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 Aug 2014
Le Lotus
It is like I'm in another place
An obviously strange world
Too many suicide attempts
Too many blood and too many tears

But it is not a sad world
There is love in the heart
There is happiness, sweetness and

It is a words world
"scars" "blood" "hurt" "fire"
"release" "trapped" "love"
"air" "breath"

It is a place where
People in invisible cages asked for freedom
People with problems asked for an escape
People in love dancing in the air
People with one sided love imagine a turned back

It is here
Where words describe heart
Where words bring tears to the eyes.
A great escape from real world
I am glad I found Hello Poetry. Whenever I feel bad or down I can just simply post poems here and feel ease as if the whole probs been lifted up from my shoulders. It is a great place to express feeling.
 Aug 2014
Nat Lipstadt
Sittin' on the dock of the bay,
Watching the sun slip, Simon-says, slide away,
Cheeks blushing flushing from orange ray-guns,
Drinking blush rosé to oil our eyes
For the subtle story the sky shortly will reveal,
For the subtle story the sky shortly will revel.

Grievous judgement to make,
Thinkin' skills possessed to praise,
When but yesterday I easy confessed,
When at the Blue Canoe (another poem),
I did not.

(The clouds were magnificent. No, I cannot write a poem about the cloud colors. Their shape shifting inexhaustible.  Mine eyes high on their creativity.  I'm just not good enough a poet to tamper with that sky.)

If you courage enough to
Call yourself poet, then
It is audacity, not blood,
Warming your extremities,
So foolishly try, always be prepared to fail.

No impulse. We pledged that tonight, ours,
One hour of sunset over Silver Beach.
Brought the wine, forgot the pillows,
So Abraham & Isaaca went prepared to sacrifice
All feelings in their butts for the greater glory
Of love and one of nature's great poetic challenges..

The conundrum~miracle of every sunset
O'er bay, lake or ocean, is its special,
Only-In-Nature unique way of customizing
Its descent just for you.

No matter where one observes,
No matter where you worship,
Wherever your temple, mosque or church situé,
Tennessee, Rhode Island, the Philippines,
Germany, Colombia, even in the ole U.K.,
(yes, you, know it, yes you)
The very same setting sun we all see,
Sends a magic dazzle gold orange path invitation
To the exact spot you are voyeuring,
One sun, all destinations equal before human.

How can that be?

Trepidation and tremblingly,
The clouds.

She leans on me, a perfect fit,
My back resting against a pylon,
So we see the clouds
With common exactitude,
But it is a quiet time, silence only shared.
Images stored silently within ourselves,
For we see the formation, man, woman,
Precisely and exactly, totally differently.

The clouds.
An armada moving imperial and imperiously
At a stately speed, saying I am awesome, fear me.
The largest cloud bank is an aircraft carrier,
Miles long, painted horizon blue-grey unsurprisingly.

The small white wisps, fast destroyers, stealthy submarines,
Moving fast to protect the mother ship,
Running random to confuse enemy radar and the
Pathetic, limited, human eye.

The colors.
Here I fail willingly, unashamedly.
So many sunsets, so many hearts,
All different, all the same.
Lacking knowledge, I cannot tender,
I cannot offer you tenderness to love
The variety of oranges, gold, varietals interspersed
With pinks singeing the cornea,
And mock myself for all my meager brain yields is
Good Humor creamsicle...a delicious irony

You who write after midnight
Of razor blades, pills and shotguns,
And not marked two decades even, on this planet,
You want hard,
Write a poem about a sunset in ways never done before.

You, who are wracked with despair
Speak to the man with no job for months
And mouths to feed and a life insurance policy.
Speak to me.

I want to tell you to get over yourself,
But you reject that old saw.
Get onto to yourself.

I have walked the hallways of deep despair,
Heard the bells ring between periods that signal only the next
And to this day, still do,
But still I try to write external of sunsets and greater glories.

How many lives depend on you? Are you proud of your weakness?
Do you hate me yet for acknowledging out loud,
We are both cowards?

I have five mouths to feed,
Before I parse a morsel.
One less than two times three,
What do you have but to
Grow yourself?

Yeah coward.
Too yellow to write about a
Yellow sunset, cause that is hard in a way incomprehensible
Until tried.
Or the passing of your mother who could not speak clearly
But you, thru her eyes knew that she had poems to yet recite.
Run away like I did ashamed with frustrated failure.
Why should I coddle, give you easy soft?
If you come here to share, well and good.
If you come here to find comfort, good.
So gaze upon these words and feel
The love that only experience has earned.

What do you know of heartbreak?
Imprisoned for decades in a loveless life,
I walked by the water nightly, so tempted
To stay, to not pass by but pass on,
Yes, the same waters where I CinemaScoped
Yesterday's sunset, and walked away.

You can read about it if you look,
Look me up, look here, the story is in my poems, but always,
Look up!

So do something hard, something external.
Fail but love yourself more for just having tried.
Then try something else.

The saddest poem ever wrote
Was not yours, where you titillate with daring words
Razors, pills etc.,
The saddest poem ever writ
Was this one, a meager vanity to capture a
Sunset that keeps trying every day to
Its previous glorious failure,
Like we should too.
Keep trying

Now, I shall rest,
For I know that soon I shall see, feel, think,
Of something new that will make me eager to
Write a new poem.

August 3~5, 2013
Written and posted here one year ago today. Strangely, it fits my mood exactly, again, today, 2014. Edited for clarity here and there...

