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 Nov 2014
as long as it's night here
over there it will be morning

great things will be said tomorrow,
but not as great as for the world
not to remain the same.

you brought keys bigger than the doors
that must be opened.
there is so much noise behind, on the corridors,
and how little one can hear here!

maybe we advanced more than we should have.
maybe the last in the line have found the exit
exactly where we came in.
maybe, pulled away from the hinges,
the room took off away from us.

and we put keys in left and right
search for doors that don't exist,
we insist in not ever raising our eyes.

where shouldn't we have entered? from where
shouldn't we have gotten out?
the friend says this summer will be long
and that the wars will be put off again,
because birth have been again
too few this year.
therefore once more will remain only the war against oneself.

now, good night. day breaks here too.
the room drew back from us long ago,
and we keep groping even now with the keys for the doors.

what are you doing? you put your key between my ribs.
you wanna get in? are you struggling to get out?
or only to open and nothing more?

i told you: outside it is summer and it's sunny.
outside there is no longer what you thought.
get out of my bedclothes, i come from hell
and my flesh is burning with horror.

Ioan Es. Pop, **The Livid Worlds
Ioan Es. Pop (born 1958) is a Romanian poet.
 Nov 2014
Phoenix Rising
Our love was complex
It was real, though
really real
One day, something tragic occurred
And I still loved you so much
But there was an undeniable pain that wouldn't dissipate
It couldn't be healed from more love or separation
trust me I tried everything
So, I decided to just become invisible
Or at least that's how I feel now
I love you so much there is no room *forspaces
 Nov 2014
Ann M Johnson
Thanksgiving wishes I send your way
Thanksgiving wishes for a joyous day
May your day be peaceful
May good food be plentiful
May your have enough without getting too stuffed
May you enjoy your day
May you come back refreshed and renewed
May you have lots of great things to write about
Happy Thanksgiving to You
 Nov 2014
Donna Bella
Betrayal hurts
It's the feeling a person gives you when they hurt you intentionally
It's the feeling he gave me 15 minutes ago
It's the feelings that's going to make me not love you anymore
It's the feelings that I've losed for you
I'm done with you have a nice life
I supported everything you did
Just to have betrayal knocking on my front door
Remember that karma is a *****
 Nov 2014
Ann M Johnson
I am experiencing some Holiday anxiety
It is not over finding the right gift
Not over making a list
Not over cards I need to write
Not over the baking I have to do
I think my holiday stress is effecting my baked goods
They burned in the oven just today
I threw them away
The biggest source of Holiday stress
Visiting family I have not seen in a long time
It just might be a test of my patience
I guess I will wait and see what tomorrow brings
Visiting Family for Thanksgiving
 Nov 2014
Where can I find 
the meaning of peace
when someone's dying every second
because of an empty plate 
and weapons that end a fate

Who can we blame
For the massacre that never ends
Where lives of innocence
treated like ants
Ignorance of what we don't know
Blinded by the media who always
puts on a show

Why is it that we rage 
when we have words
flowing from our minds, 
giving all the answers 
in a rough day

When will this end?
The earth's crying
"Please just **** me completely"
Viruses and disease
engulfs the poverty
But not the rich?
Are we really that blind to see
They preach justice but own the earth to attain power

How bad is the earth's wounds
as blood slowly drips
polluting the soil
creating trapped remains
buried deep in the ground,
never wanting to be found

Every cry of a new born child
Burnt, due to the one who
preached peace
But enslaving the innocence
Not able to savour the taste of the earth
Every mother bathe in blood
Crying in agony as the child dies

Every day is a war that everyone must fight to survive...

but why do they choose to fight, when they can choose to live in peace?


*-Adele ft. Erenn
It's time to speak our minds about what has been happening in the world every single day. The struggle, the pain, the suffering of nations. This chaos is starting and it's destroying humanity. If we are the key in
a.) making things worse, we can also be the key from b.) stopping the plague. We have the freedom to make our own choices. So, why not choose the right choice?

[an inspiring collab with Erenn]
 Nov 2014
Gizmo Peterson
You were there many years ago
But fate made it so you had to go
Then you came back in my life
We were happy
Then meddling people made you go again
How I miss my friend
 Nov 2014
Jose Amezcua
The enchantment of it all
That is what we all search for
The swooning, the fluttering
The capturing of that which is insubstantial
We spend hours, day, weeks
Imagining the perfect half
Yet I ask
Is that love?
Love is more than an ideal
It is culmination of two souls
Not to be their savior
But an equal partner
Who will walk through the darkness
Into the light that is their lives, together

I ask the fated angel when will it come
Anxiously waiting for the coming days
Alluding as the this unattainable feeling is
Its still manages to give me the rough and tumble
That's what it is
That's why we fight for it
 Nov 2014
Vanessa Gatley
God this is a long week
Just want some kind of spark to happen
The trail never seems to end
SOo long
Where's the light in you
Maybe then will i be alright
Through your smile
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