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 Sep 2015
Trust shouldn't be our problem.
Because Love is not love without Trust.
 Sep 2015
Why am I even here?
“Why are we even here?”
It’s not something I’m asked if I’d like to do...
“It's because we’re forced to!”
Teachers that no longer care,
Assignments I can hardly bare,
Anxiety that I wish not to share...
Every whirl of motivation I had sloshing around in my brain,
It all seems to flow down the drain!
Students. Always.
Climbing their way to the top of the social food chain
In any way possible.
While I sit here on the side slide lines,
Contemplating why they try,
So hard for something that'll end in 4 years!
None of this means anything.
"It's all a test!"
"A meaningless game!"
That most students misunderstand
All the teachers complain now a days
It doesn't even matter they say
So long as they get paid
"Am I right?"
They care not for kids that sit in the back of the class
Their hands trembling at the thought of getting called on to speak
Or the kids whose bodies are shaking because they will have to present their project next,
"Oh, how meek!
School is harder for some people than it is others,
And sadly I am not the latter.
I'm bored in class
Because everything they teach is the same
Every year, the only difference is that there's more details, there's never any aim,
For what they try to teach.
This has driven me to an immense amount of boredom
I no longer have the ambition to learn something new
Because I'll already learn what I already knew!
Top that off with speeches, presentations, and reading in front of the class
"There, now you've made a girl as fragile as glass..."
Copywrite Ashrah
Just some thoughts on school
 Sep 2015
Ronnie James Corbin
I want to be a travelling teacher.
I want my life to be a lesson.
Spread a psalm of love to those who remain ignorant
In the dark corners of the world.

I want to hug every decrepit old person
And kiss the forehead of every baby.
I want to relieve the stress of the working class
And show mothers that I understand their struggle.

It is only through love that we can change this place.
Compassion be the sword that cuts through bigotry.
Let us heal our wounded spirits.
Let us feed our young.
Let us forget, even for a moment, the law of the land
To reenact the basic laws of man.

Be gentle, and kind.
We only get one life.
Use it wisely, and maybe,
Our children will grow as the lotus,
And bloom above these murky waters
Of selfishness and ambition.

Come together.
 Sep 2015
don't get up-ended by an opinion
its your choice, its your decision
give attention to the world you live in
but stiffened conditions get no permission

don't get caught up in the occasion
in the equation of living in cages
give attention to the cage you rage in
but creation invaders have no persuasion
i don't remember if i posted this here before...don't let others who project their paranoia, change who you are, or how you write...or you start to turn into them
 Aug 2015
Shilah Kent
I discovered a new part of me.
A part that loved mornings
and that found beauty in my surroundings.
A part that enjoyed watching sunsets
and romanticizing a simple stroll through the park.
A part that believed in positivity
and finding the good in everyone.

But that part of me is no longer here.
It disappeared around the same time you did.  
All I could think of is getting you back,
of getting that part of me back from you,
so I could be complete again.
Until I realized you did not take that part with you,
you did not take anything.
That part of me was hidden,
because you taught me how to love everything,
but myself.

Four years later and I realize
I have nothing to thank you for.
I found myself with you, and found myself again without you.
In the end, you made no difference.
You were not and never will be essential to my life,
for I do not only love mornings and my surroundings anymore,
I now love **myself
 Aug 2015
It ***** to be a realist. To know that the world can be terrible and at the same time be filled with the possibilities of the wonderful. And then there's you, the poor realist, who somehow has all this truth and hope and idea of everything black and white, good or bad. So you build up this fear inside you, this pain that everything can go either ways of opposing extremes and there's nothing you can do about it except go on  and live with both sides.
A rant of annoying levels
 Aug 2015
Let us help do what we can for animals everywhere
The rest of the world can be animal abusive
But that doesn't mean we have to
We can help do as much as possible
To stop animal abuse
Or we can just go our way
And do nothing whatsoever
Stand up for what's right

Sorry if this steps on anyone's toes,
But I believe that we should do what we can
To help stop animal abuse...
And I am trying to think of what I can do to stop it...
Another thing I don't like is how you have to be rich nowadays
Just to ensure your pet can live longer...
And that is partly why so many animals have to be put to sleep
I know, because it's happened to me and my family
But I intend to do something about it
And I encourage you all to the same...
It doesn't even have to be something big...
Thanks for taking the time to read this...
And sorry if I sound rude here...
I certainly wasn't trying to be...
And thank you for your time!!
 Jul 2015
We don't hate the world we see,
we only loathe the society where no one can flee.
Ask for a cup of hot tea,
they'd judge you for not drinking a coffee.
Simple things, they'd make it as serious issues;
Serious matters, they'd pretend it doesn't exist.
Unknown people will always be ignored,
everyone knows their hardships, but no one cared enough to end it.
The popular ones have had their sufferings too,
I'm asking, why only them get the sympathy?
Aren't we all pretty?
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