*If you courage enough to
Call yourself poet, then
It is audacity, not blood,
Warming your extremities,
So foolishly try, always be prepared to fail.
 Aug 2014
Musfiq us shaleheen
words are making a dark sound,
last three days I moved a few spells
spaces have lost in the expanding universe,
where we are jingling on hopes
who is playing mystical sounds?
my hours are passing on toiling,
sun goes down slowly
evening star moves toward black hole,
shadow flees over the horizon
I can see afar off —
though the heavens teem with stars,
an uncounted host of them
and though the moon,
she who rules the night,
reflects her rays of borrowed light
yet the darkness is not wounded,
the aggression of the night continues —

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Time plays a shadow role, hopes are away form me ..
dark flees all around and continues aggression..
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
I remember running down the halls in high school while people shouted, that I should try out for track
The reason that I ran so fast and no one had my back was my bully
It was not just his words I feared though his words often made me feel ill
I got the chills when he tried to set me on fire ,when I had on a dress my sister made for me
I tried to report it to a respected teacher at school, who said that he could not help it, because he lost his mom
I still felt that something was wrong about this teacher's logic
I reported it to my sister and the bully's lighter got taken away
I got harassed by the bully and his friends about his lighter being taken away, they called me a Narc
I felt better though that I talked about it, instead of hiding it inside
It felt right to shed some light and make it know that bullying is wrong
I recently heard on the news, now bully's have a new tool, via text and online cyber bully
A 12 year old girl recently took her own life after a few girls bullied her for a number of month's.
I think those girls should be charged with a crime as if they murdered her. It was not right that they took away her self esteem and confidence till she felt like she could not take it anymore
She gave up the fight, I wonder if her parents knew and I wonder if the other girl's parent's knew what they were up to when they bullied her
I wish this tragic event could have been avoided I feel for the parents loss
People need to know that bullying comes with a great cost, one's life which is priceless
I saw the story on the news which saddened me, and it brought up some memories of when i was bullied
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
A marshmallow slowly roasted over a campfire
Some chocolate oozing down my face
some gram crackers  crunching under my teeth
I can't always make smores but I can have some more
I want some more kindness to put a smile on my face
I want to express that kindness to others around me
I want some more quality time with family
I want some more good friends to surround me
I want to be a great friend in return
I want some more compassion to ground me
I want more passion when I right even if it keeps me at night
I want the sight to find the beauty around me and you
Do you want smores too?
Do you want some more in life?
Please reply if you like smores
Please reply with what you want some more of in life.
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
One day there was a bright glowing canvas, a pure sparkling white
It was beautiful, but not complete
Then someone came along and drew lines on it to form flowers and mountains and streams, it was more beautiful and it made the natural white look more distinct
Then one day someone else added color and the canvas radiated and became more and more complete, it seemed whole and functional
Suddenly, one day someone came along and slew the canvas, destroying its color till it showed black, and an ugly black
The canvas seems so drab so empty without its color, so lifeless
People refused to help the canvas, refused to anything about the canvas slayer refused to listen to the canvas’ plea
Instead the canvas slayer’s free to roam free to hurt and damage other canvas
Who will restore the canvas?
Who will bring justice?
Why is the canvas slayer free to roam while the canvas feels imprisoned, crushed, victimized?
Why is the canvas treated like a criminal?
When will the canvas feel free, joyful and peaceful?
 Aug 2014
why are we so obsessed
with fixing ourselves
or finding someone else who will

we're not puzzles
or riddles
or broken

we're not really lost
we're wandering
we are travellers

we're neither things
we are human
we are feelings

we don't need someone to
complete us
or fix us

stop trying to convince yourself
that you need for someone
to replace that loneliness

light a fire
and let yourself feel the warmth
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
Sometimes I write and it feels right to share for many eyes to see. and it is fun to share
Other times the words do not seem to come out alright or it feels
to personal to me
Those times I'm Ok with writing and not fighting the feelings: even if it is just for an audience of one
 Aug 2014
Gwen Johnson
Its funny how friends can be
So close but so far away
Or so far away but so close
Its funny how
Some friends talk forever online
but barely say a thing in person
And some talk forever in person
But barely say a thing online
Its funny how you can miss a friend
but feel them with you all the time
 Aug 2014
Gwen Johnson
We all have to fall
into this oblivion
This dark
This new
but if you open your eyes
I'm here too
I know the path well now
I brought a light
And if you want me to
I'll walk by your side
 Aug 2014
Gwen Johnson
Stores keep selling beauty to girls
Now the sad fate is
They don't know their beauty comes from within
 Aug 2014
Gwen Johnson
I'll call you hidden
I can almost just see you as you are
As someone I might actually like
But you try to be someone who'll be liked
And I know what it feels like for society to push you to that
But that's not how you know me so I won't tell
So I'll call you hidden

I'll call you cookie
'Cause although your sweet
It's not long before you're gone
So I'll call you cookie

I'll call you hugs
You're kind and caring
You're warm
You're understanding
I miss you when you're gone
I'll call you hugs

I'll call you home
You bring me warmth
You're comfortable to be around
And somehow everything leads back to you
I'll call you home

I'll call you music
You have many moods
But I love them all
You're inviting
And you make me feel worthwhile
I'll call you music

And you
You I'll call you beautiful
You know why?
Because you are
 Aug 2014
Gwen Johnson
I don't know how you can look at me
And insist you've done nothing wrong
Like I should believe you
But by now I know you
I know how you turn it on me
Though I didn't do anything particularly wrong
Yet you blame me
You make me feel small
So you can act big
But you can stop the act
No need for a show
This isn't a game
So there's nothing to win
Though you'll keep your act till the end
You don't deserve a trophy for it
I wasn't pleased with your act
I won't stand back transfixed
I won't shed tears
Because this time
I didn't believe the performance
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