motel parking lot
and the birds herald a coming dawn
this is no way to live
 Jun 2014
Jordan Lee Mercer
My life does not stretch out before me like the yellow brick road, nor does it cling to the past like the nostalgic mush of the old, it is a maelstrom of now and wonder with the eye my calm abode. The memories of fear and joy
always erode, as the pouring here lands hard in droves, and the
beauty of current crackles then explodes.
I try to deflect the winds of time, I try
to shelter my memories
of you, and I try
to ground my booming
poetics in the little solid I know, but these
ephemeral reprieves are the total domain of
my weapons against my world, and my raging
present is ultimately all I have to offer.
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